This is a Clojure client lib for Redis
Here be dragons! .. or rather, Java. The client is a small core of java that implements the Redis protocol with a clojure API for Redis commands around it.
WORK IN PROGRESS! I expect to have a stable release in a couple of weeks, but things seems to work ok.
- Pretty fast. The core Java part is in the same ballpark as redis-bench
- Commands are generated from redis-doc (commands.json). This means it's easy to keep the client up-to-date with Redis development. Also, useful documention for command fns!
- All commands are pipelined by default and returns futures.
- Futures return can be deref:ed with
(deref xx)
(returns Reply) - Replies can alse be deref:ed to their underlying values
@@(ping db) => "PONG"
- Return values are processed as little as possible, eg.
@@(get db "xxx")
returns byte[]. Includes some helper fns for converting toString
(->str @(get r "xxx"))
(->strs) - Sane pub/sub support, including correct behavior for UNSUBSCRIBE returning connection to normal state.
- Support for MULTI/EXEC and return values (see example below).
- labs-redis does not use global
for the connection ref (as in clj-redis and redis-clojure). In my target code for this library talks to alot of different Redis instances and(with-connection (client) (set key val))
adds alot of uneccesary boilerplate for us. - Idiomatic support for EVAL.
handles caching of lua source per connection and EVALSHA use etc.(defeval my-echo [] [x] "return'ECHO',ARGV[1])")
- Small connection pool impl (
macro.) Work in progress..
(require '[labs.redis.core :as redis])
(def db (redis/client))
(redis/ping db)
=> <ReplyFuture <StatusReply "PONG">>
@(redis/ping db)
=> <StatusReply "PONG">
(redis/value @(redis/ping db))
=> "PONG"
@@(redis/ping db)
=> "PONG"
@(redis/set db "foo" "bar")
=> <StatusReply "OK">
@(redis/get db "foo")
=> <BulkReply@xxxx: #<byte[] [B@xxxx]>>
@@(redis/get db "foo")
=> #<byte[] [B@xxxx]>
(String. @@(redis/get db "foo"))
=> "bar"
(redis/->str @(redis/get db "foo"))
=> "bar"
Arguments to commands are converted and flattened in a do-what-I-mean style, so we can write code like
;; ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX]
(zunionstore r "out" 2 ["set1" "set2"] {:weights [10 20] :aggregate :sum})
(subscribe-with r
["msgs" "msgs2" "msgs3"]
(fn [db channel message]
(let [message (->str message)]
(println "R " channel message)
(not (= "quit" message)))))
;; multi/exec with sane handling of return values
(multi r)
(let [_ (mset r "k1" "v1" "k2" "v2")
a (get r "k1")
_ (set r "k2" "xx")
b (get r "k2")]
(exec! r)
(println (->str @a) (->str @b))) ;; v1 xx
(catch Throwable t
(try @(discard r)
(finally (throw t)))))
There is also a macro (atomically db &body)
that does multi/exec/discard and return the MultiBulkReply from EXEC.
See source for details.
Not deployed on clojars yet. Install locally or use leiningen checkouts
Add [labs-redis "0.1.0"]
in your project.clj
then run lein deps
Andreas Bielk :: [email protected] :: @wallrat
Copyright © 2012 Andreas Bielk
Distributed under the MIT/X11 license; see the file LICENSE.