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Chordchart Notation

Text based chordchart notation.

Quick Start

cd <dicrectory containing this file>
python install
chordchart-to-html mychordchat.txt
$BROWSER mychordchat.html

To learn how to write your own chordcharts, you can either:

  • look at provided exemples in the examples directory
  • try to understand the associated grammar (good luck)

Language Grammar

chordchart              = header? body?
header                  = header_field (eol header_field)*
header_field            = title | composer | tone | meter
title                   = title_key blank* title_value
title_key               = "title:" | "Title:" | "T:"
title_value             = ~eol+
composer                = composer_key blank* composer_value
composer_key            = "composer:" | "Composer:" | "C:"
composer_value          = ~eol+
tone                    = tone_key blank* chord
tone_key                = "tone:" | "Tone:"
meter                   = meter_key blank* meter_time
meter_key               = "meter:" | "Meter:" | "M:"
meter_time              = [2-9] "/" [2-9]
blank                   = space | tabulation
space                   = " "
tabulation              = "\t"
eol                     = "\r\n" | "\n"
chord                   = chord_root chord_kind? chord_bass? mark?
chord_root              = note
chord_kind              = minor_sixth
                        | minor_seventh
                        | minor_nineth
                        | minor_eleventh
                        | minor_thirteenth
                        | minor
                        | suspended_second
                        | suspended_fourth
                        | sixth
                        | major_seventh
                        | seventh
                        | nineth
                        | eleventh
                        | thirteenth
                        | half_diminished
                        | diminished
                        | augmented
chord_bass              = "/" note
minor_sixth             = minor sixth
minor_seventh           = minor seventh
minor_nineth            = minor nineth
minor_eleventh          = minor eleventh
minor_thirteenth        = minor thirteenth
minor                   = "min" | "m" | "-"
suspended_second        = suspended second
suspended_fourth        = suspended fourth
suspended               = "sus"
second                  = "2"
fourth                  = "4"
sixth                   = "6"
major_seventh           = "7M" | "M7"
seventh                 = "7"
nineth                  = "9"
eleventh                = "11"
thirteenth              = "13"
half_diminished         = "hdim" | "ø" | "Ø"
diminished              = "dim" | "°"
augmented               = "aug" | "+"
mark                    = segno_symbol | coda_symbol
segno_symbol            = "!S" | "!segno!"
coda_symbol             = "!C" | "!coda!"
body                    = parts?
parts                   = part (whitespace* part)*
part                    = part_begin measures whitespace* part_end_barline
part_begin              = part_label? part_begin_barline whitespace*
part_label              = part_label_key part_label_value
part_label_key          = 'P:' blank*
part_label_value        = [A-Z] eol+
whitespace              = eol | space | tabulation
measures                = measure (measure_separator measure)*
measure                 = alternative? whitespace* (normal_measure | repeated_measure)
alternative             = alternative_number | alternative_range
alternative_number      = [1-9]
alternative_range       = [1-9] "-" [1-9]
normal_measure          = measure_element (whitespace* measure_element)*
measure_element         = chord | chord_continuation
chord_continuation      = "/"
repeated_measure        = "%" | "%%"
measure_separator       = whitespace* separator_barline whitespace*
separator_barline       = end_repeat_barline
                        | begin_repeat_barline
                        | double_barline
                        | single_barline
part_begin_barline      = initial_begin_repeat | initial_barline
part_end_barline        = final_repeat | final_barline
single_barline          = single_barline_symbol whitespace* mark?
double_barline          = double_barline_symbol whitespace* mark?
initial_barline         = initial_barline_symbol whitespace* mark?
final_barline           = final_barline_symbol whitespace* mark?
initial_begin_repeat    = initial_repeat_symbol whitespace* mark?
final_repeat            = final_repeat_symbol whitespace* mark?
begin_repeat_barline    = begin_repeat_symbol whitespace* mark?
end_repeat_barline      = end_repeat_symbol whitespace* mark?
initial_barline_symbol  = "["
final_barline_symbol    = "]"
initial_repeat_symbol   = "[:"
final_repeat_symbol     = ":]"
begin_repeat_symbol     = "|:"
end_repeat_symbol       = ":|"
single_barline_symbol   = "|"
double_barline_symbol   = "||"


Text based chordchart notation






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