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TianoCore Documents Releasing

Michael Kinney edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

The following is a summary of steps to create a released version of a document.

  1. Clone document repository from tianocore-docs
  2. Create a release branch following the release branch naming convention.
  3. Edit book.json and remove the draft variable line
  4. Commit the change to book.json to the release branch
  5. Send email to edk2-devel announcing the creation of a document release branch
  6. Push the new branch to the tianocore-docs document repository
  7. Wait a few minutes and verify that the released version of the document has been published by the GitBook server
  8. Update TianoCore Wiki with links to the newly published released document.

Example creating a release of the EDK II Template Specification

The following shows some example GIT commands that follow the steps described above. GIT is very flexible, so there are many different ways to perform these steps. Items in example commands surrounded by <> need to be substituted.

  • Clone the EDK II Template Specification document repository and checkout the latest draft version in the master branch.

    git clone
    cd edk2-TemplateSpecification
    git checkout master
  • Review the current set of release branches

    git branch -a

    To see on the release branches, pipe through grep.

    git branch -a | qgrep release
  • Review book.json to determine the release version in the version variable. The version in the example below is 0.20.

      "variables" : {
        "draft"   : "yes",
        "title"   : "EDK II Template Specification",
        "version" : "Revision 0.20"
      "plugins": ["puml"],
      "pluginsConfig": {}
  • Create a release branch that follows the release branch naming convention.

    git checkout -b release/0.20
  • Edit book.json and remove the draft variable. The file should look like the following after the edit.

      "variables" : {
        "title"   : "EDK II Template Specification",
        "version" : "Revision 0.20"
      "plugins": ["puml"],
      "pluginsConfig": {}
  • Commit the change to book.json to the local release branch using the commit message format for a new release branch. The example below shows the commit message for the creation of the release branch for the EDK II Template Specification, Revision 0.20.

    Create release/0.20 branch
    Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
    Signed-off-by: Michael Kinney <[email protected]>
  • Send email to the edk2-devel mailing list announcing the creation of a new document release branch. The example below is from the creation of the release branch for the EDK II Template Specification, Revision 0.20.

    git send-email --annotate --subject-prefix="edk2-TemplateSpecification" --to [email protected] master
  • Push the local release branch to the tianocore-docs repository. WARNING: This makes the new branch public and triggers the GitBook server to publish the released version of the document.

    The following example adds the release branch for the EDK II Template Specification, Revision 0.20.

    git push --set-upstream origin release/0.20

    The --dry-run flag can be used to view what would be committed.

    git push --dry-run --set-upstream origin release/0.20

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