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Decode Telnet Password

Alex X edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 11 revisions

Original author in community. Discuss here.

Works if you bought a Gateway with Telnet password from the factory.

Solder UART

Same step from this instruction.

Go to bootloader

Same step from this instruction.

Read factory

  1. Enable flash


  2. Read factory from nand to memory

    <RealTek>snwbrecc a0000000 180 1e0

  3. Display factory in memory

    <RealTek>db a0000000 1e0

  4. Paste result to this form

    Also paste gateway MAC-address (from router or Mi Home application).

  5. Setup Home Assistant component - it will open Telnet on gateway.

    Or use any miio client:

    php miio-cli.php --ip --token 7766634c72хххххххх50743165 --sendcmd '{"id":0,"method":"enable_telnet_service", "params":[]}'
  6. Enter gateway Telnet from your PC

    telnet, use admin for username and decoded password from step 4

  7. Remove Telnet password:

    passwd -d admin (leave blank)

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