A simple bash script to convert bam files to bedGraph and bigwig files.
Run bash script without arguments to see options:
=> Options:
-h | --help : show this message {}
-b | --bams : space-delimited string of input bam files in double quotes or *.bam {}
-m | --mode : <single> or <paired>, if paired will use -pc option in bedtools genomecov {}
-a | --atacseq : ATAC-seq mode, will use cutsites rather than reads {FALSE}
-e | --extend : numeric value to extend reads to fragment size, see details {0}
-n | --normalize : if set then normalizes data based on the scaling_factors.txt file {FALSE}
-j | --njobs : number of parallel (GNU parallel) jobs to create bedGraphs, see details. {1}
-q | --sortthreads : number of threads for sorting the bedGraph {1}
-w | --sortmem : memory for sorting the bedGraph {1G}
-t | --nobigwig : if set then do not output bigwig files along with the bedGraphs {FALSE}
-g | --average : if set then average samples of the same group, see details {FALSE}
Details: * Option --extend is simply -fs in bedtools genomecov. If --atacseq is set then this can be
used to smooth the coverage of the cutting sites for visualization. It will then use
bedtools slop -b to extend the cutting sites to both directions, so if a 100bp window is
desired for smoothing one should set it to 50 to have 50bp extension to each direction.
* Option --normalize will make use of the scaling_factors.txt file which must be present in the same
directory. This file must have with the exact file names (of the bam files) and a scaling factor,
e.g. from DESeq2 which will be used to divide the raw counts (so 4th column of bedGraph file) by.
* Option --njobs is -j of GNU parallel. One job requires up to 5 threads depending on whether --atacseq is
set or not plus the --sortthreads which are the threads for sorting the bedGraphs so be sure to set this
rather higher than lower. Memory requirement is basically what the sort (--sortmem) needs, everything +
else is mostly simple file/text parsing operations.
* By default all all .bedGraph files in the directory will be also written to bigwig. Set --nobigwig to
turn that off. As this is a simple script that does not know whether a bedGraph that is in the directory
comes from this script or just happens to be there from any other process it is recommended to make a
separate directory for every run of this script and simply symlink the bam files into it to have a clean
* Towards --average: If samples are named as group_rep1*, _rep2*, rep3* etc so using '_rep' as first
delimiter after the groupwise basename and --average is set then all bedGraph files of that group
will be averaged. If no _rep is found then this is deactivated regardless whether it is set or not.
for single-end data, extending reads to fragments of 200bp:
./bam2bedgraph.sh --bams "*.bam" --mode single --extend 200
for ATAC-seq data, reducing reads to cutting sites:
./bam2bedgraph.sh --bams "*.bam" --atacseq
for ATAC-seq data, smoothing the cutting sites with a 100bp window (=2*50bp):
./bam2bedgraph.sh --bams "*.bam" --atacseq --extend 50
If normalization shoudl be done then a file scaling_factors.txt
must be present like the one below.
These factors could e.g. be from DESeq2, and should be intended for division of the 4th column of the bedGraph files.
Sample names must be identical to the bam files. If --normalize
is set then the script greps the scaling factors per sample
from this file.
Sample SizeFactors # this line is optional
sample1_rep1.bam 1.42358748470454
sample1_rep2.bam 1.1585456869756
sample1_rep3.bam 0.960513006078968
Docker image at https://hub.docker.com/r/atpoint/bam2bedgraph or use the conda environment at this repo.