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Java 1.8+ Library with tons of utility classes required in all projects


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Java 1.8+ Library with tons of utility classes required in most of ph-* projects.

Version 6.x contains major changes and more or less all other projects were released to reflect the changes of 6.x. Version 7 does not exist. Version 8.x was re-designed to best work with JDK 8. So please ensure to not mix 5.x, 6.x and 8x. versions of ph-commons!

This project was the following modules:

  • ph-charset - support for additional character sets (e.g. UTF-7)
  • ph-commons - the most common base library stuff
  • ph-datetime - extension library for handling Java date and time special cases
  • ph-graph - generic graph library with directed and undirected graphs
  • ph-jaxb - the JAXB utility classes building upon ph-commons and ph-xml
  • ph-json - a generic simple JSON reader, visitor and writer
  • ph-less-commons - previously contained in ph-commons not really used but I was afraid to dump it :)
  • ph-matrix - a simple library for handling matrix data structures and operations
  • ph-security - security related topics like key store handling, message digests etc
  • ph-settings - a small library for handling configuration files in an easy way
  • ph-tree - generic tree structures and tree singleton base classes
  • ph-xml - everything to read and write XML, including "MicroDOM" my personal minimum XML representation shipping with its own serializer.

News and noteworthy

  • v9.0.0 - work in progress
    • Changed com.helger.commons.function package to com.helger.commons.functional
    • Replaced IFilter with IPredicate
    • Replaced IFilterWithParameter with IBiPredicate
    • Changed ManagedExecutorService to ExecutorServiceHelper
    • Removed class CCharset - use StandardCharsets instead
    • Added classes PathHelper and PathOperations
    • Moved class XMLResourceBundle to ph-xml
    • Removed some deprecated CharsetManager methods
    • Reworked format package
    • Removed deprecated 'Mutable*' constructors because of weird defaults
    • Removed deprecated methods that handle: greater than, greater or equals, lower than and lower or equals
    • Made MicroTypeConverter type-safe
    • Ensure all Predicate usages use ? super
    • Ensure all Consumer usages use ? super
    • Ensure all Function usages use ? super/? extends where applicable
    • Ensure all Supplier usages use ? extends
    • Moved ThreadHelper to package com.helger.commons.concurrent
    • Removed deprecated methods in SimpleLSResourceResolver
    • Removed package
    • Removed package com.helger.commons.scope.singletons
    • @ReturnsMutableObject does not require a value anymore (but you can still pass one of course)
    • Extracted ph-scopes project to lower size of ph-commons slightly
    • Extracted ph-collection project to lower size of ph-commons slightly
    • Removed default methods from IAggregator
    • Added reverse interface ISplitter
    • Changed caching API to use a function instead of a protected methods
    • Integrated ph-cli here
    • Improved and extended traits API
    • JAXB components can now use a safe way to write XML with special chars
    • JAXB components can now read XML documents with a BOM
  • v8.6.6 - 2017-07-12
    • Extended CSVWriter API
    • SimpleLSResourceResolver can now handle fat jars from Spring Boot (issue #8)
    • Extracted DefaultResourceResolver from SimpleLSResourceResolver and added in ph-commons
    • Added rudimentary support for Path based APIs
    • Added WatchService based WatchDir in favor of FileMonitor
  • v8.6.5 - 2017-05-19
    • Deprecated all default Mutable* constructors, because the default values were partially confusing
    • Added new class DefaultEntityResolver using a base URL for resolving.
    • Extracted and renamed classes PDTZoneID and PDTMask
    • Extended ILocalDatePeriod API
    • Added additional specialized type converters to BigDecimal
    • Unified naming for methods that handle: greater than, greater or equals, lower than and lower or equals
    • Added new type converters for Month, DayOfWeek and MonthDay
    • RuntimeExceptions during type conversion are encapsulated in TypeConverterExceptions.
  • v8.6.4 - 2017-04-12
    • Some performance improvements
    • Fixed error in StringHelper.replaceMultipleAsString
    • Extended StringHelper with encode/decode methods
    • Added new class NonBlockingCharArrayWriter
    • Deprecated some CharsetManager methods
  • v8.6.3 - 2017-03-28
    • Deprecated some String-based FileHelper APIs
    • Improved CertificateHelper parsing
    • Added IPredicate - a serializable Predicate interface
    • Added IBiPredicate - a serializable BiPredicate interface
    • Added IBiConsumer - a serializable BiConsumer interface
    • Added IBiFunction - a serializable BiFunction interface
    • Added IComparable - a serializable and extended Comparable interface
    • Extended StringHelper API
    • Extended MicroWriter API
    • Extended XMLWriter API
    • Extended PDTHelper API
    • Deprecated EMonth and EDayOfWeek in favour of JDK Month and DayOfWeek
  • v8.6.2 - 2017-02-15
    • Extended XMLSystemProperties API
    • Allowing JAXBDocumentType objects to not have an @XmlSchema annotation
    • Deprecated CCharset - use StandardCharsets instead
    • Deprecated ToStringGenerator toString() - use getToString() instead
  • v8.6.1 - 2017-01-23
    • *MultilingualText is now based on ICommonsOrderedMap
    • Extended GlobalDebug API slightly
    • JAXBDocumentType implements equals/hashCode
    • WSClientConfig not using chunked encoding by default
  • v8.6.0 - 2017-01-09
    • Removed deprecated methods
    • Minor API extensions
  • v8.5.6 - 2016-12-10
    • Extended APIs
    • Fixed a nasty bug with date/time formatting due to pattern modifications (introduced in 8.5.5)
  • v8.5.5 - 2016-11-25
    • Extended APIs
  • v8.5.4 - 2016-11-08
    • Fixed a nasty NPE
  • v8.5.3 - 2016-11-08
    • Added support for EntityResolver2 in MicroXML parsing
    • Extended some APIs
  • v8.5.2 - 2016-09-25
    • Fixed an error with JAXB context creation if @XMLRootElement was used
    • Improved consistency of IHasText(WithArgs) and IHasDisplayText(WithArgs) so that they can be used interchangeably
    • Extended collection API slightly
  • v8.5.1 - 2016-09-12
    • Fixed error text retrieval in Single Error; further API extensions and improvements
  • v8.5.0 - 2016-09-09
    • Reworked the error objects so that there is now a single error handling object. The old objects are retained for backwards compatibility.
  • v8.4.0 - 2016-08-21
    • Started adding JDK 9 compatibility
    • Added new interface IWriteToStream
    • Added support for new Message digest and Mac algorithms
    • Added new functional interfaces (IThrowingSupplier, IThrowingConsumer and IThrowingFunction) with customizable Exception type
    • Deprecated some legacy interfaces and adapters that may lead to a compiler error (!)
  • v8.3.0 - 2016-08-02
    • Moved the following sub-projects into this project: ph-datetime, ph-json, ph-charset, ph-graph, ph-matrix and ph-settings
  • v8.2.2 - 2016-07-22
  • v8.2.1 - 2016-07-15
  • v8.2.0 - 2016-07-10
    • Added new sub-project ph-security that contains MessageDigest, HMac, Keystore etc. stuff
  • v8.1.0 - 2016-06-26:
    • Minor small API optimizations for JAXB.
    • ValueEnforcer supports Supplier` functional interface.
    • GZIP based readable and writable resources added.
  • v8.0.0 - 2016-06-08:
    • It splits the old big ph-commons library into slightly smaller pieces: ph-commons, ph-xml, ph-jaxb, ph-tree and ph-less-commons.
    • The first version that requires JDK 8
    • Multiple API changes to better support functional style
    • Base32 codec added

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



In general I tried to make the source comments as useful as possible. Therefore here only an alphabetic package list with the respective contents is shown:

  • com.helger.commons - The base package that contains only a class with only constant values (CGlobal) and a programming utility class (ValueEnforcer).
  • com.helger.commons.aggregate - contains a generic aggregator and multiple implementations that can aggregate multiple values to a single value.
  • com.helger.commons.annotations - contains all the Java annotations defined in this project. This include e.g. @Nonempty, @ReturnsMutableCopy or @DevelopersNote.
  • com.helger.commons.base64 - contains the Base64 implementation from in a slightly adopted version.
  • com.helger.commons.cache - defines generic interfaces and classes for caching data
  • com.helger.commons.callback - contains all kind of simple data structures that are to be used for callbacks and external exception handling. Additionally special forms of Runnable and Callable are present in this package.
  • com.helger.commons.callback.adapter - special adapter class implementations that can convert between Callable, Runnable etc.
  • com.helger.commons.callback.exception - special callback implementations to catch Exceptions.
  • com.helger.commons.changelog - contains everything needed for having a structured change log (= history of changes) of software components. A complete list of all changes can be found in class ChangeLog containing multiple entries.
  • com.helger.commons.charset - contains stuff necessary for simple String character set/encoding and decoding as well as an enumeration for Unicode BOM (Byte Order Mark).
  • com.helger.commons.cleanup - contains a central class to cleanup and/or reset most of the runtime data and caches used in this project. This is especially helpful in unit tests when testing this project.
  • com.helger.commons.codec - contains a generic encode/decode interface and some basic implementations like ASCII85, ASCII Hex, DCT, Base64, LZW and RFC 1522. This package is based on com.helger.commons.encode package.
  • com.helger.commons.collation - contains collation helper methods (CollationHelper).
  • com.helger.commons.collection - contains very basic helper classes for easy working with arrays (class ArrayHelper) and collections (class ContainerHelper). It also contains a local implementation of Stack called NonBlockingStack which does not use synchronization - this can be seen like the different between ArrayList (not synchronized) and Vector (synchronized).
  • com.helger.commons.collection.attr - contains a generic attribute container which more or less is a Map with a modified API. This package contains both read-only as well as mutable versions of this map-based container.
  • com.helger.commons.collection.ext - this package contains extension classes to the default Java runtime collection classes. This package contains e.g. CommonsArrayList<T> a class derived from ArrayList<T> but with additional default methods like findAll or findFirst..
  • com.helger.commons.collection.impl - contains collection implementations for specific areas not covered by the default runtime collections (soft map, single element collection, empty element collection, safe collections, ring buffer etc.).
  • com.helger.commons.collection.iterate - contains special iterators/enumerators for arrays and collections. It also contains iterators for single elements as well as for "no" elements.
  • - contains specialized primitive based map implementations.
  • com.helger.commons.collection.multimap - contains "multi maps" which are Maps which have other Collections as values. This package contains common interfaces as well as implementations for different Map implementations (like HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap, ConcurrentHashMap and WeakHashMap).
  • com.helger.commons.collection.pair - contains a generic pair which is a combination of 2 values with potentially different types.
  • - generic Comparator and Comparable extensions and base classes. Additionally the enumeration ESortOrder which defines 'ascending' and 'descending' is contained.
  • com.helger.commons.concurrent - contains some commonly used things for Thread and ExecutorService handling.
  • com.helger.commons.concurrent.collector - a generic "collector" which supports multiple inputs from multiple different threads and serializes this data stream for sequential processing (e.g. for mail queueing with a central sender).
  • com.helger.commons.convert - package containing unidirectional and bidirectional data converter interfaces.
  • com.helger.commons.csv - package containing CSV reader and writer based on OpenCSV.
  • com.helger.commons.deadlock - contains a thread deadlock detector based on the JMX ThreadMXBean class.
  • com.helger.commons.debug - contains the GlobalDebug class.
  • com.helger.commons.dimension - width, height and size handling methods.
  • - contains the data model and a small regular expression based validator for email addresses.
  • com.helger.commons.encode - contains a generic encode and decode interface which is very similar to the unidirectional converter as specified in com.helger.commons.convert but with different method names.
  • com.helger.commons.equals - contains utility methods for null-safe equals implementations as well as a registry for equals implementation overloading for bogus or missing equals-implementations (like for arrays etc.). Especially class EqualsUtils is used frequently.
  • com.helger.commons.error - contains classes and interfaces to handle stuff related to error handling, like error ID, error level, error location and error message.
  • com.helger.commons.errorlist - contains classes and interfaces to handle lists of errors.
  • com.helger.commons.exception - contains additional exception classes.
  • com.helger.commons.exception.mock - contains special "mock" exception classes.
  • com.helger.commons.factory - contains generic factory pattern interfaces and basic implementations.
  • com.helger.commons.filter - contains generic filtering interfaces and basic implementations.
  • com.helger.commons.format - contains interfaces and class to format objects to a String value. This can be seen as a typed alternative to String.valueOf.
  • com.helger.commons.function - contains generic functional interfaces missing in the JDK (e.g. IBooleanConsumer or IToBooleanFunction).
  • com.helger.commons.gfx - contains utility classes for handling image metadata (especially size).
  • com.helger.commons.hashcode - contains utility classes for creating hash codes in a simplified way. Especially HashCodeGenerator is used quite frequently.
  • com.helger.commons.hierarchy - contains generic classes to model a hierarchy relationship between objects (e.g. parent-child relationship).
  • com.helger.commons.hierarchy.visit - contains a hierarchy walker which is the visitor pattern for hierarchical data structures.
  • - contains interfaces for objects having identifiers (IHas...ID) as well as int, long and String based ID provider interfaces.
  • com.helger.commons.idfactory - ID factory implementations. Especially GlobalIDFactory is used frequently.
  • - generic interfaces for input/output (IO) handling. IReadableResource is used quite frequently as an abstraction layer.
  • - contains utility methods for channeled IO.
  • - utility classes for file based IO
  • - contains a set of FileFilter and FilenameFilter implementations.
  • - utility classes for iterating file system directories.
  • - additional file utility classes.
  • - a background monitor for file changes, based on Apache commons-io.
  • - File IO provider based on an external name.
  • - implementations of IReadableResource around File (FileSystemResource), class path (ClassPathResource) and URL (URLResource).
  • - special implementations of IReadableResource that are purely in memory and not persisted.
  • - Wrapper around IReadableResource and IWritableResource for usage with e.g. compression.
  • - implementations of IReadableResourceProvider and IWritableResourceProvider.
  • - special InputStream and OutputStream implementations (for bits, buffer based streams, counting streams, logging streams, non-blocking streams, non-closing streams, null streams and wrapped streams). Also StreamHelper is a regularly used.
  • - implementations of IHasInputStream and IHasReader.
  • com.helger.commons.junit - JUnit 4 extensions.
  • com.helger.commons.lang - Java language extensions that don't really fit into any other category.
  • com.helger.commons.lang.priviledged - Privileged action extensions.
  • com.helger.commons.lang.proxy - Dynamic proxy object generation made easy.
  • com.helger.commons.locale - Locale related utility classes.
  • - country related Locale utility classes.
  • com.helger.commons.locale.language - language related Locale utility classes.
  • com.helger.commons.log - logging related utility classes
  • com.helger.commons.mac - Message Authentication Code algorithm wrapper.
  • com.helger.commons.math - basic math related utility interfaces and classes
  • com.helger.commons.messagedigest - contains utility methods to easily create message digest (like MD5 or SHA-1).
  • com.helger.commons.mime - everything related to MIME types, including a structured data model as well as a parser and a determinator from byte array.
  • com.helger.commons.mock - utility classes for unit testing with JUnit.
  • com.helger.commons.mutable - contains mutable object wrappers for atomic values like boolean, int, long etc. which are not thread-safe.
  • - base interfaces and classes for objects having a name or a description.
  • com.helger.commons.pool - generic pool of arbitrary objects.
  • com.helger.commons.random - contains an even securer random than SecureRandom
  • com.helger.commons.regex - contains a pool for pre-compiled regular expressions and utility classes to use this pool implicitly.
  • com.helger.commons.scope - base interfaces and implementations for scope handling
  • com.helger.commons.scope.mgr - scope manager
  • com.helger.commons.scope.mock - JUnit test support for scopes
  • com.helger.commons.scope.singleton - base classes for singletons in the five base scope types
  • com.helger.commons.scope.singletons - specific singleton implementations
  • com.helger.commons.scope.spi - SPI interfaces for scope lifecycle interference
  • com.helger.commons.scope.util - some scope aware base classes
  • com.helger.commons.script - helper class for javax.script package
  • com.helger.commons.serialize.convert - a registry for registering custom Serializable implementations for classes that don't implement Serializable themselves. Registration is done via SPI.
  • com.helger.commons.state - contains a lot of small "state" enumerations like EChange, ESuccess or ELeftRight plus the corresponding base interfaces.
  • com.helger.commons.statistics - thread-safe in-memory statistics categorized into cache, counter, keyed counter, keyed size, keyed timer, size and timer.
  • com.helger.commons.statistics.util - contains classes for exporting statistic data to XML
  • com.helger.commons.string - contains the basic class StringHelper for all kind of String related actions as well as StringParser for converting Strings to numerical values and finally ToStringGenerator as a utility class to easily implement toString() methods.
  • com.helger.commons.string.util - utility string classes for Levenshtein distance, roman numerals and a simple scanner.
  • com.helger.commons.system - contains information helper classes for the Java version, the JVM vendor, the newline mode of the current operating system, the processor architecture used etc.
  • com.helger.commons.text - interfaces for handling multilingual text in different aspects and ways
  • com.helger.commons.text.codepoint - helper classes for code point handling
  • com.helger.commons.text.display - special 'Display text' interfaces
  • com.helger.commons.text.resolve - contains the stuff for multilingual text resolving based on an enumeration, and falling back to a properties file if needed.
  • com.helger.commons.text.resourcebundle - utility classes for handling ResourceBundles in an easy way, as well as UTF-8 and XML resource bundles.
  • com.helger.commons.text.util - text handling helper classes.
  • com.helger.commons.thirdparty - contains a domain model and a registry for handling referenced thirdparty libraries.
  • com.helger.commons.thread - thread handling helper classes.
  • com.helger.commons.timing - contains a simple stop watch class.
  • com.helger.commons.traits - contains interfaces with default methods to easily extend the functionality of an existing object.
  • com.helger.commons.type - base interfaces for "typed" objects, meaning objects that have a combination of type and ID (in case the ID is not unique).
  • com.helger.commons.typeconvert - contains a generic type converter registry and different resolvers. The registration is done via SPI.
  • com.helger.commons.typeconvert.rule - contains special "rule based" type converters, where a direct match "by class" is not useful.
  • com.helger.commons.url - URL related tools containing a minimum data model for URLs
  • com.helger.commons.vendor - package containing data to represent the vendor of an application
  • com.helger.commons.version - contains a numerical version object as well as a version range object.
  • com.helger.commons.wrapper - a generic Wrapper interface and class
  • - some Web Service client caller goodies


A special XML reading and writing project.

  • com.helger.xml - utility classes to work with standard W3C nodes
  • com.helger.xml.dom - XML utility classes only relevant for DOM
  • - XML utility classes for LS (serialization) support
  • com.helger.xml.microdom - contains the "Micro DOM" interfaces and implementations - a DOM like structure, but much easier to use than standard DOM.
  • com.helger.xml.microdom.convert - contains a central registry for converting arbitrary objects from and to Micro DOM.
  • com.helger.xml.microdom.serialize - contains reader and writer for Micro DOM elements to read from (MicroReader) and write to (MicroWriter) XML documents.
  • com.helger.xml.microdom.util - contains utility classes for working with Micro DOM.
  • com.helger.xml.mock - contains mock/testing classes
  • com.helger.xml.namespace - XML namespace support classes
  • com.helger.xml.sax - XML helper classes supporting SAX
  • com.helger.xml.schema - utility classes to handle XML Schema (XSD)
  • - XML reading classes for SAX and DOM
  • com.helger.xml.serialize.write - XML writing classes for SAX and DOM
  • com.helger.xml.transform - utility classes for XSLT processing and URL processing
  • com.helger.xml.util - general helper classes.
  • com.helger.xml.util.changelog - changelog XML serializer.
  • com.helger.xml.util.mime - contains a converter from MIME type information to Micro DOM.
  • com.helger.xml.util.statistics - statistics to XML converter.
  • com.helger.xml.xpath - utility classes for XPath handling incl. function and variable resolver

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



A special JAXB helper project. It supports both the JDK included JAXB as well as an external JAXB that is used via a separate Maven artefact.

  • com.helger.jaxb - JAXB context cache, abstract reader, writer and validator interfaces.
  • com.helger.jaxb.builder - Abstract builder for JAXB based readers, writers and validators.
  • com.helger.jaxb.utils - abstract JAXB marshaller for easy reading and writing from and to different sources and targets.
  • com.helger.jaxb.validation - validation event handler (factories) for JAXB marshalling/unmarshalling.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



A special tree management project.

  • com.helger.tree - contains interfaces and implementations for a basic tree and a basic tree item
  • - special file system tree
  • com.helger.tree.singleton - special tree class singletons for easy proxying of the tree interfaces.
  • com.helger.tree.sort - utility classes to sort trees by ID or by values.
  • com.helger.tree.util - contains a utility class to build a tree from hierarchical parent-child relations, search a tree and visit a tree.
  • com.helger.tree.withid - contains a generic tree, where each item has an ID (which must not be unique)
  • com.helger.tree.withid.folder - a specialized tree which separates into "files" and "folders"
  • com.helger.tree.withid.unique - a special tree where each item has an ID that must be unique so that each leaf can be identified easily.
  • com.helger.tree.xml - convert a tree into a generic XML.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



A library with less common elements. First available with ph-commons 8. A few elements from ph-commons 6 which I'm not really using. But to avoid loss of information this project was added.

  • com.helger.lesscommons.charset - special String encoder/decoder based on ByteBuffer
  • com.helger.lesscommons.i18n - internationalization (i18n) helper classes, especially for code point handling. Ripped from Apache Abdera.
  • com.helger.lesscommons.jmx - very basic JMX utility classes.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Another simple library to read and write JSON documents and streams using a custom parser.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Another simple library to deal with configuration files and settings in general.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Another library that improves the JDK 8 date time handling with some useful extensions.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Another library to handle all kind of graphs in a generic way.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Another library to handle matrixes in an easy way including some operations on them.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



This library adds support for the UTF-7 charset via Java extension SPI.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Contains all the global scope handling as well as the scoped singleton base classes.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Some special collections not used everywhere (like multi maps etc.)

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:



Fork of Apache commons-cli 1.4 with cleansing.

  • Remove deprecated stuff
  • Adopted naming of variables
  • Adopted class names

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:


My personal Coding Styleguide | On Twitter: @philiphelger


Java 1.8+ Library with tons of utility classes required in all projects







No packages published


  • Java 98.3%
  • CSS 1.7%