- Calculates the area based on the given inputs.
- Computes the average of a set of given marks.
- Calculates both compound and simple interest based on the given inputs.
- Determines the cost price and sell price of an item.
- A program involving operations with dictionaries, possibly querying or modifying them.
- Computes the discounted price of an item based on the given discount percentage.
- Calculates the equated monthly installment (EMI) for a loan.
- Finds the smallest and largest elements in a given list.
- Possibly manipulates a dictionary related to states, could involve various operations.
- Finds the sum of squares of numbers up to 100.
- Calculates tax based on the given inputs.
- Performs some operation based on the first word of a text.
- Finds the third smallest and largest elements in a given list.
- Counts the number of vowels in a given string.
- Computes the sum of multiples of a given number up to a specified limit.
- Creates a database named Class11.
- Opens the database named Class11 for further operations.
- Defines the structure of the student table with specific attributes.
- Displays the structure of the student table.
- Inserts details of at least 10 students into the student table.
- Displays all the details stored in the student table.
- Removes records of students who secured less than 65 marks.
- Increases marks by 5% for students with IDs more than 1105.
- Shows the details of female students from the table.
- Shows student ID, name, and marks for students with marks greater than 50.
- Calculates the average marks of all students.
- Counts the number of students from section 'A'.
- Adds a new email column to the table and fills it with email IDs.
- Shows details of students whose names contain 'sh'.
- Shows details of students whose names start with 'sh'.
- Shows student ID, name, and date of birth for students born in 2005.
- Shows student ID, name, date of birth, marks, and email for male students in ascending order of their names.
- Shows student ID, gender, name, date of birth, marks, and email in descending order of their marks.
- Lists unique sections available in the table.
- Create a Python series using a sequence with 5 elements.
- Create a series to store all vowels individually with index 1 to 5.
- Create a series using ndarray with 5 elements in the range 50 to 100.
- Create a series using a dictionary to store the number of students in each section of class 12th.
- Create a series to store the rates of products and modify the rates of soap and sugar.
- Omit this program.
- Find the total number of students in class 11 and class 12, stream-wise.
- Create a series to store the population of 5 metro cities and display populations over 300,000.
- Perform various operations on a series storing temperatures for seven days.
- Print various details about a series storing salaries of employees.
- Create a series from an ndarray.
- Print all elements above the 75th percentile of a series.
- Create a dataframe containing sport-wise marks for five students using a 2D dictionary.
- Create a dataframe from a list of dictionaries containing information about the most economical bikes.
- Create a new series storing average salary per branch and then create a dataframe from it.
- Perform various operations to display information about a dataframe.
- Append one dataframe to another.
- Perform various operations on a dataframe called 'aid'.
- Write dataframe values to a CSV file.
- Read data from a CSV file into a dataframe.
- Generate descriptive statistics for e-commerce data.
- Create a dataframe for examination results and display its information.
- Filter out rows from a dataframe based on different criteria.
- Summarize a dataframe by finding the sum of each column or the column with the lowest mean.
- Locate the 3 largest values in a dataframe.
- Subtract the mean of a row from each element of the row in a dataframe.
- Replace all negative values in a dataframe with zero.
- Replace all missing values in a dataframe with 999.
- Import data between Pandas and MySQL.
- Export data between Pandas and MySQL.
- Analyze the performance of students based on different parameters using school result data.
- Represent total medals won by 10 countries in Olympic games in a bar chart.
- Plot multiple line charts on a common plot for bike sales data.
- Analyze the performance of students based on different parameters using school result data and plot appropriate charts.
- Construct a histogram from given data with 10 bins.
- Take data from an open-source, aggregate, summarize it, and plot it using Matplotlib.
- Create a database named Class12.
- Open the Class12 database.
- Create a student table with specific attributes.
- View the structure of the student table.
- Insert details of at least 10 students into the student table.
- Display all details stored in the student table.
- Delete records of students who secured less than 65 marks.
- Increase marks by 5% for students with IDs more than 1105.
- Display details of female students from the table.
- Display student ID, name, and marks for students with marks greater than 50.
- Calculate the average of marks from the student table.
- Count the number of students from section 'A'.
- Add a new column to the student table.
- Add email IDs of each student to the created email column.
- Display information of all students whose names contain 'sh'.
- Display information of all students whose names start with 'sh'.
- Display student ID, name, and date of birth for students born in 2005.
- Display student ID and date of birth of students in ascending order of their names.
- Display student ID, gender, name, date of birth, marks, and email in descending order of their marks.
- Display unique sections available in the table.
- Find the total number of customers from each country using group by.
- Display names of all patients admitted in the month of May.
- Display patients' names in uppercase along with the year of admission.
- Find the minimum, maximum, and average marks in the student table.
- Delete details of a particular student from the student table.
- Delete all details from the student table.
ing Tables
- Create a new table by joining two tables.
- Create a foreign key in one of the two tables mentioned above.
- Replace negative values in a DataFrame with zero and display the updated DataFrame.
- Create two Pandas series and perform binary operations like addition and subtraction.
- Plot a bar chart showing the average percentage obtained by students in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology for classes X-A, X-B, and X-C.
- Plot a line chart for the equation q = p^2 - 2p + 0.5, where p ranges from 1 to 15.
- Retrieve the structure of the SALES table in the COMPANY database.
- Retrieve names of salesmen, their sales, and corresponding location IDs for sales exceeding 1300000.
- Retrieve entire records of employees sorted in ascending order of their joining dates.
- Retrieve the total sale and average sales done by employees with appropriate headings.
- Retrieve a list of all orders received before March 25, 2021, from the ORDER_DETAILS table.
- Retrieve records of all senders whose names start with 'K' from the ORDER_DETAILS table.
- Retrieve all records from the ORDER_DETAILS table sorted in ascending order of the booking date.
- Retrieve sender's name and amount from the ORDER_DETAILS table, converting all names into capital letters.