This folder contains a custom adapter for Svelte 5.
Make sure you have @tanstack/table-core
pnpm install @tanstack/table-core
Column definitions are very similar to the existing adapter for TanStack Table v8.
<script lang="ts">
import { createColumnHelper, createSvelteTable, getCoreRowModel } from '$lib/table';
type UserProfile = {
// Shape of the data
// 💡 Create a column helper for the user profile data.
// It's not necessary, but it helps with typescript stuff.
const colHelp = createColumnHelper<UserProfile>();
// Define the columns using the column helper.
// This is a basic example. Check other examples for more complexity.
const columnDefs = [
colHelp.accessor('name', { header: 'Name' }),
colHelp.accessor('age', { header: 'Age' }),
colHelp.accessor('email', { header: 'Email' }),
colHelp.accessor('phone', { header: 'Phone' })
// Create the table.
const table = createSvelteTable({
data: [
/* ... */
columns: columnDefs,
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel()
🔗 Link: The code abode came from the basic example.
If you want to render a component in a cell or header, you can use the
or renderSnippet
<script lang="ts">
import TableCheckbox from './_components/table-checkbox.svelte';
const columnDefs = [
// 💡 Rendering a component using renderComponent
header: 'Select',
cell: ({ row }) =>
renderComponent(TableCheckbox, {
checked: row.getIsSelected(),
onchange: () => {
// 💡 Rendering a snippet using renderSnippet
colHelp.accessor('githubPath', {
header: 'GitHub',
cell({ cell }) {
const href = `${__GITHUB_URL__}/tree/main/${cell.getValue()}`;
return renderSnippet(linkCell, { href, text: 'Link to GitHub' });
// ... define and use table
🔗 Link: The code abode came from the select example, and the homepage.
will only accept a snippet that takes one argument.
This is very similar to the existing adapter for TanStack Table, but here,
you'll use FlexRender
<script lang="ts">
import { FlexRender } from '$lib/flex-render';
const table = createSvelteTable({
/* ... */
{#each table.getHeaderGroups() as headerGroup}
{#each headerGroup.headers as header}
<FlexRender content={header.column.columnDef.header} context={header.getContext()} />
{#each table.getRowModel().rows as row}
{#each row.getVisibleCells() as cell}
<FlexRender content={cell.column.columnDef.cell} context={cell.getContext()} />
🔗 Link: The code abode came from the select example.
If your table only has POJO's, you don't need to use FlexRender
{#each table.getHeaderGroups() as headerGroup}
{#each headerGroup.headers as header}
{#each table.getRowModel().rows as row}
{#each row.getVisibleCells() as cell}
🔗 Link: The code abode came from the basic example.
In this adapter, state is used very similarly to the SolidJS adapter since both Svelte 5 and SolidJS use signals.
For each state that you'd like reactivity for, you'll need to create a rune, and an updater function.
<script lang="ts">
// ... imports
type UserProfile = {
// Shape of the data
const colHelp = createColumnHelper<UserProfile>();
// Define the columns using the column helper.
const columnDefs = [
// Add a column for selection
header: 'Select',
cell: ({ row }) =>
renderComponent(TableCheckbox, {
// In this case, `row.getIsSelected()` is only needed if you're starting with an
// initial state.
checked: row.getIsSelected(),
onchange: () => {
// ... more columns
// Create a rune for the row selection state.
let rowSelectionState: RowSelectionState = $state({});
// Create the table.
const table = createSvelteTable({
data: [
/* ... */
columns: columnDefs,
state: {
// This needs to be a getter to keep the state reactive.
get rowSelection() {
return rowSelectionState;
onRowSelectionChange: (updater: Updater<RowSelectionState>) => {
if (updater instanceof Function) {
rowSelectionState = updater(rowSelectionState);
} else {
rowSelectionState = updater;
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel()
<button onclick={() => table.toggleAllRowsSelected()}> Toggle All Selected </button>
<!-- Table markup -->
🔗 Link: The code abode came from the select example.
Check out the examples
route for functional examples.