diff --git a/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOS.java b/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOS.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4304c2ec9d4a..000000000000
--- a/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOS.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,816 +0,0 @@
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
- Copyright (c) 2024 SparkFun Electronics
-package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cAddr;
-import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynchDevice;
-import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynchSimple;
-import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.DeviceProperties;
-import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.configuration.annotations.I2cDeviceType;
- * {@link SparkFunOTOS} is the Java driver for the SparkFun Qwiic Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor
- * (OTOS). This is a port of the Arduino library.
- *
- * @see SparkFun OTOS Product Page
- * @see Arduino Library
- */
- name = "SparkFun OTOS",
- xmlTag = "SparkFunOTOS",
- description = "SparkFun Qwiic Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor"
-public class SparkFunOTOS extends I2cDeviceSynchDevice {
- // Default I2C addresses of the Qwiic OTOS
- public static final byte DEFAULT_ADDRESS = 0x17;
- // Minimum scalar value for the linear and angular scalars
- public static final double MIN_SCALAR = 0.872;
- // Maximum scalar value for the linear and angular scalars
- public static final double MAX_SCALAR = 1.127;
- // OTOS register map
- protected static final byte REG_PRODUCT_ID = 0x00;
- protected static final byte REG_HW_VERSION = 0x01;
- protected static final byte REG_FW_VERSION = 0x02;
- protected static final byte REG_SCALAR_LINEAR = 0x04;
- protected static final byte REG_SCALAR_ANGULAR = 0x05;
- protected static final byte REG_IMU_CALIB = 0x06;
- protected static final byte REG_RESET = 0x07;
- protected static final byte REG_SIGNAL_PROCESS = 0x0E;
- protected static final byte REG_SELF_TEST = 0x0F;
- protected static final byte REG_OFF_XL = 0x10;
- protected static final byte REG_OFF_XH = 0x11;
- protected static final byte REG_OFF_YL = 0x12;
- protected static final byte REG_OFF_YH = 0x13;
- protected static final byte REG_OFF_HL = 0x14;
- protected static final byte REG_OFF_HH = 0x15;
- protected static final byte REG_STATUS = 0x1F;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_XL = 0x20;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_XH = 0x21;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_YL = 0x22;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_YH = 0x23;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_HL = 0x24;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_HH = 0x25;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_XL = 0x26;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_XH = 0x27;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_YL = 0x28;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_YH = 0x29;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_HL = 0x2A;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_HH = 0x2B;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_XL = 0x2C;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_XH = 0x2D;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_YL = 0x2E;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_YH = 0x2F;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_HL = 0x30;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_HH = 0x31;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_STD_XL = 0x32;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_STD_XH = 0x33;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_STD_YL = 0x34;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_STD_YH = 0x35;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_STD_HL = 0x36;
- protected static final byte REG_POS_STD_HH = 0x37;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_STD_XL = 0x38;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_STD_XH = 0x39;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_STD_YL = 0x3A;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_STD_YH = 0x3B;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_STD_HL = 0x3C;
- protected static final byte REG_VEL_STD_HH = 0x3D;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_STD_XL = 0x3E;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_STD_XH = 0x3F;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_STD_YL = 0x40;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_STD_YH = 0x41;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_STD_HL = 0x42;
- protected static final byte REG_ACC_STD_HH = 0x43;
- // Product ID register value
- protected static final byte PRODUCT_ID = 0x5F;
- // Conversion factors
- protected static final double METER_TO_INCH = 39.37;
- protected static final double INCH_TO_METER = 1.0 / METER_TO_INCH;
- protected static final double RADIAN_TO_DEGREE = 180.0 / Math.PI;
- protected static final double DEGREE_TO_RADIAN = Math.PI / 180.0;
- // Conversion factor for the linear position registers. 16-bit signed
- // registers with a max value of 10 meters (394 inches) gives a resolution
- // of about 0.0003 mps (0.012 ips)
- protected static final double METER_TO_INT16 = 32768.0 / 10.0;
- protected static final double INT16_TO_METER = 1.0 / METER_TO_INT16;
- // Conversion factor for the linear velocity registers. 16-bit signed
- // registers with a max value of 5 mps (197 ips) gives a resolution of about
- // 0.00015 mps (0.006 ips)
- protected static final double MPS_TO_INT16 = 32768.0 / 5.0;
- protected static final double INT16_TO_MPS = 1.0 / MPS_TO_INT16;
- // Conversion factor for the linear acceleration registers. 16-bit signed
- // registers with a max value of 157 mps^2 (16 g) gives a resolution of
- // about 0.0048 mps^2 (0.49 mg)
- protected static final double MPSS_TO_INT16 = 32768.0 / (16.0 * 9.80665);
- protected static final double INT16_TO_MPSS = 1.0 / MPSS_TO_INT16;
- // Conversion factor for the angular position registers. 16-bit signed
- // registers with a max value of pi radians (180 degrees) gives a resolution
- // of about 0.00096 radians (0.0055 degrees)
- protected static final double RAD_TO_INT16 = 32768.0 / Math.PI;
- protected static final double INT16_TO_RAD = 1.0 / RAD_TO_INT16;
- // Conversion factor for the angular velocity registers. 16-bit signed
- // registers with a max value of 34.9 rps (2000 dps) gives a resolution of
- // about 0.0011 rps (0.061 degrees per second)
- protected static final double RPS_TO_INT16 = 32768.0 / (2000.0 * DEGREE_TO_RADIAN);
- protected static final double INT16_TO_RPS = 1.0 / RPS_TO_INT16;
- // Conversion factor for the angular acceleration registers. 16-bit signed
- // registers with a max value of 3141 rps^2 (180000 dps^2) gives a
- // resolution of about 0.096 rps^2 (5.5 dps^2)
- protected static final double RPSS_TO_INT16 = 32768.0 / (Math.PI * 1000.0);
- protected static final double INT16_TO_RPSS = 1.0 / RPSS_TO_INT16;
- // 2D pose structure, including x and y coordinates and heading angle.
- // Although pose is traditionally used for position and orientation, this
- // structure is also used for velocity and accleration by the OTOS driver
- public static class Pose2D {
- public double x;
- public double y;
- public double h;
- public Pose2D() {
- x = 0.0;
- y = 0.0;
- h = 0.0;
- }
- public Pose2D(double x, double y, double h) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- this.h = h;
- }
- public void set(Pose2D pose) {
- this.x = pose.x;
- this.y = pose.y;
- this.h = pose.h;
- }
- }
- // Version register structure
- public static class Version {
- public byte minor;
- public byte major;
- public Version() {
- set((byte) 0);
- }
- public Version(byte value) {
- set(value);
- }
- public void set(byte value) {
- minor = (byte) (value & 0x0F);
- major = (byte) ((value >> 4) & 0x0F);
- }
- public byte get() {
- return (byte) ((major << 4) | minor);
- }
- }
- // Signal process config register structure
- public static class SignalProcessConfig {
- public boolean enLut;
- public boolean enAcc;
- public boolean enRot;
- public boolean enVar;
- public SignalProcessConfig() {
- set((byte) 0);
- }
- public SignalProcessConfig(byte value) {
- set(value);
- }
- public void set(byte value) {
- enLut = (value & 0x01) != 0;
- enAcc = (value & 0x02) != 0;
- enRot = (value & 0x04) != 0;
- enVar = (value & 0x08) != 0;
- }
- public byte get() {
- return (byte) ((enLut ? 0x01 : 0) | (enAcc ? 0x02 : 0) | (enRot ? 0x04 : 0) | (enVar ? 0x08 : 0));
- }
- }
- // Self-test config register structure
- public static class SelfTestConfig {
- public boolean start;
- public boolean inProgress;
- public boolean pass;
- public boolean fail;
- public SelfTestConfig() {
- set((byte) 0);
- }
- public SelfTestConfig(byte value) {
- set(value);
- }
- public void set(byte value) {
- start = (value & 0x01) != 0;
- inProgress = (value & 0x02) != 0;
- pass = (value & 0x04) != 0;
- fail = (value & 0x08) != 0;
- }
- public byte get() {
- return (byte) ((start ? 0x01 : 0) | (inProgress ? 0x02 : 0) | (pass ? 0x04 : 0) | (fail ? 0x08 : 0));
- }
- }
- // Status register structure
- public static class Status {
- public boolean warnTiltAngle;
- public boolean warnOpticalTracking;
- public boolean errorPaa;
- public boolean errorLsm;
- public Status() {
- set((byte) 0);
- }
- public Status(byte value) {
- set(value);
- }
- public void set(byte value) {
- warnTiltAngle = (value & 0x01) != 0;
- warnOpticalTracking = (value & 0x02) != 0;
- errorPaa = (value & 0x40) != 0;
- errorLsm = (value & 0x80) != 0;
- }
- public byte get() {
- return (byte) ((warnTiltAngle ? 0x01 : 0) | (warnOpticalTracking ? 0x02 : 0) | (errorPaa ? 0x40 : 0) | (errorLsm ? 0x80 : 0));
- }
- }
- // Enumerations for linear units used by the OTOS driver
- public enum LinearUnit {
- }
- // Enumerations for angular units used by the OTOS driver
- public enum AngularUnit {
- }
- protected LinearUnit _linearUnit;
- protected AngularUnit _angularUnit;
- protected double _meterToUnit;
- protected double _radToUnit;
- public SparkFunOTOS(I2cDeviceSynchSimple i2cDeviceSynchSimple, boolean deviceClientIsOwned)
- {
- // Initialize the base class
- super(i2cDeviceSynchSimple, deviceClientIsOwned);
- // Set the I2C address to the default
- deviceClient.setI2cAddress(I2cAddr.create7bit(DEFAULT_ADDRESS));
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean doInitialize()
- {
- // Set default units to inches and degrees
- _linearUnit = LinearUnit.INCHES;
- _angularUnit = AngularUnit.DEGREES;
- _meterToUnit = METER_TO_INCH;
- _radToUnit = RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
- // Check if the device is connected
- return isConnected();
- }
- @Override
- public Manufacturer getManufacturer()
- {
- // TODO: Update with SparkFun once it's available
- return Manufacturer.Other;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDeviceName()
- {
- return "SparkFun Qwiic Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor";
- }
- /**
- * Begins the Qwiic OTOS and verifies it is connected
- * @return True if successful, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean begin() {
- // Just check if the device is connected, no other setup is needed
- return isConnected();
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the OTOS is connected to the I2C bus
- * @return True if the OTOS is connected, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean isConnected() {
- // Read the product ID
- byte prodId = deviceClient.read8(REG_PRODUCT_ID);
- // Check if the product ID is correct
- if (prodId != PRODUCT_ID)
- return false;
- // Everything checks out, we must be connected!
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the hardware and firmware version of the OTOS
- * @param hwVersion Hardware version number
- * @param fwVersion Firmware version number
- */
- public void getVersionInfo(Version hwVersion, Version fwVersion) {
- // Read hardware and firmware version registers
- byte[] rawData = deviceClient.read(REG_HW_VERSION, 2);
- // Store the version info
- hwVersion.set(rawData[0]);
- fwVersion.set(rawData[1]);
- }
- /**
- * Performs a self-test on the OTOS
- * @return True if the self-test passed, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean selfTest() {
- // Write the self-test register to start the test
- SelfTestConfig selfTest = new SelfTestConfig();
- selfTest.set((byte) 1);
- deviceClient.write8(REG_SELF_TEST, selfTest.get());
- // Loop until self-test is done, should only take ~20ms as of firmware v1.0
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- // Give a short delay between reads
- try {
- Thread.sleep(5);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- return false;
- }
- // Read the self-test register
- selfTest.set(deviceClient.read8(REG_SELF_TEST));
- // Check if the self-test is done
- if (selfTest.inProgress == false) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Check if the self-test passed
- return selfTest.pass;
- }
- /**
- * Calibrates the IMU on the OTOS, which removes the accelerometer and
- * gyroscope offsets. This will do the full 255 samples and wait until
- * the calibration is done, which takes about 612ms as of firmware v1.0
- * @return True if the calibration was successful, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean calibrateImu() {
- return calibrateImu(255, true);
- }
- /**
- * Calibrates the IMU on the OTOS, which removes the accelerometer and
- * gyroscope offsets
- * @param numSamples Number of samples to take for calibration. Each sample
- * takes about 2.4ms, so fewer samples can be taken for faster calibration
- * @param waitUntilDone Whether to wait until the calibration is complete.
- * Set false to calibrate asynchronously, see getImuCalibrationProgress()
- * @return True if the calibration was successful, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean calibrateImu(int numSamples, boolean waitUntilDone) {
- // Check if the number of samples is out of bounds
- if (numSamples < 1 || numSamples > 255)
- return false;
- // Write the number of samples to the device
- deviceClient.write8(REG_IMU_CALIB, numSamples);
- // Wait 1 sample period (2.4ms) to ensure the register updates
- try {
- Thread.sleep(3);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- return false;
- }
- // Do we need to wait until the calibration finishes?
- if (!waitUntilDone)
- return true;
- // Wait for the calibration to finish, which is indicated by the IMU
- // calibration register reading zero, or until we reach the maximum number
- // of read attempts
- for (int numAttempts = numSamples; numAttempts > 0; numAttempts--) {
- // Read the gryo calibration register value
- byte calibrationValue = deviceClient.read8(REG_IMU_CALIB);
- // Check if calibration is done
- if (calibrationValue == 0)
- return true;
- // Give a short delay between reads. As of firmware v1.0, samples take
- // 2.4ms each, so 3ms should guarantee the next sample is done. This
- // also ensures the max attempts is not exceeded in normal operation
- try {
- Thread.sleep(3);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Max number of attempts reached, calibration failed
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the progress of the IMU calibration. Used for asynchronous
- * calibration with calibrateImu()
- * @return Number of samples remaining for calibration
- */
- public int getImuCalibrationProgress() {
- // Read the IMU calibration register
- return deviceClient.read8(REG_IMU_CALIB) & 0xFF;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the linear unit used by all methods using a pose
- * @return Linear unit
- */
- public LinearUnit getLinearUnit() {
- return _linearUnit;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the linear unit used by all methods using a pose
- * @param unit Linear unit
- */
- public void setLinearUnit(LinearUnit unit) {
- // Check if this unit is already set
- if (unit == _linearUnit)
- return;
- // Store new unit
- _linearUnit = unit;
- // Compute conversion factor to new units
- _meterToUnit = (unit == LinearUnit.METERS) ? 1.0 : METER_TO_INCH;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the angular unit used by all methods using a pose
- * @return Angular unit
- */
- public AngularUnit getAngularUnit() {
- return _angularUnit;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the angular unit used by all methods using a pose
- * @param unit Angular unit
- */
- public void setAngularUnit(AngularUnit unit) {
- // Check if this unit is already set
- if (unit == _angularUnit)
- return;
- // Store new unit
- _angularUnit = unit;
- // Compute conversion factor to new units
- _radToUnit = (unit == AngularUnit.RADIANS) ? 1.0 : RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the linear scalar used by the OTOS
- * @return Linear scalar
- */
- public double getLinearScalar() {
- // Read the linear scalar from the device
- byte rawScalar = deviceClient.read8(REG_SCALAR_LINEAR);
- // Convert to double, multiples of 0.1%
- return (rawScalar * 0.001) + 1.0;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the linear scalar used by the OTOS. Can be used to
- * compensate for scaling issues with the sensor measurements
- * @param scalar Linear scalar, must be between 0.872 and 1.127
- * @return True if the scalar was set successfully, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean setLinearScalar(double scalar) {
- // Check if the scalar is out of bounds
- if (scalar < MIN_SCALAR || scalar > MAX_SCALAR)
- return false;
- // Convert to integer, multiples of 0.1% (+0.5 to round instead of truncate)
- byte rawScalar = (byte) ((scalar - 1.0) * 1000 + 0.5);
- // Write the scalar to the device
- deviceClient.write8(REG_SCALAR_LINEAR, rawScalar);
- // Done!
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the angular scalar used by the OTOS
- * @return Angular scalar
- */
- public double getAngularScalar() {
- // Read the angular scalar from the device
- byte rawScalar = deviceClient.read8(REG_SCALAR_ANGULAR);
- // Convert to double, multiples of 0.1%
- return (rawScalar * 0.001) + 1.0;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the angular scalar used by the OTOS. Can be used to
- * compensate for scaling issues with the sensor measurements
- * @param scalar Angular scalar, must be between 0.872 and 1.127
- * @return True if the scalar was set successfully, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean setAngularScalar(double scalar) {
- // Check if the scalar is out of bounds
- if (scalar < MIN_SCALAR || scalar > MAX_SCALAR)
- return false;
- // Convert to integer, multiples of 0.1% (+0.5 to round instead of truncate)
- byte rawScalar = (byte) ((scalar - 1.0) * 1000 + 0.5);
- // Write the scalar to the device
- deviceClient.write8(REG_SCALAR_ANGULAR, rawScalar);
- // Done!
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Resets the tracking algorithm, which resets the position to the
- * origin, but can also be used to recover from some rare tracking errors
- */
- public void resetTracking() {
- // Set tracking reset bit
- deviceClient.write8(REG_RESET, 0x01);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the signal processing configuration from the OTOS
- * @return Signal processing configuration
- */
- public SignalProcessConfig getSignalProcessConfig() {
- // Read the signal process register
- return new SignalProcessConfig(deviceClient.read8(REG_SIGNAL_PROCESS));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the signal processing configuration on the OTOS. This is
- * primarily useful for creating and testing a new lookup table calibration
- * @param config Signal processing configuration
- */
- public void setSignalProcessConfig(SignalProcessConfig config) {
- // Write the signal process register
- deviceClient.write8(REG_SIGNAL_PROCESS, config.get());
- }
- /**
- * Gets the status register from the OTOS, which includes warnings
- * and errors reported by the sensor
- * @return Status register value
- */
- public Status getStatus() {
- return new Status(deviceClient.read8(REG_STATUS));
- }
- /**
- * Gets the offset of the OTOS
- * @return Offset of the sensor relative to the center of the robot
- */
- public Pose2D getOffset() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_OFF_XL, INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the offset of the OTOS. This is useful if your sensor is
- * mounted off-center from a robot. Rather than returning the position of
- * the sensor, the OTOS will return the position of the robot
- * @param pose Offset of the sensor relative to the center of the robot
- */
- public void setOffset(Pose2D pose) {
- writePoseRegs(REG_OFF_XL, pose, METER_TO_INT16, RAD_TO_INT16);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the position measured by the OTOS
- * @return Position measured by the OTOS
- */
- public Pose2D getPosition() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_POS_XL, INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the position measured by the OTOS. This is useful if your
- * robot does not start at the origin, or you have another source of
- * location information (eg. vision odometry); the OTOS will continue
- * tracking from this position
- * @param pose New position for the OTOS to track from
- */
- public void setPosition(Pose2D pose) {
- writePoseRegs(REG_POS_XL, pose, METER_TO_INT16, RAD_TO_INT16);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the velocity measured by the OTOS
- * @return Velocity measured by the OTOS
- */
- public Pose2D getVelocity() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_VEL_XL, INT16_TO_MPS, INT16_TO_RPS);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the acceleration measured by the OTOS
- * @return Acceleration measured by the OTOS
- */
- public Pose2D getAcceleration() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_ACC_XL, INT16_TO_MPSS, INT16_TO_RPSS);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the standard deviation of the measured position
- * @return Standard deviation of the position measured by the OTOS
- * @apiNote These values are just the square root of the diagonal elements
- * of the covariance matrices of the Kalman filters used in the firmware, so
- * they are just statistical quantities and do not represent actual error!
- */
- public Pose2D getPositionStdDev() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_POS_STD_XL, INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the standard deviation of the measured velocity
- * @return Standard deviation of the velocity measured by the OTOS
- * @apiNote These values are just the square root of the diagonal elements
- * of the covariance matrices of the Kalman filters used in the firmware, so
- * they are just statistical quantities and do not represent actual error!
- */
- public Pose2D getVelocityStdDev() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_VEL_STD_XL, INT16_TO_MPS, INT16_TO_RPS);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the standard deviation of the measured acceleration
- * @return Standard deviation of the acceleration measured by the OTOS
- * @apiNote These values are just the square root of the diagonal elements
- * of the covariance matrices of the Kalman filters used in the firmware, so
- * they are just statistical quantities and do not represent actual error!
- */
- public Pose2D getAccelerationStdDev() {
- return readPoseRegs(REG_ACC_STD_XL, INT16_TO_MPSS, INT16_TO_RPSS);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the position, velocity, and acceleration measured by the
- * OTOS in a single burst read
- * @param pos Position measured by the OTOS
- * @param vel Velocity measured by the OTOS
- * @param acc Acceleration measured by the OTOS
- */
- public void getPosVelAcc(Pose2D pos, Pose2D vel, Pose2D acc) {
- // Read all pose registers
- byte[] rawData = deviceClient.read(REG_POS_XL, 18);
- // Convert raw data to pose units
- pos.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 0, 6), INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD));
- vel.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 6, 12), INT16_TO_MPS, INT16_TO_RPS));
- acc.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 12, 18), INT16_TO_MPSS, INT16_TO_RPSS));
- }
- /**
- * Gets the standard deviation of the measured position, velocity,
- * and acceleration in a single burst read
- * @param pos Standard deviation of the position measured by the OTOS
- * @param vel Standard deviation of the velocity measured by the OTOS
- * @param acc Standard deviation of the acceleration measured by the OTOS
- */
- public void getPosVelAccStdDev(Pose2D pos, Pose2D vel, Pose2D acc) {
- // Read all pose registers
- byte[] rawData = deviceClient.read(REG_POS_STD_XL, 18);
- // Convert raw data to pose units
- pos.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 0, 6), INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD));
- vel.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 6, 12), INT16_TO_MPS, INT16_TO_RPS));
- acc.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 12, 18), INT16_TO_MPSS, INT16_TO_RPSS));
- }
- /**
- * Gets the position, velocity, acceleration, and standard deviation
- * of each in a single burst read
- * @param pos Position measured by the OTOS
- * @param vel Velocity measured by the OTOS
- * @param acc Acceleration measured by the OTOS
- * @param posStdDev Standard deviation of the position measured by the OTOS
- * @param velStdDev Standard deviation of the velocity measured by the OTOS
- * @param accStdDev Standard deviation of the acceleration measured by the OTOS
- */
- public void getPosVelAccAndStdDev(Pose2D pos, Pose2D vel, Pose2D acc,
- Pose2D posStdDev, Pose2D velStdDev, Pose2D accStdDev) {
- // Read all pose registers
- byte[] rawData = deviceClient.read(REG_POS_XL, 36);
- // Convert raw data to pose units
- pos.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 0, 6), INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD));
- vel.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 6, 12), INT16_TO_MPS, INT16_TO_RPS));
- acc.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 12, 18), INT16_TO_MPSS, INT16_TO_RPSS));
- posStdDev.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 18, 24), INT16_TO_METER, INT16_TO_RAD));
- velStdDev.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 24, 30), INT16_TO_MPS, INT16_TO_RPS));
- accStdDev.set(regsToPose(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawData, 30, 36), INT16_TO_MPSS, INT16_TO_RPSS));
- }
- // Function to read raw pose registers and convert to specified units
- protected Pose2D readPoseRegs(byte reg, double rawToXY, double rawToH) {
- // Attempt to read the raw pose data
- byte[] rawData = deviceClient.read(reg, 6);
- return regsToPose(rawData, rawToXY, rawToH);
- }
- // Function to write raw pose registers and convert from specified units
- protected void writePoseRegs(byte reg, Pose2D pose, double xyToRaw, double hToRaw) {
- // Store raw data in a temporary buffer
- byte[] rawData = new byte[6];
- poseToRegs(rawData, pose, xyToRaw, hToRaw);
- // Write the raw data to the device
- deviceClient.write(reg, rawData);
- }
- // Function to convert raw pose registers to a pose structure
- protected Pose2D regsToPose(byte[] rawData, double rawToXY, double rawToH) {
- // Wrap raw data in a buffer to handle endianness and signed values
- ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawData);
- data.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- // Store raw data
- short rawX = data.getShort(0);
- short rawY = data.getShort(2);
- short rawH = data.getShort(4);
- // Store in pose and convert to units
- Pose2D pose = new Pose2D();
- pose.x = rawX * rawToXY * _meterToUnit;
- pose.y = rawY * rawToXY * _meterToUnit;
- pose.h = rawH * rawToH * _radToUnit;
- return pose;
- }
- // Function to convert a pose structure to raw pose registers
- protected void poseToRegs(byte[] rawData, Pose2D pose, double xyToRaw, double hToRaw) {
- // Convert pose units to raw data
- short rawX = (short) (pose.x * xyToRaw / _meterToUnit);
- short rawY = (short) (pose.y * xyToRaw / _meterToUnit);
- short rawH = (short) (pose.h * hToRaw / _radToUnit);
- // Store raw data in buffer
- rawData[0] = (byte) (rawX & 0xFF);
- rawData[1] = (byte) ((rawX >> 8) & 0xFF);
- rawData[2] = (byte) (rawY & 0xFF);
- rawData[3] = (byte) ((rawY >> 8) & 0xFF);
- rawData[4] = (byte) (rawH & 0xFF);
- rawData[5] = (byte) ((rawH >> 8) & 0xFF);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOSDrive.java b/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOSDrive.java
index 40f8900c9161..87a7ecaed90e 100644
--- a/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOSDrive.java
+++ b/TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/SparkFunOTOSDrive.java
@@ -2,22 +2,15 @@
-import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.Config;
+import static com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.ftc.OTOSKt.OTOSPoseToRRPose;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.Pose2d;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.PoseVelocity2d;
-import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.Time;
-import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.Twist2dDual;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.Vector2d;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.ftc.FlightRecorder;
+import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.ftc.SparkFunOTOS;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
-import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.VectorF;
-import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.DistanceUnit;
-import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Quaternion;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.messages.PoseMessage;
-import org.firstinspires.ftc.vision.apriltag.AprilTagDetection;
-import org.firstinspires.ftc.vision.apriltag.AprilTagLibrary;
-import org.firstinspires.ftc.vision.apriltag.AprilTagProcessor;
* Experimental extension of MecanumDrive that uses the SparkFun OTOS sensor for localization.
@@ -64,7 +57,7 @@ public static class Params {
public static SparkFunOTOSDrive.Params PARAMS = new SparkFunOTOSDrive.Params();
- SparkFunOTOS otos;
+ public SparkFunOTOS otos;
public SparkFunOTOSDrive(HardwareMap hardwareMap, Pose2d pose) {
super(hardwareMap, pose);
@@ -112,13 +105,4 @@ public PoseVelocity2d updatePoseEstimate() {
return new PoseVelocity2d(new Vector2d(otosVel.x, otosVel.y),otosVel.h);
- /**
- * Convert SparkFunOTOS poses to Roadrunner poses
- * NOTE: assumes units are inches and radians
- * @param otosPose The SparkFun OTOS sensor's pose
- * @return Input pose as a Roadrunner pose
- */
- public Pose2d OTOSPoseToRRPose(SparkFunOTOS.Pose2D otosPose) {
- return new Pose2d(otosPose.x, otosPose.y, otosPose.h);
- }