'개러지 마켓'은 중고 거래 물품들을 거래하고, 실시간 경매 서비스를 제공해주는 플랫폼입니다.
기존 중고 거래 플랫폼과는 다르게 구매자는 실시간 라이브를 통해 판매 물품을 상세히 확인할 수 있으며 판매자와 소통이 가능합니다.
또한, 경매를 통해 합리적인 가격으로 물품을 구매할 수 있는 기회를 얻을 수 있습니다.
판매자는 자신의 마케팅 능력을 통해 중고 물품의 가격을 보다 높일 수 있으며, 구매자들의 경쟁을 통해 더 높은 판매가를 기록할 수 있는 기회를 얻을 수 있습니다.
김영진 | 김기윤 | 김현빈 | 홍한솔 |
[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] |
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1. npm install
2. npm start
라이브러리 명 | 버전 | 설명 | 사용 이유 |
@emotion/styled | 11.10.4 | styled api for emotion | css-in-js |
@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core | 6.2.0 | iconic icons for font, css, svg | svg icon |
@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons | 6.2.0 | iconic icons for font, css, svg | svg icon |
@fortawesome/react-fontawesome | 0.2.0 | Official React component for Font Awesome | react svg icon component |
@mui/material | 5.10.9 | mui react-component | ui component |
@mui/styled-engine-sc | 5.10.6 | API wrapper package for styled-components | ui component |
@mui/x-date-pickers | 5.0.4 | mui date picker components | calendar |
axios | 1.1.2 | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js | rest api call |
dayjs | 1.11.6 | date time library | date time calculation |
react | 18.2.0 | javascript library for ui | SPA |
react-daum-postcode | 3.1.1 | Daum Postcode service for React | address modal |
react-dom | 18.2.0 | React package for working with the DOM | SPA |
react-hook-form | 7.37.0 | Performant, flexible and extensible forms library for React Hooks | manage input hook |
react-modal | 3.16.1 | Accessible modal dialog component for React.JS | for modal component |
react-router-dom | 6.4.2 | Declarative routing for React web application | SPA Routing |
react-select | 5.5.0 | A Select control built with and for ReactJS | for select modal |
react-slick | 0.29.0 | React port of slick carousel | image slick |
slick-carousel | 1.8.1 | carousel component | image slick carousel |
socket.io-client | 4.5.2 | Realtime application framework client | realtime socket connection |
styled-components | 5.3.6 | Visual primitives for the component | css in js |
vite-plugin-svgr | 2.2.2 | Vite plugin to transform SVGs into React components | svg component |
라이브러리 명 | 버전 | 설명 | 사용 이유 |
@cypress/react | 6.2.0 | Test React components using Cypres | test |
@cypress/vite-dev-server | 3.1.1 | Launches Vite Dev Server for Component Testing | test in vite dev server |
@types/react | 18.0.17 | TypeScript definitions for React | types for react |
@types/react-dom | 18.0.6 | TypeScript definitions for react-dom | types for react-dom |
@types/react-modal | 3.13.1 | TypeScript definitions for react-modal | types for react-modal |
@types/react-router-dom | 5.3.3 | TypeScript definitions for react-router-dom | types for react-router-dom |
@types/react-slick | 0.23.10 | TypeScript definitions for react-slick | types for react-slick |
@types/socket.io-client | 3.0.0 | TypeScript definitions for socket.io-client | types for socket.io-client |
@types/styled-components | 5.1.26 | TypeScript definitions for styled-components | types form styled-components |
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin | 5.36.1 | TypeScript plugin for ESLint | for typescript and eslint |
@typescript-eslint/parser | 5.36.1 | An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree | for typescript and eslint |
@vitejs/plugin-react | 2.0.1 | all-in-one Vite plugin for React projects. | for vite plugins |
cypress | 10.7.0 | front end testing tool built for the modern web | for test |
eslint | 8.23.0 | AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript. | for code convention |
eslint-config-airbnb | 19.0.4 | Airbnb's ESLint config | for code convention |
eslint-config-prettier | 8.5.0 | Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier. | for code convention with prettier |
eslint-config-standard-with-typescript | 22.0.0 | ESLint Shareable Config for JavaScript Standard Style with TypeScript | eslint config for typescript |
eslint-import-resolver-alias | 1.1.2 | import resolution plugin for eslint-plugin-import | alias for eslint |
eslint-plugin-cypress | 2.12.1 | ESLint plugin for projects using Cypress | eslint for cypress |
eslint-plugin-import | 2.26.0 | eslint plugin Import with sanity. | eslint plugin for import |
eslint-plugin-jsx-ally | 6.5.1 | eslint plugin for jsx | eslint plugin for jsx |
eslint-plugin-n | 15.2.5 | Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js | additional eslint rule |
eslint-plugin-prettier | 4.0.0 | Runs prettier as an eslint rule | prettier with eslint |
eslint-plugin-promise | 6.0.1 | enforce best practices for JavaScript promises | eslint rule for promise |
eslint-plugin-react | 7.31.4 | React specific linting rules for ESLint | eslint with react |
eslint-plugin-react-hooks | 4.5.0 | ESLint rules for React Hooks | eslint for react-hook |
husky | 8.0.1 | Modern native Git hooks made easy | for git hooks rule |
jest | 29.0.3 | Delightful JavaScript Testing. | for util test |
lint-staged | 13.0.3 | Lint files staged by git | lint check before git |
msw | 0.47.4 | Seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library | mock server for api |
prettier | 2.7.1 | opinionated code formatter | code formatting |
typescript | 4.8.2 | language for application scale JavaScript developmen | types check |
vite | 3.0.7 | Native-ESM powered web dev build tool | for build and dev server |
vite-plugin-mkcert | 1.10.1 | Provide certificates for vite's https dev service | for local https |