An Asteroids clone, made with python and pyglet. Docs:
Art from
- Draw player and a few asteroids
- Asteroids come in 3 sizes: big, medium, small.
- Asteroids move in random directions at constant speeds
- Player moves as follows:
- W -> Moves the player in the direction the player is facing
- A -> Rotate the player counter-clockwise
- D -> Rotate the player clockwise
- S -> Brake, that is, gradually reduces speed
- Player is in space, so speed remains constant if no outside force
- The player and asteroids loop to the other side when going over the border of the screen
- Player can shoot bullets
- Bullets move in a constant speed, in the direction the player was facing when fired
- Apply a cooldown for shooting bullets. That is, at most one bullet every, say, 0.3 seconds.
- Bullets that go outside the screen are destroyed.
- Collision checking with asteroids(See: AABB collision)
- If player collides with an asteroid, remove one life. If last life, game over. Player starts with 3
- If a bullet collides with an asteroid, destroy the bullet and the asteroid.
- Asteroids split when destroyed:
- If it's a big asteroid, it splits into 3 medium ones.
- If it's a medium asteroid, it splits into 3 small ones.
- If it's a small asteroid, it doesn't split.
- Split asteroids gain a random increase in speed as well as a reasonable change in direction
- Asteroid spawning:
- Spawn a group of asteroids as soon as there are no more left
- Asteroids spawn around the edges of the screen
- Asteroids never spawn on top of the player
- Sound(See Bfxr):
- Shooting bullets plays a shooty sound
- Asteroids being destroyed plays an appropriate sound
- Moving with W activates the engine, playing an engine humming sound
- Draw current score.
- Show a heart(or similar) for each life left.
- Scoring:
- Destroying asteroids increases score.
- Dying resets the score.
Additional polish:
- Game over screen:
- Show score
- Button to restart the game
- Pause screen: ESC to pause
- Nothing moves, nothing is processed
- Draw the word "PAUSED" while paused
- ESC again to unpause
- Enemies(UFO?) spawn randomly
- Enemies shoot at player
- Destroying enemies increases score
- Enemies move erratically