You can use Mapzen’s vector tile service with a variety of browser-based rendering software packages. Following the syntax of the library you are using, you need to specify the URL to the Mapzen vector tile service, the layers that you want to draw on the map, and styling information about how to draw the features.
- Refill demo: preview | source code
- Cinnabar demo: preview | source code
- Zinc demo: preview | source code
Tangram is a WebGL mapping engine designed for real-time rendering of 2D and 3D maps from vector tiles. More details are available on the Tangram home page.
We offer several free world basemap styles for Tangram, including Refill, Cinnabar, and Zinc and include varients with more or less labels. Pleaes remix them to suite your own designs!
- D3 demo: preview | source code
D3 is a JavaScript visualization library that you can use to render to SVG format in your browser. Mike Bostock adapted d3.geo.til to show OpenStreetMap vector tiles. To use D3 with Mapzen vector tiles, use either GeoJSON or TopoJSON format, which have similar syntax, or the Mapbox Vector Tiles format. The layer styling can be inline or referenced from a CSS file.
With D3, specifying the URL to the Mapzen vector tile service takes the form of
d3.json("{layers}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.{format}", function(error, json)
where .{format} can be .json for GeoJSON, .topojson for TopoJSON, or .mvt for Mapbox Vector Tiles.
D3 uses a different zoom level than other map tiles. Default zoom for a map is set using d3.geo.mercator
and .scale()
. In this example, 21 is roughly equivalent to z13.
.scale((1 << 21) / 2 / Math.PI)```
Upper and lower zoom levels are set using `d3.behavior.zoom()` and `.scaleExtent()`. In this example, the scale extent of 12 to 25 is roughly z4-z5 to z17:
```.scaleExtent([1 << 12, 1 << 25])```
See also the [D3 documentation on zoom behavior](
See the examples in the [d3-vector-tiles]( repo for more information. This repository has samples using each input format (see geojson.html, topojson.html, or index.html for .mvt).
## MapboxGL
* **MapboxGL demo:** [preview]( | [source code](
[MapboxGL]( is a JavaScript library used to render the Mapbox Vector Tiles protocol buffer format through OpenGL on both web and native platforms.
To specify Mapzen vector tile server as the source, use the following URL string, where .mvt is the file format.
``` "sources": {
"osm": {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": ["{layers}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.mvt"]```
See for a sample map of Mapzen vector tiles displayed in MapboxGL.
## Hoverboard
* **Hoverboard demo:** [preview]( | [source code](
[Hoverboard]( is a JavaScript library created by Tristan Davies to draw vector tiles as a Leaflet tile layer on the `<canvas>` HTML element of a web page. Hoverboard supports the Mapzen vector tiles in GeoJSON, TopoJSON, or Mapbox Vector Tiles format.
```window.xyz_tile_source_url = '{layers}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.json';```
See for more information. This repository has samples using each input format (see geojson.html, topojson.html, or index.html for .mvt). The Leaflet tile layer is defined in example.js, where you specify the Mapzen vector tile layers you want to render and the colors and symbols used to draw them.