Mobile Apps | Arduino Projects | AI Projects |
Furniture App | Robot Assistant | Image Classification |
Employ App | Automatic Chicken Brooder | CPP Neural Networks |
News App | Home Automation (IOT) |
Mobile Apps | Arduino Projects | AI Projects |
Furniture App | Robot Assistant | Image Classification |
Employ App | Automatic Chicken Brooder | CPP Neural Networks |
News App | Home Automation (IOT) |
A furniture trading application built in swift ui
Swift 3
An application for running mock rest api servers locally without writing any code 😉.
Dart 8
Controlling an automatic door using flutter and Arduino bluetooth module
C++ 4
A cryptocurrency react application with data about crypto market, exchanges and news using react, redux and antdesign and charts and use of rapid api. Licence MIT
JavaScript 3
A repository containing my personal opensource projects on jetpack compose Kotlin
Kotlin 2