This is the Linux version of Monitoring your DragonBoard project taught in Internet of Things Specilization courses 2 and 3 from Coursera.
A Flask web server is established that is handeling all the redirecting routes. The description of each routes is as follows;
Main page : Hello.html page will be opened, which is a welcome page, indicating all the redirecting routes of the server.
/status : Displays the health status of dragonBoard in raw json format.
/status/preety : Displays the health status of dragonBoard in a well-structured json format.
/status/live : Opens a live.html page that indicates a real-time view of dragonBoard health status. AJAX requests are send after every 200ms to update the json data.
/?led=<name_of_led>×=<blinking_time>: arguments used for controlling the actuators led's. i.e. to blink red led for 10 times, we write /?led=red×=10.
Videos: Part 1 (code description):
Part 2 (DEMO):