This sub-directive needs the openlayers main directive, so it is normaly used as an attribute of the openlayers tag, like this:
<openlayers layers="layers"></openlayers>
It will map an object layers of our controller scope with the corresponding object on our leaflet directive isolated scope. It's not a bidirectional relationship, only the changes made to our tiles object on the controller scope will affect the map, but no viceversa.
This object defines the layers that integrate the map, so it's basically composed of three attributes: type, url and attribution. Let's see them in an example definition:
$scope.layers = {
main: {
type: "tile",
source: {
type: "OSM",
url: "http://{a-c}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
And that's all, we can see how the map is affected when we change the layers scope object values, like these examples: