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Releases: xeokit/xeokit-sdk


12 Nov 21:59
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xeokit-sdk 1.4.7

28 Oct 14:00
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xeokit-sdk 1.4.4

30 Sep 16:44
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10 Sep 13:28
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xeokit-sdk v1.3.8

14 Aug 08:48
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xeokit-sdk v1.3.7

07 Aug 11:28
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xeokit-sdk v1.3.6

16 Jul 10:46
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15 Jun 14:13
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25 May 12:58
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This xeokit SDK v1.1 release includes: a bundled BIM viewer, HTML tree view and context menu widgets, ambient shadows, improved camera interaction, metadata support for 3DXML models, plus many fixes and tweaks requested by users.

Release Notes

Release notes are now kept on the wiki:


22 Oct 19:18
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v0.5.0 Pre-release


This xeokit SDK v0.5.0 beta release includes: support for larger BIM models, 2D plan views and mini-maps, ability to save and restore viewer state, improved BCF support, plus numerous enhancements and bug fixes. Many thanks to UniZite, BIMData, BIMSpot and D-Studio for helping with this release.


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Special thanks to:

Load Large Models Faster

Geometry Reuse in .XKT Format

xeokit's compressed binary .XKT model format is now even more efficient to load and render, thanks to the efforts of Toni Marti at UniZite.

We're calling this .XKT format V2. The xeokit-gltf-to-xkt conversion tool and XKTLoaderPlugin are also updated to support .XKT V2.

To achieve this performance improvement, Toni extended the .XKT format to reuse geometries within the model. A case where we would reuse geometries is the windows in a building, where we would have a single geometry representing the shape of a window, which is reused by all the window objects.

This has several benefits:

  • reduces file size, making models load faster,
  • consumes less browser and GPU memory, allowing bigger models,
  • consumes less GPU bandwidth, and
  • renders more efficiently using WebGL hardware instancing.

The table below shows the reductions in file size, time to convert from glTF, and loading time:


Storey Plan Views

The new StoreyPlansPlugin provides a flexible set of building blocks with which we can build a variety of UX for navigating the storeys within our BIM models.

The plugin supports most of the UX flavors found in existing BIM viewers. There are two general flavors:

  1. navigate plan views within the main viewer canvas (usually 2D orthographic), and
  2. interactive mini-maps to help us navigate storeys in the viewer canvas (usually in first-person mode).

2D Plan Views

We can use StoreyViewsPlugin to set up views (often orthographic plan views) of building storeys within the main 3D view.


We can also use StoreyViewsPlugin to generate mini-maps that you can use to track your current position within a storey, or fly to the location you click on.


Transformable Models

We can now rotate, scale and translate .xkt and glTF models as we load them. This lets us load multiple models, or even multiple copies of the same model, and position them apart from each other.

Previously, GLTFLoaderPlugin only supported these transformations when configured with performance:false.

Screenshot from 2019-09-03 17-51-50

import {Viewer} from "../src/viewer/Viewer.js";
import {XKTLoaderPlugin} from "../src/plugins/XKTLoaderPlugin/XKTLoaderPlugin.js";

const viewer = new Viewer({
    canvasId: "myCanvas"
}); = [-5.13, 16.83, 39.46]; = [22.20, 1.86, 4.44]; = [0.19, 0.94, -0.25];

const xktLoader = new XKTLoaderPlugin(viewer);

var i = 0;

        src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt",
        metaModelSrc: "./metaModels/duplex/metaModel.json",
        edges: true,
        scale: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
        position: [i++ * 10, 0, 0]
    .on("loaded", () => {
                src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt",
                metaModelSrc: "./metaModels/duplex/metaModel.json",
                edges: true,
                scale: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                position: [i++ * 10, 0, 0]
            .on("loaded", () => {
                        src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt",
                        metaModelSrc: "./metaModels/duplex/metaModel.json",
                        edges: true,
                        scale: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                        position: [i++ * 10, 0, 0]
                    .on("loaded", () => {
                                src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt",
                                edges: true,
                                scale: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                                position: [i++ * 10, 0, 0]
                            .on("loaded", () => {
                                    src: "./models/xkt/duplex/duplex.xkt",
                                    edges: true,
                                    scale: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                                    position: [i++ * 10, 0, 0]

CLI glTF to XKT Converter

The xeokit-gltf-to-xkt conversion tool can now be run from the command line, thanks to Hugo Duroux at BIMData.

This means that we can now use scripts to fully automate the conversion of IFC, COLLADA and glTF models to xeokit's optimized binary .xkt format

Picking Enhancements

Picking is where we select objects, either at given canvas coordinates or with an arbitrarily-positioned 3D ray. This release supports two more options for picking:

  1. option to pick invisible entities, and
  2. option to provide a matrix when ray-picking, as an alternative way to indicate the ray.

In the example below, we'll pick whatever Entity intersects the given ray, even if the Entity is currently invisible:

const pickResult = myViewer.scene.pick({
    pickInvisible: true,   // Picking both visible and invisible Entitys
    origin: [10,10,10],
    dir: [-10, -10, -10]

if (pickResult) { // Picked an Entity with the ray
    // ....

In the second example, we'll pick the Entity that intersects a ray, which we'll implicitely provide as a 4x4 matrix:

const pickMatrix = math.lookAtMat4v([0,10,0], [0,-1,0], [0,0,-1]); // Eye, look and up vectors
const pickResult = myViewer.scene.pick({
    pickMatrix: pickMatrix

if (pickResult) { // Picked an Entity with the ray
    // ....

Canvas Snapshot Improvements

When taking a canvas snapshot, xeokit now 1) temporarily resizes the canvas to the target width and he...

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