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AdGuard Home v0.107.33

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@adguard-bot adguard-bot released this 03 Jul 14:07
· 1001 commits to master since this release

Bugs need to be fixed, and that's just what we did in this release πŸ”§. Besides that, we've been working on internal improvements that will make it easier to add new features in future releases.


A special thanks to our open-source contributors, @agneevX and @Jiraiya8, as well as to everyone who filed and inspected issues, added translations, and helped us test this release!

Full changelog

See also the v0.107.33 GitHub milestone.


  • The new command-line flag --web-addr is the address to serve the web UI on, in the host:port format.

  • The ability to set inactivity periods for filtering blocked services, both globally and per client, in the configuration file (#951). The UI changes are coming in the upcoming releases.

  • The ability to edit rewrite rules via PUT /control/rewrite/update HTTP API and the Web UI (#1577).


Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 20 to 23.

  • Properties bind_host, bind_port, and web_session_ttl which used to setup web UI binding configuration, are now moved to a new object http containing new properties address and session_ttl:

    # BEFORE:
    'bind_host': ''
    'bind_port': 8080
    'web_session_ttl': 720
    # AFTER:
      'address': ''
      'session_ttl': '720h'

    Note that the new http.session_ttl property is now a duration string. To rollback this change, remove the new object http, set back bind_host, bind_port, web_session_ttl, and change the schema_version back to 22.

  • Property clients.persistent.blocked_services, which in schema versions 21 and earlier used to be a list containing ids of blocked services, is now an object containing ids and schedule for blocked services:

    # BEFORE:
        - 'name': 'client-name'
          - id_1
          - id_2
    # AFTER:
      - 'name': client-name
          - id_1
          - id_2
          'time_zone': 'Local'
            'start': '0s'
            'end': '24h'
            'start': '1h'
            'end': '23h'

    To rollback this change, replace clients.persistent.blocked_services object with the list of ids of blocked services and change the schema_version back to 21.

  • Property dns.blocked_services, which in schema versions 20 and earlier used to be a list containing ids of blocked services, is now an object containing ids and schedule for blocked services:

    # BEFORE:
    - id_1
    - id_2
    # AFTER:
      - id_1
      - id_2
        'time_zone': 'Local'
          'start': '0s'
          'end': '24h'
          'start': '10m'
          'end': '23h30m'
          'start': '20m'
          'end': '23h'
          'start': '30m'
          'end': '22h30m'
          'start': '40m'
          'end': '22h'
          'start': '50m'
          'end': '21h30m'
          'start': '1h'
          'end': '21h'

    To rollback this change, replace dns.blocked_services object with the list of ids of blocked services and change the schema_version back to 20.


  • HEALTHCHECK and ENTRYPOINT sections in Dockerfile (#5939). They cause a lot of issues, especially with tools like docker-compose and podman, and will be removed in a future release.

  • Flags -h, --host, -p, --port have been deprecated. The -h flag will work as an alias for --help, instead of the deprecated --host in the future releases.


  • Ignoring of /etc/hosts file when resolving the hostnames of upstream DNS servers (#5902).

  • Excessive error logging when using DNS-over-QUIC (#5285).

  • Inability to set bind_host in AdGuardHome.yaml in Docker (#4231, #4235).

  • The blocklists can now be deleted properly (#5700).

  • Queries with the question-section target ., for example NS ., are now counted in the statistics and correctly shown in the query log (#5910).

  • Safe Search not working with AAAA queries for domains that don't have AAAA records (#5913).