- UI components
Global test setup is done in /src/test.setup.js:
We use Jest Preview to visualise Jest tests in the browser. To do this, first make sure you have a terminal running the Preview server (will open a Chrome tab):
name@machine homepage-react % npm run jest-preview
then import the preview library in your test file:
import { preview } from 'test-utils';
then somewhere in your test, where you'd like to see what the rendered output looks like in the browser, call:
We have begun using the user-event library to simulate clicking of objects, selecting options from lists, and entering text (besides many other features). This library replaces the previous use of fireEvent and act() with a simpler and more browser-accurate API:
import {userEvent} from 'test-utils';
// somewhere in your code
// 1. clicking a button etc.
// 2. clicking a select and choosing an option
// Note there are additional options for 'selectOptions' - see the docos
await userEvent.selectOptions(getByRole('listbox'), 'whatever label text');
// 3. entering text - this has the additional benefit of auto-clicking the element first
// Note there are additional options for 'type' - see the docos
await userEvent.type(getByTestId('your-input'), 'some text');