This repo contains code/assets from the article
├── --- Article explaining the code
├── index.html --- Demo UI page
├── worker.js --- JS code for Demo UI Page
├── oldindex.html --- Code from the article
├── pdfcpu --- Linux x86_64 native binary
├── pdfcpu.wasm --- Compiled wasm module of pdfcpu
├── --- Brotli compression output
├── pdfcpu.wasm.gz --- Gzip compression output
├── --- This file
├── static_server.js --- A simple HTTP static file server in Node.js, with wasm MIME type support for development
├── wasm_exec.js.orig --- Original wasm_exec.js from Go v1.12.4 installation (misc/wasm), for diff'ing changes
└── wasm_exec.js --- Modified to add Filesystem emulation support in browser with BrowserFS