This plugin provides promisified versions of the following seneca methods:
Seneca Core
seneca.ready -> seneca.readyAsync
seneca.client -> seneca.clientAsync
seneca.act -> seneca.actAsync
seneca.add -> seneca.addAsync
seneca.close -> seneca.closeAsync (runs .readyAsync as well for convenience)
Seneca Entities
Entity.list$ (in-place; no cb -> promisified)
Entity.load$ (in-place; no cb -> promisified)
-$ (in-place; no cb -> promisified)
Entity.remove$ (in-place; no cb -> promisified)
Entity.native$ (in-place; no cb -> promisified)
Unfortunately, as of 0.5.21, this can't work with vanilla Seneca and we have to patch one tiny thing.
We need to modify lib/seneca.js in order to properly promisify Entities.
We need this to be able to get a reference to Entity object during the seneca-bluebird initialization. This is accomplished by adding 'Entity' to private$.exports, which is then accessed from the plugin through the seneca.export() function.
We provide a patch for lib/seneca.js v. 0.5.21.
Copy lib.seneca.0.5.21.js.patch to your seneca/lib/ directory. Chdir into that directory.
patch < lib.seneca.0.5.21.js.patch
- lib/seneca.js MD5sum before: 18f6fc50fbce6b33240e13ffe81bbfc8
- lib/seneca.js MD5sum after: 023a9534337d87c0cb9bcb73e304509d
or, just copy the single line changed to your lib/seneca.js yourself.
var assert = require('assert'),
Promise = require('bluebird');
var si = require('seneca')();
//var si = require('seneca')({log:'silent'}); //switch these out to suppress seneca output
//let's register some promisified handlers!
//si.addAsync does NOT return a promise; rather it allows for a promise-aware handler to be registered:
si.addAsync('test:zero', function(args) {
return Promise.resolve(0);
// these handlers are completely compatible with both .act and .actAsync
si.addAsync('test:err', function(args) {
return Promise.reject('Rejection error');
//runtime errors are also caught as rejections
si.addAsync('test:err2', function(args) {
throw new Error("Runtime error!");
si = _seneca;
return si.actAsync({test:'zero'}) //this will resolve 0
assert.equal(result, 0);
return si.actAsync({test:'err'}); //this will reject
//this really shouldn't run, 'error', 'Should have errored');
//this will throw
assert.equal(err.message,'Rejection error');
return si.actAsync({test:'err2'}) //this will throw, and return as rejection
//this really shouldn't run, 'error', 'Should have errored (2)');
assert.equal(err.message,'Runtime error!');
console.log('all good');
console.log('unexpected error: ',err);
npm install
in node_modules/seneca-bluebird
, then:
npm test