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[One .NET] pack AndroidLibrary .aar files in .nupkg (#7045)
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Fixes: #7040

It appears we were missing a test case of:

1. `dotnet new androidlib`

2. Add an `.aar` file

3. `dotnet pack`

4. Assert that `lib\net6.0-android31.0\MyAndroidLibrary.aar` exists in
   the `.nupkg` output

We instead end up with "weird" output in the `.nupkg` like:


`MyDotNetAssembly.aar` would contain any `.jar` files or
`AndroidResource` files packed inside. However, *other* `.aar` files
are supposed to sit next to `MyDotNetAssembly.dll`.

It was surprisingly difficult to work alongside NuGet's MSBuild
targets to get this to work.

1. In the `_CategorizeAndroidLibraries` MSBuild target, mark
   `TfmSpecificPackageFile="%(Pack)"` to be used in our
   `_IncludeAarInNuGetPackage` MSBuild target.

2. Add these files to `@(TfmSpecificPackageFileWithRecursiveDir)` and
   set `%(NuGetRecursiveDir)` to empty. Otherwise, these items can
   have `%(RecursiveDir)` set to some path, and this causes
   sub-directories in the `.nupkg` output.

I updated several tests for this case. I also updated usage of
`XASdkProject.OtherBuildItems` to use `Sources` instead.
`OtherBuildItems` adds the files to the `.csproj`, and we should be
testing our wildcards in `AutoImport.props`. Previously, some of these
items were being added twice in these tests.
  • Loading branch information
jonathanpeppers authored May 31, 2022
1 parent 52b30e3 commit 868ef05
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Showing 3 changed files with 66 additions and 44 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ This item group populates the Build Action drop-down in IDEs.
<AndroidJavaLibrary Include="@(AndroidLibrary)" Condition=" '%(AndroidLibrary.Extension)' == '.jar' and '%(AndroidLibrary.Bind)' != 'true' " />
<EmbeddedJar Include="@(AndroidLibrary)" Condition=" '%(AndroidLibrary.Extension)' == '.jar' and '%(AndroidLibrary.Bind)' == 'true' " />
<!-- .aar files should be copied to $(OutputPath) in .NET 6-->
<None Include="@(LibraryProjectZip)" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" Link="%(Filename)%(Extension)" />
<None Include="@(LibraryProjectZip)" TfmSpecificPackageFile="%(LibraryProjectZip.Pack)" Pack="false" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" Link="%(Filename)%(Extension)" />
<!-- Legacy binding projects -->
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(_AndroidIsBindingProject)' == 'true' and '$(UsingAndroidNETSdk)' != 'true' ">
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,14 +91,16 @@ projects.
<Target Name="_IncludeAarInNuGetPackage"
Condition=" '$(IncludeBuildOutput)' != 'false' and '$(AndroidApplication)' != 'true' and Exists('$(_AarOutputPath)') ">
Condition=" '$(IncludeBuildOutput)' != 'false' and '$(AndroidApplication)' != 'true' "
<Output TaskParameter="NuGetShortFolderName" PropertyName="_NuGetShortFolderName" />
<TfmSpecificPackageFile Include="$(_AarOutputPath)" PackagePath="lib\$(_NuGetShortFolderName)" />
<TfmSpecificPackageFile Condition="Exists('$(_AarOutputPath)')" Include="$(_AarOutputPath)" PackagePath="lib\$(_NuGetShortFolderName)" />
<TfmSpecificPackageFileWithRecursiveDir Include="@(None->WithMetadataValue ('TfmSpecificPackageFile', 'true'))" PackagePath="lib\$(_NuGetShortFolderName)" NuGetRecursiveDir="" />

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,27 +91,34 @@ public Foo ()
TextContent = () => {
return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<ImageView xmlns:android=\"\" android:src=\"@drawable/IMALLCAPS\" />";
new AndroidItem.AndroidAsset ("Assets\\foo\\foo.txt") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
new AndroidItem.AndroidResource ("Resources\\layout\\MyLayout.axml") {
TextContent = () => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"\" />"
new AndroidItem.AndroidResource ("Resources\\raw\\bar.txt") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\foo.jar") {
BinaryContent = () => ResourceData.JavaSourceJarTestJar,
new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\bar.aar") {
WebContent = "",
new AndroidItem.AndroidJavaSource ("") {
Encoding = Encoding.ASCII,
TextContent = () => ResourceData.JavaSourceTestExtension,
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidAsset ("Assets\\foo\\foo.txt") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidResource ("Resources\\layout\\MyLayout.axml") {
TextContent = () => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"\" />"
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidResource ("Resources\\raw\\bar.txt") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidEnvironment ("env.txt") {
TextContent = () => $"{env_var}={env_val}",
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidEnvironment ("sub\\directory\\env.txt") {
TextContent = () => $"{env_var}={env_val}",
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\foo.jar") {
BinaryContent = () => ResourceData.JavaSourceJarTestJar,
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\arm64-v8a\\") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
Expand All @@ -120,11 +127,6 @@ public Foo ()
MetadataValues = "Link=x86\\",
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
libB.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidJavaSource ("") {
Encoding = Encoding.ASCII,
TextContent = () => ResourceData.JavaSourceTestExtension,
Metadata = { { "Bind", "True"} },
libB.AddReference (libC);

activity = libB.Sources.FirstOrDefault (s => s.Include () == "MainActivity.cs");
Expand All @@ -137,8 +139,10 @@ public Foo ()
"binding", "bin", $"{libB.ProjectName}.jar").Replace ("\\", "/"));

// Check .aar file for class library
var aarPath = Path.Combine (FullProjectDirectory, libB.OutputPath, $"{libB.ProjectName}.aar");
var libBOutputPath = Path.Combine (FullProjectDirectory, libB.OutputPath);
var aarPath = Path.Combine (libBOutputPath, $"{libB.ProjectName}.aar");
FileAssert.Exists (aarPath);
FileAssert.Exists (Path.Combine (libBOutputPath, "bar.aar"));
using (var aar = ZipHelper.OpenZip (aarPath)) {
aar.AssertContainsEntry (aarPath, "assets/foo/foo.txt");
aar.AssertContainsEntry (aarPath, "res/layout/mylayout.xml");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,7 +267,26 @@ public void DotNetPack (string dotnetVersion, string platform, int apiLevel)
Sources = {
new BuildItem.Source ("Foo.cs") {
TextContent = () => "public class Foo { }",
new AndroidItem.AndroidResource ("Resources\\raw\\bar.txt") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\foo.jar") {
BinaryContent = () => ResourceData.JavaSourceJarTestJar,
new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\bar.aar") {
WebContent = "",
new AndroidItem.AndroidJavaSource ("") {
Encoding = Encoding.ASCII,
TextContent = () =>
public class JavaSourceTest {
public String Say (String quote) {
return quote;
ExtraNuGetConfigSources = {
// Projects targeting net6.0 require ref/runtime packs on
Expand All @@ -273,12 +296,6 @@ public void DotNetPack (string dotnetVersion, string platform, int apiLevel)
if (IsPreviewFrameworkVersion (targetFramework)) {
proj.SetProperty ("EnablePreviewFeatures", "true");
proj.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidResource ("Resources\\raw\\bar.txt") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
proj.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\foo.jar") {
BinaryContent = () => ResourceData.JavaSourceJarTestJar,
proj.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary ("sub\\directory\\arm64-v8a\\") {
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
Expand All @@ -287,27 +304,30 @@ public void DotNetPack (string dotnetVersion, string platform, int apiLevel)
MetadataValues = "Link=x86\\",
BinaryContent = () => Array.Empty<byte> (),
proj.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidJavaSource ("") {
Encoding = Encoding.ASCII,
TextContent = () => @"package;
public class JavaSourceTest {
public String Say (String quote) {
return quote;
Metadata = { { "Bind", "True"} },
proj.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidLibrary (default (Func<string>)) {
Update = () => "nopack.aar",
WebContent = "",
MetadataValues = "Pack=false;Bind=false",

var dotnet = CreateDotNetBuilder (proj);
Assert.IsTrue (dotnet.Pack (), "`dotnet pack` should succeed");

var nupkgPath = Path.Combine (FullProjectDirectory, proj.OutputPath, "..", $"{proj.ProjectName}.1.0.0.nupkg");
FileAssert.Exists (nupkgPath);
using (var nupkg = ZipHelper.OpenZip (nupkgPath)) {
nupkg.AssertContainsEntry (nupkgPath, $"lib/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/{proj.ProjectName}.dll");
nupkg.AssertContainsEntry (nupkgPath, $"lib/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/{proj.ProjectName}.aar");
using var nupkg = ZipHelper.OpenZip (nupkgPath);
nupkg.AssertContainsEntry (nupkgPath, $"lib/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/{proj.ProjectName}.dll");
nupkg.AssertContainsEntry (nupkgPath, $"lib/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/{proj.ProjectName}.aar");

if (dotnetVersion != "net6.0") {
//TODO: this issue is not fixed in net6.0-android MSBuild targets
nupkg.AssertContainsEntry (nupkgPath, $"lib/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/bar.aar");
nupkg.AssertDoesNotContainEntry (nupkgPath, "content/bar.aar");
nupkg.AssertDoesNotContainEntry (nupkgPath, "content/sub/directory/bar.aar");
nupkg.AssertDoesNotContainEntry (nupkgPath, $"contentFiles/any/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/sub/directory/bar.aar");
nupkg.AssertDoesNotContainEntry (nupkgPath, $"lib/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/nopack.aar");
nupkg.AssertDoesNotContainEntry (nupkgPath, "content/nopack.aar");
nupkg.AssertDoesNotContainEntry (nupkgPath, $"contentFiles/any/{dotnetVersion}-android{apiLevel}.0/nopack.aar");

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