A Django application to Collect All The Things !
Please refere to docs/
for user documentation
It is recommended to run Collecster from the Docker container,
publicly available from docker hub as adnn/collecster
The deployment and runtime rely on the following environment variables:
# Only read at DB initialization time
DJANGO_SU_NAME # Super user login
DJANGO_SU_PASSWORD # Super user password
DJANGO_SU_EMAIL # Super user email
# Also read during server initialization (i.e. runtime)
DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///sqlite.db" # Or any other
Note: dj-database URL schema documentation
Example command:
touch sqlite.db # File must exist, otherwise docker creates a directory
docker run -p 8080:80 \
-v $(pwd)/sqlite.db:/sqlite.db \
-v $(pwd)/backups:/Collecster/backups \
-e DATABASE_URL="sqlite:////sqlite.db" \
-e DJANGO_SU_NAME=admin \
Collecster relies on django-backup project to provide backup
and restore
management commands
Different settings controling the backup process are available in Collecster/local_settings.py,
including the default folder for backups
# Making a backup
docker exec ${CONTAINER} python3 manage.py archive
# Restoring from a backup
docker exec ${CONTAINER} python3 manage.py restore ${ARCHIVE_BASENAME}
Please refer to docs/installation
Reminder: This is optional, since the container publicly available from docker hub
docker build -t adnn/collecster .
Docker images are automatically built on dockerhub when commits are pushed to specific git branches:
- master:
- develop:
- 1.9.3:
FranzPoize & paradoxxxzero for both moral and technical support!