This starter project will get you up and running fast with a React project with visual page building + creation that you can customize and deploy anywhere.
Be sure you have node.js installed on your system
git clone
cd builder/starters/react
npm install
Create a free account at and grab your public API key from
Paste your API key at the top of src/App.js for the value of the API_KEY
npm start
This will host your site at http://localhost:3000
Head back over to, and create a new page with url /page-1 and publish it (green button in top right corner)
Now go over to http://localhost:3000 to see your content live!
You can deploy your site with many services
For a quick and easy deployment, create an account at
Then from this project directory, run
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
firebase init # be sure to choose "hosting" when prompted
npm run build
firebase deploy
And you are live!
For more detailed deployment instructions and options see here
If you run into any issues here, don't hesitate to create a Github issue or even email me directly at [email protected]
This project wasa created by create-react-app. For more information on commands and usage see their docs here