a unitive interface for operating database. Direct or Prepare-statement.
All operation can be done with just one interface--query.
1、Clusetr model. Mysql MGR clusetr, automaticly adapt clusetr member changed, Master/slave connection update.
2、Single model.
single model.
For sqlserver/odbc single mode:
#include "db.hpp"
#include "sqlserver_connection_pool.hpp"
using namespace sqlcpp;
//for win
std::string driver_name = "Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}"; //"DRIVER={SQL Server}"
//for linux
std::string driver_name = "Driver=ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server"; //"DRIVER={SQL Server}"
auto db_ptr = std::make_shared<db<model::single, sqlserver::connection_pool>>
(std::vector<node_info>{ {""}}, "user", "pwd", driver_name);
auto conn = db_ptr->get_conn<conn_type::general>();
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user] (
[name] varchar(255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[sex] int COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL
conn->query<void>("insert into [dbo].[user] values(?,?)", "xixi", 1);
std::vector<std::string> names = conn->query<std::string>("select name from [dbo].[user]");
struct info {
std::string name;
int sex;
REFLECT(info, name, sex);
auto cs1 = conn->query<std::tuple<std::string, int>>("select * from [dbo].[user]");
std::vector<info> cs2 = conn->query<info>("select * from [dbo].[user]");
auto ns = conn->query<int>("select sex from [dbo].[user] where name = ?", "xixi");
std::vector<int> sn = conn->query<int>("select sex from [dbo].[user] where name = ? and sex = ?", "xixi", 1);
conn->query<void>("update [dbo].[user] set sex = ? where name = ?", 2, "xixi");
conn->query<void>("delete from [dbo].[user] where name = ?", "xixi");
//deal null column. use std::optional.
//if sex is null, std::optional<int> is empty, otherwise has value
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::optional<int>>> cs11 =
conn->query<std::tuple<std::string, std::optional<int>>>("select * from [dbo].[user]");
//if sex is empty, then the sex column will be null after inserting into
std::optional<int> sex;
conn->query<void>("insert into [dbo].[user] ([name],[sex]) values(?,?)", "xixi", sex);
For mysql single mode just:
#include "db.hpp"
#include "mysql_connection_pool.hpp"
using namespace sqlcpp;
auto db_ptr = std::make_shared<db<model::single, mysql::connection_pool>>
(std::vector<node_info>{ {""}}, "user", "pwd");
auto conn = db_ptr->get_conn<conn_type::general>();
//then crud is same like above.
For mysql cluster mode:
just one seed node ip is ok, sqlpp will find all mgr cluster nodes and distinguish master and slave.
#include "db.hpp"
#include "mysql_connection_pool.hpp"
using namespace sqlcpp;
auto db_ptr = std::make_shared<db<model::cluster, mysql::connection_pool>>
(std::vector<node_info>{ {""}}, "user", "pwd");
//this is a master node connection, use for writing and reading
auto conn = db_ptr->get_conn<sqlcpp::conn_type::master>();
//this is a slave node connection, just can use for reading
auto conn = db_ptr->get_conn<sqlcpp::conn_type::slave>();
//then crud is same like above.