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Releases: ArthurClemens/primer_live


03 Nov 15:44
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Note: access links from the official documentation

  • Text input: Set disabled color on read-only field with inset style.
  • Checkbox group and Radio group: Show required marker in legend.
  • Action menu and Select menu: Added attribute offset_x to define the absolute offset for the menu on the horizontal axis.
  • Header: added attributes variant="base" to create a light colored header, and is_compact for a smaller vertical height.
  • Updated upstream Primer Design System libraries. This update includes a number of changes to modified CSS Custom Properties.
    • Updated upstream dependency @primer/css to 21.5.0.
    • Added @primer/view-components version 0.34.0. This is the Rails version of Primer Design, which is the most developed so far.
    • Updated Octicon icons to version v19.12.0.
  • Added support for right-to-left languages.
  • Added support for @scope, allowing PrimerLive to be used alongside other CSS libraries. See usage instructions in Installation.
  • Added documentation Styling. This contains notes about styling with custom CSS and pre-made classes, reusing styled components and support for right-to-left languages.


Standalone form_control as wrapper is soft-deprecated.

The use of form_control as wrapper component around a form input component was causing compatibility issues with displaying validation messages. Since input components should be able to display a validation message even when not wrapped inside a form_control, it became difficult to distinguish between a validation messages originating from the form_control and one originating from the nested input.

With the introduction of checkbox_group and radio_group in version 0.5, there has been less need for a standalone form control wrapper.

Overall, moving form_control to the background and using it only as an internal component resolves a range of problems.

See "Updating to 0.9" below.


  • form_group was soft-deprecated in 0.5.0 and has been removed, along with component attributes form_group and is_form_group.

Bug fixes

Updating to 0.9


There have 2 ways to create a form control: as a wrapper, and as an input attribute. If you've been using form_control as wrapper around inputs, change:

<.form :let={f} for={@changeset}>
  <.form_control form={f} field={:first_name} for="first-name">
    <.text_input form={f} field={:first_name} id="first-name" />


<.form :let={f} for={@changeset}>
  <.text_input form={f} field={:first_name} id="first-name" is_form_control />


25 Sep 20:17
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Refactoring of dialogs, drawers, and menus

This refactoring builds on the Phoenix.LiveView.JS API - taking example from CoreComponent's modal component. These changes reduce reliance on additional JavaScript, improve alignment with standard practice, and include accessibility improvements.


See component documentation for further details:


  • Dialogs, drawers and menus can now be shown conditionally, for example on a live_action route:
  :if={@live_action == :create}
  • Added PrimerLive.StatefulConditionComponent.
  • Dialog state is now preserved on form updates.
  • Added attribute focus_after_closing_selector, mirroring the (renamed) focus_after_opening_selector.
  • Added attribute on_cancel.
  • Added attribute transition_duration.
  • Added attribute show_state to persist dialogs, drawers and menus across different LiveViews.
  • Added backdrop_tint with values "dark" (default) and "light". The latter (combined with backdrop_strength="strong") (see below) creates a backdrop that is similar to the CoreComponent's modal.
  • Added focus trap.

Changes and removals

See for update instructions: "Updating to 0.8" below.

  • Prompt functions show and hide are replaced with open_dialog, close_dialog and cancel_dialog.
  • Replaced attribute prompt_options for status callbacks with status_callback_selector that sends status events to the component, so that state changes can be used in Elixir code.
  • Removed attribute phx_click_touch in favor of using status_callback_selector, because closing can be initiated in several ways, not only through backdrop clicks, and we can't assume that the event handler always hosts the dialog/drawer as well.
  • Renamed attribute focus_first to focus_after_opening_selector. Focus on the first interactive element is now default; with focus_after_opening_selector a specific element can be appointed.
  • Removed attrs form and field from all prompt components.
  • Added separate z-index settings for menus, so that the menu panel (and optional backdrop) are closer to the page, allowing them to be covered by other elements such as top bars. Using a z-index of 100 for a top bar ensures that it sits in between menus and dialogs/drawers.
  • Replaced backdrop attributes is_dark_backdrop, is_medium_backdrop and is_light_backdrop with backdrop_strength and values "strong", "medium" and "light".
  • Menus and dialogs can now be closed with Escape by default.

Other changes

Box with streams

The box component now supports streams:

<.box stream={@streams.clients} id="clients">
  <:row :let={{_dom_id, data}}>
    <%= %>

This includes a breaking change: let is now reserved for stream data, so the callback data no longer contains classes.

Event attributes for slots

Slots now accept these "all-purpose" event attributes:

  • phx-click
  • phx-target
  • phx-value-item


  • box: slot row
  • breadcrumb: slot item
  • dialog: slot row
  • dropdown: slot item
  • filter_list: slot item
  • header: slot item
  • menu: slot item
  • select_menu: slot item
  • side_nav: slot item
  • subnav_links: slot item
  • tabnav: slot item
  • truncate: slot item
  • underline_nav: slot item

Example with tabnav:

  :for={%{label: label, id: tab_id} <- @tabs}
  is_selected={id == @selected_tab}

def handle_event(
  "set_tab", %{"item" => tab_id}, socket) do

Fieldset wrapper for checkbox_group and radio_group

The form group created by checkbox_group and radio_group is now automatically wrapped in a fieldset. The label attribute generates a legend element.

Updated Octicons

This update to version 19.11.0 includes around 50 additions. See for a visual list.


  • Added ARIA tags aria-haspopup and aria-owns.
  • DOM ids are reformatted to a DOM-safe ID string.

Updating to 0.8

  • Replace and Prompt.hide:

    • For example:

    • Becomes:

  • Replace backdrop darkness attributes:

    • is_dark_backdrop becomes backdrop_strength="strong"
    • is_medium_backdrop becomes backdrop_strength="medium"
    • is_light_backdrop becomes backdrop_strength="light"
  • Attribute is_escapable can be removed because this is now the default. If the component should not be removed using Escape, use is_escapable={false}.

Less used attributes

  • Form state: the previous method to preserve state, using "a fictitious and unique field name" can be removed.

    • Remove form and field from menu and dialog component attributes.
  • Because focus_first (without a selector) is now the default, nothing needs to be changed when using this attribute.

    • If in existing code a selector value is used, rename the attribute to focus_after_opening_selector.
  • Replace prompt_options and phx_click_touch with status_callback_selector. There's no simple way to replace prompt_options, because passing JavaScript functions is no longer supported. A solution could be very similar to the previous phx_click_touch method. See Status callbacks for an example.

  • If you use checkbox_group or radio_group inside a fieldset, remove the fieldset as it is now redundant.

  • If you are using box with a :let callback:

    • Previous:

      <:row :let={classes}>
        <.link href="/" class={}>Home</.link>
    • Becomes:

        <.link href="/" class="Box-row-link">Home</.link>


14 Aug 09:54
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  • Fixes support for Ash 3. Thanks @ademenev!
  • Internal improvements


03 Aug 17:52
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  • Added dialog attr is_show_on_mount.
  • Downgraded dependency @primer/css to 21.0.7 due to regressions.


07 Apr 12:14
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Updated dependencies:

  • phoenix_ecto to 4.5
  • phoenix_html to 4.1
    • Added phoenix_html_helpers
  • phoenix_live_view to 0.20
  • @primer/css to 21.2.2

Removed support for Ash Framework due to incompatible dependencies.


21 Dec 09:01
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Reverted dependency @primer/css to 21.0.9 because of an excessively increased file size in later versions.

Upstream bug report: primer/css#2567


21 Dec 08:51
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  • Class attrs now support class notation from Surface. Thanks @tunchamroeun!
  • Component pagination: added class entry for "current_page" which now can receive a custom class.


17 Dec 14:13
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Bug fixes

  • Pagination: fixes the calculation when a gap between page numbers should be shown.

Other changes

  • Pagination: added role and improved ARIA labels.


14 Oct 22:28
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Fixes reading the required state of input fields.


08 Oct 14:00
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Added support for forms created with Ash Framework. See test/frameworks/ash/form_test.exs for an example.