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227 lines (198 loc) · 9.65 KB


一个将JavaScript中的Array对象映射为Kotlin(java)对象的库。该项目基于netscape.javascript.JSObject对象,映射了Javascript Array对象的大部分接口, 适用于使用WebEngine与底层Javascript代码进行交互的情景。



// 创建实例:
// 1 、一般通过JsArray.xxArrayOf(jsObject: JSObject) ,从现有JSObject(必须指向一个js Array对象)创建实例
// JsArray类中的相关接口包括:
fun stringArrayOf(reference: JSObject): JsArray<String?>
fun booleanArrayOf(reference: JSObject): JsArray<Boolean?>
fun intArrayOf(reference: JSObject): JsArray<Int?>
fun doubleArrayOf(reference: JSObject): JsArray<Double?>
fun jsObjectArrayOf(reference: JSObject): JsArray<JSObject?>
fun anyArrayOf(reference: JSObject): JsArray<Any?>
// 2、也可以调用newArray(...)方法在Javascript环境中新建一个对象,然后再调用上述方法创建实例
fun newArray(env: WebEngine, initialSize: Int = 0): JSObject?
fun newArray(env: JSObject, initialSize: Int = 0): JSObject?

// JsArrayInterface APIs:

// 存取值操作。重载了[]操作符,以便使用a[0], a[1] = ...的语法
operator fun set(index: Int, value: T?)
operator fun get(index: Int): T?

// 数组操作
fun concat(other: JsArrayInterface<T>): JsArrayInterface<T>
fun join(separator: String = ","): String
fun reverse(): JsArrayInterface<T>
fun pop(): T?
fun push(vararg elements: T?): Int
fun shift(): T?
fun unshift(vararg elements: T?): Int
fun slice(start: Int, end: Int? = null): JsArrayInterface<T>
fun splice(index: Int, count: Int, vararg items: T?): JsArrayInterface<T>
fun fill(value: T?, start: Int = 0, end: Int? = null): JsArrayInterface<T>

// 与迭代有关的API
fun find(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, Boolean>): T?
fun findIndex(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T, Boolean>): Int
fun includes(element: T?, start: Int = 0): Boolean
fun indexOf(element: T?, start: Int = 0): Int
fun lastIndexOf(element: T?, start: Int = -1): Int
fun forLoop(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, Boolean>, startIndex: Int = 0, stopIndex: Int = -1, step: Int = 1)
fun forEach(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, Unit>)
fun filter(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, Boolean>): JsArrayInterface<T>
fun map(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, T?>): JsArrayInterface<T>
fun every(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, Boolean>): Boolean
fun some(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, Boolean>): Boolean
fun <R> reduce(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, R?>): R?
fun <R> reduceRight(callback: JsArrayIteratorCallback<T?, R?>): R?

// 排序操作
fun sort(sortFunction: JsArraySortFunction<T?>? = null): JsArrayInterface<T>



之所以要预先定义这些类型的数组,一方面是因为这些类型基本涵盖了多数使用需求和场景,另一方面则是因为这些类型可以自动在Js与Java之间进行转换。 关于这一点,可以参考JavaFx WebView文档中关于Java与JS之间类型映射的部分,比如这里

Mapping JavaScript values to Java objects

JavaScript values are represented using the obvious Java classes: null becomes Java null; a boolean becomes a java.lang.Boolean; and a string becomes a java.lang.String. A number can be java.lang.Double or a java.lang.Integer, depending. The undefined value maps to a specific unique String object whose value is "undefined".

If the result is a JavaScript object, it is wrapped as an instance of the JSObject class. (As a special case, if the JavaScript object is a JavaRuntimeObject as discussed in the next section, then the original Java object is extracted instead.) The JSObject class is a proxy that provides access to methods and properties of its underlying JavaScript object. The most commonly used JSObject methods are getMember (to read a named property), setMember (to set or define a property), and call (to call a function-valued property).

Mapping Java objects to JavaScript values

The arguments of the JSObject methods setMember and call pass Java objects to the JavaScript environment. This is roughly the inverse of the JavaScript-to-Java mapping described above: Java String, Number, or Boolean objects are converted to the obvious JavaScript values. A JSObject object is converted to the original wrapped JavaScript object. Otherwise a JavaRuntimeObject is created. This is a JavaScript object that acts as a proxy for the Java object, in that accessing properties of the JavaRuntimeObject causes the Java field or method with the same name to be accessed.

Javascript类型 Java类型
string String
bool Boolean
number Integer或Double
undefine "undefined"
其他Object JSObject


JsStringArray (JsArray<String?>)













除了上述内置的几种类型,还可以自行实现JsArrayInterface接口,以实现自定义类型的JS数组。 可以参考JsArray类的实现代码。



// 1、在build.gradle中添加jitpack仓库地址
// 1) groovy
repositories {
    maven { url '' }
// 2) kotlin DSL
repositories {
    maven {

// 2、添加依赖
// 1) groovy
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.zimolab:js-array:v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'

// 2) kotlin DSL
dependencies {


// 1)、从已有对象创建 (假设在js中有一个名为intArr的全局对象)
val arrayInJs: JSObject = webEngine.executeScript("window.intArr") as JSObject
// 在这一步前,可以调用JsInterface.isArray()判断arrayInJs是否为Array对象,防止抛出异常
val jsIntArray = JsArray.intArrayOf(arrayInJs)

val arrayInJs = JsArray.newArray(10)
val jsIntArray = JsArray.intArrayOf(arrayInJs)
// 可以用fill填充,防止空值


// 创建成功后就可以调用各种api了,和js中的用法基本一致
// 例如
// join()
// reverse()
// splice()
print(jsIntArray.splice(0, 2, 100, 1001))

// 各迭代相关的函数也可以使用,需要借助IteratorCallback对象。
// 以forEach()为例:
// 1、使用TypedIteratorCallback
jsIntArray.forEach(object : TypedIteratorCallback<Int?, Unit>{
    override fun call(currentValue: Int?, index: Int, total: Int?, arr: Any?) {
        println("jsIntArray[$index] = $currentValue")
// 2、使用UnTypedIteratorCallback
jsIntArray.forEach(object : UnTypedIteratorCallback<Unit>{
    override fun call(currentValue: Any?, index: Int, total: Any?, arr: Any?) {
        println("jsIntArray[$index] = $currentValue")
// 3、使用lambda函数
jsIntArray.forEach { index, value->
    println("jsIntArray[$index] = $value")

// 其他迭代相关的函数,如map()、filter()、every()等以此类推。又比如,reduce()、reduceRight()的基本使用如下(简单的数值累加的例子):
jsIntArray.reduce(object : TypedIteratorCallback<Int?, Int>{
    override fun call(currentValue: Int?, index: Int, total: Int?, arr: Any?): Int {
        if(currentValue is Int)
            return currentValue + total!!
        return total!!

// 除了Array对象的原生接口,还封装了Js中原生的for循环,即for(let i=start; i < stop; i = i + step){...}
// 可以设置初值、终值、步进(默认初值为0,终值为数组长度,步进为1),并且通过回调函数的返回值控制是否跳出循环
jsIntArray.forLoop(step = 2, callback = object : UnTypedIteratorCallback<Boolean>{
    override fun call(currentValue: Any?, index: Int, total: Any?, arr: Any?): Boolean {
        if (currentValue == null)
            return false // break or not
        return true

// sort(排序),需要借助JsArraySortFunction,具体可以选择使用TypedSortFunction或者UnTypedSortFunction的其中一种
jsIntArray.sort(object : TypedSortFunction<Int?>{
    override fun compare(a: Int?, b: Int?): Boolean {
        if (a == null && b != null)
            return true
        if (a != null && b == null)
            return false
        if (a == null && b == null)
            return false
        return a!! >= b!!
jsIntArray.sort(object : UnTypedSortFunction{
    override fun compare(a: Any?, b: Any?): Boolean {
        if(a !is Int || b !is Int)
            return false
        return a < b
println("sorted: $jsIntArray")

注意: 以上代码仅仅演示API的基本使用方法,无法确保能够不经修改直接运行,实际可运行的例子在js-array-demo 仓库中可以找到。