The following action are supported:
- Call example with post body defined in separate file.
"Action": "call",
"Request": {
"BodyURL": "gs://myPath/body.txt",
"URL": "$MyCloudFunctionEndpoty",
"Method": "POST",
"Auth": true
where request should be compatible with the following type:
//CallRequest represents an http call request
type CallRequest struct {
URL string
Method string
BodyURL string
Body string
//Auth authenticate to call non public cloud function
Auth bool
//Scopes for OAuth HTTP client
Scopes []string
In addition call task can use the following variables
- $DestTable: destination table
- $TempTable: temp table
- $EventID: storage event id triggering load or batch
- $URLs: coma separated list of load URIs
- $SourceURI: one of load URI
- $RuleURL: transfer rule URL
- Pattern Parameters