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Ahmed Bekhit edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 17 revisions



Enabling developers to capture videos πŸ“Ή, photos πŸŒ„, Live Photos πŸŽ‡, and GIFs πŸŽ† with augmented reality components.


ARVideoKit framework uses Apple's ARKit, AVFoundation, Metal and CoreMedia under the hood to render ARSCNView πŸš€ or ARSKView πŸ‘Ύ content with the device's camera stream. Enabling developers to easily capture videos πŸ“Ή, photos πŸŒ„, Live Photos πŸŽ‡ and GIFs πŸŽ†.

ARVideoKit framework simplify the process of:

  1. Rendering scenes in real-time.
    • Augmented Reality with SpriteKit content
    • Augmented Reality with SceneKit content
    • Game SceneKit content
  2. Writing the rendered scenes into a video file.
  3. Starting an audio session.
  4. Writing the audio buffers with the rendered scenes.
  5. Calculating media time when using pause/resume functionalities.
  6. Writing the rendered scenes into a Live Photo file.
  7. Writing the rendered scenes into a GIF file.
  8. Recording video & audio while playing audio in the background (e.g. playing songs from while recording).
  9. Modifying video orientations based on device's orientation.
  10. Exporting media to the device's Camera Roll.



class ARView

A class that configures the Augmented Reality View orientations.

class RecordAR

A class that renders an ARSCNView, ARSKView, or SCNView content to generate a video πŸ“Ή, photo πŸŒ„, Live Photo πŸŽ‡ or GIF πŸŽ†.

A PHLivePhoto sub-class that contains objects to allow manual exporting of a live photo.


protocol RecordARDelegate

A protocol that defines the methods triggered when the video recorder status change.

protocol RenderARDelegate

A protocol that defines the method triggered when the ARSCNView or ARSKView content is rendered with the device's camera stream.


ARVideoKit Enumerations