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Sandplate (Initial Development)

Sandplate is an opinionated boilerplate/template discord.js bot, intended to be used as a base to expand upon.

It's purpose is to cover all the basics of a discord bot's internals, such as, but not limited to:

  • Logging in with either a persisted token (stored in the config) or non-persisted (command prompt argument)
  • Framework for commands and event modules (also known as a command handler)
  • Reloadable command and event modules
  • Command access control
  • Blocking users or guilds from interacting with the bot
  • Supporting any number of command prefixes alongside @mention support
  • A full set of default commands and event listeners written in the framework
  • Improved console logging (timestamps and labels)

This way, you don't need to write these things in full yourself, they're available to expand upon and use whatever your purpose, and you can merge fixes/improvements from this repository as they occur.

However, the idea is not to skip learning how to code what sandplate does for you. Rather, to make use of sandplate properly, you'll need to know how things are implemented and familiarize yourself with the internals.

Sandplate is currently in initial development, during which anything may change at any time.

Contributing & Contact

Bug reports, issues, and suggestions are welcome via our issue tracker, and the preferred method for real time communication is this discord server.

Discord Server

If you've made something using sandplate, feel free to share it on our discussions forum!

Pull requests/code contributions are accepted & encouraged, but share your intentions via making an issue, commenting on one that exists, or joining the discord so we can discuss it beforehand 👍

More details in may be found in our contributing file.

This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in its development, you're expected to abide by its terms. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected]


  • Install node.js, npm or pnpm, and git
  • Navigate to your repository of choice and clone sandplate via git clone
  • Optional: If you want to use sandplate as an upstream...
    • In your cloned directory, use git remote -v to check if the origin remote is sandplate's repository. If it is, use git remote rm origin to remove it.
    • Use git remote add upstream to add sandplate's repository as a new remote named upstream
    • If you want, you can overwrite the push url for the upstream remote via git remote set-url --push upstream no_push_for_upstream to prevent accidental attempted pushes
    • Use git fetch upstream to fetch upstream branch info
  • Optional: If you want your project on github...
    • Create a github repository and don't initialize it with any files (readme, gitignore, etc.)
    • In your cloned directory, use git remote -v to check if the origin remote is sandplate's repository. If it is, use git remote rm origin to remove it.
    • Use git remote add origin <url>, with <url> being the git link for the repository you created
    • Use git branch -M main and git push -u origin main to push your local repository to the one you created
  • Run npm install or pnpm install in the root to install dependencies
  • I strongly recommend repurposing the the package.json and files to be about your project, and deleting or doing the same with the files in the /.github/ folder and
  • Use node index.js or npm start to run your project


This project is licensed under the unlicense