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A project that demo's the use of custom enviroments using react-native-config with building seperate apps based on the enviroment type.

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Note: Make sure you have completed the React Native environment setup before testing this project.

Multiple Environment Setup in React Native

This guide explains how to configure multiple environments (Staging and Production) in a React Native project. It supports environment-specific builds and configurations for both Android (using flavors) and iOS (using targets). Additionally, it demonstrates how to use environment variables natively in both platforms.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Environment-Specific Configuration Using react-native-config
  4. Android Setup (Flavors)
  5. iOS Setup (Targets)
  6. Helpful Scripts for Building and Running Apps
  7. Using Environment Variables in Native Code
  8. Switching Between Environments
  9. References


Why Set Up Multiple Environments?

  • Test and build distinct app versions for staging and production.
  • Use environment-specific configurations (e.g., API endpoints, Firebase configurations, feature flags).
  • Streamline debugging and deployment workflows.


  1. React Native project initialized:
    npx react-native init MyProject
  2. Install react-native-config for managing environment variables:
    npm install react-native-config

Environment-Specific Configuration Using react-native-config

  1. Create separate .env files for each environment:

    • .env.staging
    • .env.production

    Example content for .env.staging:

    APP_NAME=MyApp Staging
  2. Add .env files to .gitignore:

  3. Verify react-native-config integration:

    import Config from 'react-native-config';
    console.log(Config.API_URL); // Logs API URL from selected .env file

Android Setup (Flavors)

  1. Define Flavors in android/app/build.gradle: Use the following configuration:

    flavorDimensions "environment"
    productFlavors {
        staging {
            applicationId project.env.BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
            dimension "environment"
            applicationIdSuffix ".staging"
            versionNameSuffix "-staging"
            resValue "string", "build_config_package", project.env.BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
            resValue "string", "app_name", project.env.APP_NAME
        production {
            applicationId project.env.BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
            dimension "environment"
            versionNameSuffix "-production"
            resValue "string", "build_config_package", project.env.BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
            resValue "string", "app_name", project.env.APP_NAME
  2. Build and Run with Flavors: Use the --mode flag:

    # Staging
    npx react-native run-android --mode stagingDebug
    # Production
    npx react-native run-android --mode productionDebug

iOS Setup (Targets)

1. Duplicate Targets in Xcode:

  • Duplicate your main app target for each environment:
    • MyApp-Staging
    • MyApp-Production.

To do this, in Xcode:

  • Open your project.
  • Right-click your main target under the Targets section and select Duplicate.
  • Rename the duplicated target appropriately (e.g., MyApp-Staging and MyApp-Production).

2. Set Up Schemes:

  • Go to Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes.
  • Create schemes for MyApp-Staging and MyApp-Production.
  • Assign the correct target to each scheme (e.g., MyApp-Staging for the Staging scheme).

3. Each Target Will Have Its Own Info.plist File:

  • For each target (e.g., MyApp-Staging, MyApp-Production), you will need a separate Info.plist file.

  • Duplicate your main Info.plist file and rename them according to the environment:

    • Info-Staging.plist
    • Info-Production.plist
  • Assign the correct Info.plist to each target in Xcode:

    • Select the target (e.g., MyApp-Staging).
    • Go to the Build Settings tab.
    • Search for Info.plist File.
    • Set the Info.plist File path to the correct file for each target:
      • MyApp-Staging/Info-Staging.plist
      • MyApp-Production/Info-Production.plist

This way, each environment will use its respective configuration, such as app name, bundle identifier, and Firebase configuration.

4. Set Up Environment-Specific Configuration:

In each Info.plist file, you can configure environment-specific settings like API_URL, Firebase keys, app version, etc., specific to the target.

For example:

  • Info-Staging.plist:

  • Info-Production.plist:


5. Build and Run with the Correct Scheme:

To run the app with the desired environment, specify the scheme for the correct target:

# Staging
ENVFILE=.env.staging react-native run-ios --scheme MyApp-Staging

# Production
ENVFILE=.env.production react-native run-ios --scheme MyApp-Production

When building with a specific target, the corresponding Info.plist file (e.g., Info-Staging.plist or Info-Production.plist) will be used, ensuring that each environment has its own configuration.

Helpful Scripts for Building and Running Apps

Add the following scripts to your project's package.json under the scripts section for easy environment-specific builds:

"scripts": {
    "ios:stag:run": "npm run clean && ENVFILE=.env.staging XCODE_BUILD_CONFIGURATION=Debug react-native run-ios --scheme CustomENVRN-Staging",
    "ios:prod:run": "npm run clean && ENVFILE=.env.production XCODE_BUILD_CONFIGURATION=Debug react-native run-ios --scheme CustomENVRN-Production",
    "ios:stag:build": "ENVFILE=.env.staging xcodebuild -workspace CustomENVRN.xcworkspace -scheme CustomENVRN-Staging -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos -derivedDataPath ios/build",
    "ios:prod:build": "ENVFILE=.env.production xcodebuild -workspace CustomENVRN.xcworkspace -scheme CustomENVRN-Production -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos -derivedDataPath ios/build",
    "android:stag:run:release": "ENVFILE=.env.staging react-native run-android --mode=stagingRelease --appIdSuffix=staging",
    "android:prod:run:release": "ENVFILE=.env.production react-native run-android --mode=productionRelease",
    "android:stag:build": "ENVFILE=.env.staging cd android && ./gradlew assembleStagingRelease",
    "android:prod:build": "ENVFILE=.env.production cd android && ./gradlew assembleProductionRelease",
    "clean": "cd android && ./gradlew clean && cd ../ios && rm -rf build && rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData && xcodebuild clean && pod install --repo-update && cd ..",
    "install": "npm install && cd ios && pod install && cd ..",
    "reset": "rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf ios/build && npm run clean && npm install"

These scripts streamline building and running your app for specific environments.

Using Environment Variables in Native Code


  1. Access variables in native Java/Kotlin code:

    import com.myapp.BuildConfig;
    String apiUrl = BuildConfig.API_URL;
  2. Ensure variables are added in android/app/build.gradle under resValue:

    resValue "string", "API_URL", project.env.API_URL


  1. Access variables in native Objective-C/Swift code:

    if let apiUrl = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["API_URL"] as? String {
        print("API URL: \(apiUrl)")
  2. Add variables to the .xcconfig files for each target:

    We can follow the steps of react-native config here. And using the scripting to automatically write the tmp env file. Add the script in the build phase (pre-script)

       # Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace to insert its path.
       cp "${PROJECT_DIR}/../.env.staging" "${PROJECT_DIR}/../.env"  # replace .env.staging for your file
       "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native-config/ios/ReactNativeConfig/BuildXCConfig.rb" "${SRCROOT}/.." "${SRCROOT}/tmp.xcconfig"
       # Print the contents of the tmp.xcconfig file to verify the environment variables
       echo "=== Contents of tmp.xcconfig ==="
       cat "${SRCROOT}/tmp.xcconfig"
       echo "=== End of tmp.xcconfig ==="


This is the core process for running and modifying your React Native app with custom ENV setup and apps.


A project that demo's the use of custom enviroments using react-native-config with building seperate apps based on the enviroment type.






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