- Windows Installation.
- Linux Installation.
- Others sections to be written:
- About updated your fork:
- About testing:
- About what to check before send a pull-request:
Install Windows :
- Install Wamp (64bits is better) : http://www.wampserver.com/#download-wrapper
- Install GitHub for Windows : https://windows.github.com/
- On GitHub for Windows, clic on + to add repository
- But choose to Clone your fork into C:\wamp\www\ and call it "tdm"
- Then on the navigator, the URL is localhost/Site or localhost/tdm/Site
Install Linux :
- sudo apt-get install lamp-server
- sudo ln -s /folder/perso/tdm/Site /var/www/
- Then on the navigator, the URL is localhost/Site or localhost/tdm/Site
** And you need also
Ubuntu: apt-get install php5-curl
Fedora / Amazon Linux: yum install php-curl
from http://mtdowling.com/blog/2013/05/02/requiring-curl-in-your-php-library/
** and php_pdo_mysql from http://fr.openclassrooms.com/informatique/cours/concevez-votre-site-web-avec-php-et-mysql/lire-des-donnees-2