[ ] Log into ICloud [ ] Update commandline tools for xcode-select --install in System Updates [ ] Install dotfiles via chezmoi and install packages
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply zph
[ ] Install virtualization
tart clone ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-ventura-base:latest ventura-base
tart run ventura-base
[ ] Remove all apps from dock
TODO - Setup security
- Turn on Full disk encryption
- Set “Security & Privacy” to “Require Password
” upon sleep - Find cheap app that instructs me to fix my security defaults
- Set full disk access in “Security & Privacy”, click “Full Disk Access” and “+” and “Terminal”
- In order to run tmutil settings
On m1, symlink /opt/local/bin/nvim into /usr/local/bin/nvim for viscode compatibility
(The following may be handled now via improvements to .osx)
- Change dock preferences to small, autohide and no animation
- Setup 3 finger drag in Accessibility > Pointer Control > Trackpad Options
- Select in finder
- Cmd-click > "Open"
- Approve non-signed binary
OR find it in terminal and run osx-unquarantine $BINARY