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PyBuilder Pylint Extended Plugin Build Status

Plugin provides extended properties for Pylint tool


Errors are errors: plugin always breaks build on any error or fatal. Property pylint_break_build manage behaviour on warnings/refactors/conventions.

To suppress warnings, you can set a line-level comment:

dict = 'something awful'  # Bad Idea... pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

pylint warnings are each identified by a alphanumeric code (C0112) and a symbolic name (empty-docstring). According Google Python Style Guide prefer the symbolic names in new code or when updating existing code.


Plugin has next properties with provided defaults

Name Type Default Value Description
pylint_break_build bool False Breaks build on any warnings/refactors/convention
pylint_ignore list of symbolic names [] List of issues symbolic name for excluding
pylint_max_line_length integer 80 Maximum row length
pylint_include_files list of string [] List of files with relative path according project root directory which could be added to parsed
pylint_exclude_patterns regex string None Pattern for excluding files from analysis
pylint_include_test_sources bool True Include tests sources
pylint_include_scripts bool False Include scripts
pylint_score_threshold float None Score threshold, if result score less threshold - break build. None - to skip score check
pylint_extra_args list of strings [] Additional arguments for pylint


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