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Pre Release checklist

Zapotek edited this page Oct 25, 2014 · 13 revisions

This page serves as a pre-release check-list in order to make sure that there are no mishaps or left-over development-related code when releasing new versions.

Framework and WebUI

Go over the list for Framework first, WebUI second.

  1. Make sure there are no development dependencies in the Gemfile.
  • No pulling from dev git repos.
  1. rake -- To make sure all tests pass.
  2. git flow release start v<version>
  3. Bump version numbers.
  • Framework
    • lib/version
  • WebUI
  1. Remove any dev-only, debugging, whatever code.
  2. rake -- Make sure we didn't break anything.
  3. Merge into master.
  • Framework
    • git flow release finish -n v<version> -- -n tells git-flow not to tag.
  • WebUI
    • git flow release finish v<version>
  • git checkout master
  1. rake -- Make sure the merge back to master didn't break anything.
  2. Release
  • Framework
    • rake release -- To tag, push the code and push the Gem.
  • WebUI
    • git push
    • git push --tags
    • Build and push self-contained packages.


Make sure that:

  1. The branches of the Wiki repos for the new versions are merged back into master.
  2. The knowledge base is up to date.


  • Blog post
  • Twitter
  • Usual mailing lists