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jayd1860 edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 1 revision

UI Name :

Syntax :
mlAct = hmrR_PruneChannels(data, probe, mlActMan, tInc, dRange, SNRthresh, SDrange)

Description :
Prune channels from the measurement list if their signal is too weak, too strong, or their standard deviation is too great. This function updates MeasListAct based on whether data 'd' meets these conditions as specified by'dRange' and 'SNRthresh'.

Inputs :

  • d - SNIRF object containing time course data (nTpts x nChannels )
  • probe - SNIRF object describing the probe - optode positions and wavelengths.
  • mlActMan -
  • dRange - if mean(d) < dRange(1) or > dRange(2) then it is excluded as an active channel
  • SNRthresh - if mean(d)/std(d) < SNRthresh then it is excluded as an active channel
  • SDrange - will prune channels with a source-detector separation < SDrange(1) or > SDrange(2)

Outputs :

  • mlAct - cell array of all data blocks - each data block is an array of true/false for all channels in the containing data block specifying active/inactive status. (# of data blocks x # of Channels)

Usage Options :

  • Prune_Channels: mlActAuto = hmrR_PruneChannels(data, probe, mlActMan, tIncMan, dRange, SNRthresh, SDrange)

Default Parameters :

  • dRange: [1e4, 1e7]
  • SNRthresh: 2
  • SDrange: [0.0, 45.0]
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