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Service Hooks

Mario Izquierdo edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

Hooks allow injecting useful code during the lifecycle of a Twirp server request.

routing -> before -> handler -> on_success
                             -> on_error

One and only one of on_success or on_error is called per request. If exceptions are raised, the exception_raised hook is called before calling on_error.

routing -> before -> handler
                     ! exception_raised -> on_error

Available hooks

  • before: (block |rack_env, env|) Runs after the request is routed to an rpc method, but before calling the method handler. This is the only place to read the rack_env to access http request and middleware data, and can add more values to the Twirp env, for example authentication data like env[:user_id]. The Twirp env already has some routing info like env[:rpc_method], env[:input] and env[:input_class]. Returning a Twirp::Error from the before hook immediately cancels the request.
  • on_success: (block |env|) Runs after the rpc method is handled, unless it returned a Twirp:Error or raised an exception. The env[:output] contains the serialized message of class env[:ouput_class].
  • on_error: (block |twerr, env|) Runs on error responses, that is bad_route errors during routing, Twirp errors returned from before hooks or method handlers, or after an exception was raised. Raised exceptions are wrapped with Twirp::Error.internal_with(e), that has code internal and the original exception is stored in twerr.cause.
  • exception_raised: (block |e, env|) Runs if an exception was raised from the handler or any of the other hooks.


svc =

svc.before do |rack_env, env|
  env[:user_id] = authenticate(rack_env)
  env[:enviornment] = (ENV['ENVIRONMENT'] || :local).to_sym

svc.on_success do |env|"requests.success")

svc.on_error do |twerr, env|"requests.error.#{twerr.code}")

svc.exception_raised do |e, env|
  if env[:environment] == :local
    puts "[Exception] #{e}"
    puts e.backtrace.join("\n")

Before routed: Rack Middleware

If for some reason you need to run code before the Twirp service routes the request, then you should use standard Rack Middleware.

For example:

class MyMiddleware
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app       

  def call(rack_env)      
    # do some stuff and decide to return an early Twirp error
    if not_cool(env)
      twerr = Twirp::Error.invalid_argument("not cool", foo: "bar-meta")
      return Twirp::Service.error_response(twerr)

    rack_env["mystaff"] = "foobar" # this is available in before hooks   

A Twirp::Service is also Rack Middleware, and the before hook has access to the rack_env. If your middleware adds data into the rack_env, that will be available in the before hook. The before hook could also add it to the Twirp env, so that data is also available in method handlers.

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