- Setup options
- Commands
- Highlight groups
- Lua API
- setup(opts)
- on_setup(callback)
- new_task(opts)
- toggle(opts)
- open(opts)
- close()
- list_task_bundles()
- load_task_bundle(name, opts)
- save_task_bundle(name, tasks, opts)
- delete_task_bundle(name)
- list_tasks(opts)
- run_template(opts, callback)
- preload_task_cache(opts, cb)
- clear_task_cache(opts)
- run_action(task, name)
- wrap_template(base, override, default_params)
- add_template_hook(opts, hook)
- remove_template_hook(opts, hook)
- register_template(defn)
- load_template(name)
- debug_parser()
- register_alias(name, components)
- Components
- dependencies
- display_duration
- on_complete_dispose
- on_complete_notify
- on_complete_restart
- on_exit_set_status
- on_output_parse
- on_output_quickfix
- on_output_summarize
- on_output_write_file
- on_result_diagnostics
- on_result_diagnostics_quickfix
- on_result_diagnostics_trouble
- on_result_notify
- open_output
- restart_on_save
- run_after
- timeout
- unique
- Strategies
- Parsers
- Parameters
For speed tweakers: don't worry about lazy loading; overseer lazy-loads itself!
-- Default task strategy
strategy = "terminal",
-- Template modules to load
templates = { "builtin" },
-- Directories where overseer will look for template definitions (relative to rtp)
template_dirs = { "overseer.template" },
-- When true, tries to detect a green color from your colorscheme to use for success highlight
auto_detect_success_color = true,
-- Patch nvim-dap to support preLaunchTask and postDebugTask
dap = true,
-- Configure the task list
task_list = {
-- Default detail level for tasks. Can be 1-3.
default_detail = 1,
-- Width dimensions can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
-- min_width and max_width can be a single value or a list of mixed integer/float types.
-- max_width = {100, 0.2} means "the lesser of 100 columns or 20% of total"
max_width = { 100, 0.2 },
-- min_width = {40, 0.1} means "the greater of 40 columns or 10% of total"
min_width = { 40, 0.1 },
-- optionally define an integer/float for the exact width of the task list
width = nil,
max_height = { 20, 0.1 },
min_height = 8,
height = nil,
-- String that separates tasks
separator = "────────────────────────────────────────",
-- Default direction. Can be "left", "right", or "bottom"
direction = "bottom",
-- Set keymap to false to remove default behavior
-- You can add custom keymaps here as well (anything vim.keymap.set accepts)
bindings = {
["?"] = "ShowHelp",
["g?"] = "ShowHelp",
["<CR>"] = "RunAction",
["<C-e>"] = "Edit",
["o"] = "Open",
["<C-v>"] = "OpenVsplit",
["<C-s>"] = "OpenSplit",
["<C-f>"] = "OpenFloat",
["<C-q>"] = "OpenQuickFix",
["p"] = "TogglePreview",
["<C-l>"] = "IncreaseDetail",
["<C-h>"] = "DecreaseDetail",
["L"] = "IncreaseAllDetail",
["H"] = "DecreaseAllDetail",
["["] = "DecreaseWidth",
["]"] = "IncreaseWidth",
["{"] = "PrevTask",
["}"] = "NextTask",
["<C-k>"] = "ScrollOutputUp",
["<C-j>"] = "ScrollOutputDown",
["q"] = "Close",
-- See :help overseer-actions
actions = {},
-- Configure the floating window used for task templates that require input
-- and the floating window used for editing tasks
form = {
border = "rounded",
zindex = 40,
-- Dimensions can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
-- min_X and max_X can be a single value or a list of mixed integer/float types.
min_width = 80,
max_width = 0.9,
width = nil,
min_height = 10,
max_height = 0.9,
height = nil,
-- Set any window options here (e.g. winhighlight)
win_opts = {
winblend = 0,
task_launcher = {
-- Set keymap to false to remove default behavior
-- You can add custom keymaps here as well (anything vim.keymap.set accepts)
bindings = {
i = {
["<C-s>"] = "Submit",
["<C-c>"] = "Cancel",
n = {
["<CR>"] = "Submit",
["<C-s>"] = "Submit",
["q"] = "Cancel",
["?"] = "ShowHelp",
task_editor = {
-- Set keymap to false to remove default behavior
-- You can add custom keymaps here as well (anything vim.keymap.set accepts)
bindings = {
i = {
["<CR>"] = "NextOrSubmit",
["<C-s>"] = "Submit",
["<Tab>"] = "Next",
["<S-Tab>"] = "Prev",
["<C-c>"] = "Cancel",
n = {
["<CR>"] = "NextOrSubmit",
["<C-s>"] = "Submit",
["<Tab>"] = "Next",
["<S-Tab>"] = "Prev",
["q"] = "Cancel",
["?"] = "ShowHelp",
-- Configure the floating window used for confirmation prompts
confirm = {
border = "rounded",
zindex = 40,
-- Dimensions can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
-- min_X and max_X can be a single value or a list of mixed integer/float types.
min_width = 20,
max_width = 0.5,
width = nil,
min_height = 6,
max_height = 0.9,
height = nil,
-- Set any window options here (e.g. winhighlight)
win_opts = {
winblend = 0,
-- Configuration for task floating windows
task_win = {
-- How much space to leave around the floating window
padding = 2,
border = "rounded",
-- Set any window options here (e.g. winhighlight)
win_opts = {
winblend = 0,
-- Configuration for mapping help floating windows
help_win = {
border = "rounded",
win_opts = {},
-- Aliases for bundles of components. Redefine the builtins, or create your own.
component_aliases = {
-- Most tasks are initialized with the default components
default = {
{ "display_duration", detail_level = 2 },
{ "on_complete_dispose", require_view = { "SUCCESS", "FAILURE" } },
-- Tasks from tasks.json use these components
default_vscode = {
bundles = {
-- When saving a bundle with OverseerSaveBundle or save_task_bundle(), filter the tasks with
-- these options (passed to list_tasks())
save_task_opts = {
bundleable = true,
-- Autostart tasks when they are loaded from a bundle
autostart_on_load = true,
-- A list of components to preload on setup.
-- Only matters if you want them to show up in the task editor.
preload_components = {},
-- Controls when the parameter prompt is shown when running a template
-- always Show when template has any params
-- missing Show when template has any params not explicitly passed in
-- allow Only show when a required param is missing
-- avoid Only show when a required param with no default value is missing
-- never Never show prompt (error if required param missing)
default_template_prompt = "allow",
-- For template providers, how long to wait (in ms) before timing out.
-- Set to 0 to disable timeouts.
template_timeout = 3000,
-- Cache template provider results if the provider takes longer than this to run.
-- Time is in ms. Set to 0 to disable caching.
template_cache_threshold = 100,
-- Configure where the logs go and what level to use
-- Types are "echo", "notify", and "file"
log = {
type = "echo",
level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
type = "file",
filename = "overseer.log",
level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
Command | Args | Description |
OverseerOpen[!] |
left/right/bottom |
Open the overseer window. With ! cursor stays in current window |
OverseerClose |
Close the overseer window | |
OverseerToggle[!] |
left/right/bottom |
Toggle the overseer window. With ! cursor stays in current window |
OverseerSaveBundle |
[name] |
Serialize and save the current tasks to disk |
OverseerLoadBundle[!] |
[name] |
Load tasks that were saved to disk. With ! tasks will not be started |
OverseerDeleteBundle |
[name] |
Delete a saved task bundle |
OverseerRunCmd |
[command] |
Run a raw shell command |
OverseerRun |
[name/tags] |
Run a task from a template |
OverseerInfo |
Display diagnostic information about overseer | |
OverseerBuild |
Open the task builder | |
OverseerQuickAction |
[action] |
Run an action on the most recent task, or the task under the cursor |
OverseerTaskAction |
Select a task to run an action on | |
OverseerClearCache |
Clear the task cache |
Overseer defines the following highlights. Override them to customize the colors.
Group | Description |
OverseerPENDING |
Pending tasks |
OverseerRUNNING |
Running tasks |
OverseerSUCCESS |
Succeeded tasks |
OverseerCANCELED |
Canceled tasks |
OverseerFAILURE |
Failed tasks |
OverseerTask |
Used to render the name of a task or template |
OverseerTaskBorder |
The separator in the task list |
OverseerOutput |
The output summary in the task list |
OverseerComponent |
The name of a component in the task list or task editor |
OverseerField |
The name of a field in the task or template editor |
As overseer is in beta status, the API is not completely solidified. Breaking change may be made if necessary to improve the plugin, but they will not be made unless absolutely necessary. Wherever possible, functions will be gracefully deprecated with clear migration messages.
The official API surface includes:
- All functions exposed in overseer/init.lua
- Config options passed to
- Components, including names and parameters
- Commands
- Parsers, including names and parameters
Initialize overseer
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | overseer.Config|nil |
Configuration options |
Add a callback to run after overseer lazy setup
Param | Type | Desc |
callback | fun() |
new_task(opts): overseer.Task
Create a new Task
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | overseer.TaskDefinition |
>cmd | string|string[] |
Command to run. If it's a string it is run in the shell; a table is run directly |
>args | nil|string[] |
Arguments to pass to the command |
>name | nil|string |
Name of the task. Defaults to the cmd |
>cwd | nil|string |
Working directory to run in |
>env | nil|table<string, string> |
Additional environment variables |
>strategy | nil|overseer.Serialized |
Definition for a run Strategy |
>metadata | nil|table |
Arbitrary metadata for your own use |
>default_component_params | nil|table<string, any> |
Default values for component params |
>components | nil|overseer.Serialized[] |
List of components to attach. Defaults to {"default"} |
local task = overseer.new_task({
cmd = { "./build.sh" },
args = { "all" },
components = { { "on_output_quickfix", open = true }, "default" }
Open or close the task list
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|overseer.WindowOpts |
>enter | nil|boolean |
>direction | nil|"left"|"right"|"bottom" |
>winid | nil|integer |
Use this existing window instead of opening a new window |
>focus_task_id | nil|integer |
After opening, focus this task |
Open the task list
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|overseer.WindowOpts |
>enter | boolean|nil |
If false, stay in current window. Default true |
>direction | nil|"left"|"right" |
Which direction to open the task list |
Close the task list
list_task_bundles(): string[]
Get the list of saved task bundles
Type | Desc |
string[] | Names of task bundles |
load_task_bundle(name, opts)
Load tasks from a saved bundle
Param | Type | Desc |
name | nil|string |
opts | nil|table |
>ignore_missing | nil|boolean |
When true, don't notify if bundle doesn't exist |
>autostart | nil|boolean |
When true, start the tasks after loading (default true) |
save_task_bundle(name, tasks, opts)
Save tasks to a bundle on disk
Param | Type | Desc |
name | string|nil |
Name of bundle. If nil, will prompt user. |
tasks | nil|overseer.Task[] |
Specific tasks to save. If nil, uses config.bundles.save_task_opts |
opts | table|nil |
>on_conflict | nil|"overwrite"|"append"|"cancel" |
Delete a saved task bundle
Param | Type | Desc |
name | string|nil |
list_tasks(opts): overseer.Task[]
List all tasks
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|overseer.ListTaskOpts |
>unique | nil|boolean |
Deduplicates non-running tasks by name |
>name | nil|string|string[] |
Only list tasks with this name or names |
>name_not | nil|boolean |
Invert the name search (tasks without that name) |
>status | nil|overseer.Status|overseer.Status[] |
Only list tasks with this status or statuses |
>status_not | nil|boolean |
Invert the status search |
>recent_first | nil|boolean |
The most recent tasks are first in the list |
>bundleable | nil|boolean |
Only list tasks that should be included in a bundle |
>filter | nil|fun(task: overseer.Task): boolean |
run_template(opts, callback)
Run a task from a template
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | overseer.TemplateRunOpts |
>name | nil|string |
The name of the template to run |
>tags | nil|string[] |
List of tags used to filter when searching for template |
>autostart | nil|boolean |
When true, start the task after creating it (default true) |
>first | nil|boolean |
When true, take first result and never show the task picker. Default behavior will auto-set this based on presence of name and tags |
>prompt | nil|"always"|"missing"|"allow"|"avoid"|"never" |
Controls when to prompt user for parameter input |
>params | nil|table |
Parameters to pass to template |
>cwd | nil|string |
Working directory for the task |
>env | nil|table<string, string> |
Additional environment variables for the task |
callback | nil|fun(task: overseer.Task|nil, err: string|nil) |
The prompt option will control when the user is presented a popup dialog to input template parameters. The possible values are: always Show when template has any params missing Show when template has any params not explicitly passed in allow Only show when a required param is missing avoid Only show when a required param with no default value is missing never Never show prompt (error if required param missing) The default is controlled by the default_template_prompt config option.
-- Run the task named "make all"
-- equivalent to :OverseerRun make\ all
overseer.run_template({name = "make all"})
-- Run the default "build" task
-- equivalent to :OverseerRun BUILD
overseer.run_template({tags = {overseer.TAG.BUILD}})
-- Run the task named "serve" with some default parameters
overseer.run_template({name = "serve", params = {port = 8080}})
-- Create a task but do not start it
overseer.run_template({name = "make", autostart = false}, function(task)
-- do something with the task
-- Run a task and immediately open the floating window
overseer.run_template({name = "make"}, function(task)
if task then
overseer.run_action(task, 'open float')
-- Run a task and always show the parameter prompt
overseer.run_template({name = "npm watch", prompt = "always"})
preload_task_cache(opts, cb)
Preload templates for run_template
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|table |
>dir | string |
>ft | nil|string |
cb | nil|fun() |
Called when preloading is complete |
Typically this would be done to prevent a long wait time for :OverseerRun when using a slow template provider.
-- Automatically preload templates for the current directory
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"VimEnter", "DirChanged"}, {
local cwd = vim.v.cwd or vim.fn.getcwd()
require("overseer").preload_task_cache({ dir = cwd })
Clear cached templates for run_template
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|table |
>dir | string |
>ft | nil|string |
run_action(task, name)
Run an action on a task
Param | Type | Desc |
task | overseer.Task |
name | string|nil |
Name of action. When omitted, prompt user to pick. |
wrap_template(base, override, default_params): overseer.TemplateFileDefinition
Create a new template by overriding fields on another
Param | Type | Desc |
base | overseer.TemplateFileDefinition |
The base template definition to wrap |
>module | nil|string |
The name of the module this was loaded from |
>aliases | nil|string[] |
>desc | nil|string |
>tags | nil|string[] |
>params | nil|overseer.Params|fun(): overseer.Params |
>priority | nil|number |
>condition | nil|overseer.SearchCondition |
>>filetype | nil|string|string[] |
>>dir | nil|string|string[] |
>>callback | nil|fun(search: overseer.SearchParams): boolean |
, nil |
>builder | fun(params: table): overseer.TaskDefinition |
>hide | nil|boolean |
Hide from the template list |
override | nil|table<string, any> |
Override any fields on the base |
default_params | nil|table<string, any> |
Provide default values for any parameters on the base |
This is typically used for a TemplateProvider, to define the task a single time and generate multiple templates based on the available args.
local tmpl = {
params = {
args = { type = 'list', delimiter = ' ' }
builder = function(params)
return {
cmd = { 'make' },
args = params.args,
local template_provider = {
name = "Some provider",
generator = function(opts, cb)
overseer.wrap_template(tmpl, nil, { args = { 'all' } }),
overseer.wrap_template(tmpl, {name = 'make clean'}, { args = { 'clean' } }),
add_template_hook(opts, hook)
Add a hook that runs on a TaskDefinition before the task is created
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|overseer.HookOptions |
When nil, run the hook on all templates |
>name | nil|string |
Only run if the template name matches this pattern (using string.match) |
>module | nil|string |
Only run if the template module matches this pattern (using string.match) |
>filetype | nil|string|string[] |
Only run if the current file is one of these filetypes |
>dir | nil|string|string[] |
Only run if inside one of these directories |
hook | fun(task_defn: overseer.TaskDefinition, util: overseer.TaskUtil) |
-- Add on_output_quickfix component to all "cargo" templates
overseer.add_template_hook({ module = "^cargo$" }, function(task_defn, util)
util.add_component(task_defn, { "on_output_quickfix", open = true })
-- Remove the on_complete_notify component from "cargo clean" task
overseer.add_template_hook({ name = "cargo clean" }, function(task_defn, util)
util.remove_component(task_defn, "on_complete_notify")
-- Add an environment variable for all go tasks in a specific dir
overseer.add_template_hook({ name = "^go .*", dir = "/path/to/project" }, function(task_defn, util)
task_defn.env = vim.tbl_extend('force', task_defn.env or {}, {
GO111MODULE = "on"
remove_template_hook(opts, hook)
Remove a hook that was added with add_template_hook
Param | Type | Desc |
opts | nil|overseer.HookOptions |
Same as for add_template_hook |
>module | nil|string |
>name | nil|string |
hook | fun(task_defn: overseer.TaskDefinition, util: overseer.TaskUtil) |
local opts = {module = "cargo"}
local hook = function(task_defn, util)
util.add_component(task_defn, { "on_output_quickfix", open = true })
overseer.add_template_hook(opts, hook)
-- Remove should pass in the same opts as add
overseer.remove_template_hook(opts, hook)
Directly register an overseer template
Param | Type | Desc |
defn | overseer.TemplateDefinition|overseer.TemplateProvider |
name = "My Task",
builder = function(params)
return {
cmd = { "echo", "Hello", "world" },
Load a template definition from its module location
Param | Type | Desc |
name | string |
-- This will load the template in lua/overseer/template/mytask.lua
Open a tab with windows laid out for debugging a parser
register_alias(name, components)
Register a new component alias.
Param | Type | Desc |
name | string |
components | overseer.Serialized[] |
This is intended to be used by plugin authors that wish to build on top of overseer. They do not have control over the call to overseer.setup(), so this provides an alternative method of setting a component alias that they can then use when creating tasks.
require("overseer").register_alias("my_plugin", { "default", "on_output_quickfix" })
- dependencies
- display_duration
- on_complete_dispose
- on_complete_notify
- on_complete_restart
- on_exit_set_status
- on_output_parse
- on_output_quickfix
- on_output_summarize
- on_output_write_file
- on_result_diagnostics
- on_result_diagnostics_quickfix
- on_result_diagnostics_trouble
- on_result_notify
- open_output
- restart_on_save
- run_after
- timeout
- unique
- always
- append
- dispatch
- ensure
- extract
- extract_efm
- extract_json
- extract_multiline
- extract_nested
- invert
- loop
- parallel
- sequence
- set_defaults
- skip_lines
- skip_until
- test
Parameters are a schema-defined set of options. They are used by both components and templates to expose customization options.
local params = {
my_var = {
type = "string",
-- Optional fields that are available on any type
name = "More readable name",
desc = "A detailed description",
order = 1, -- determines order of parameters in the UI
validate = function(value)
return true,
optional = true,
default = "foobar",
-- For component params only.
-- When true, will default to the value in the task's default_component_params
default_from_task = true,
The following types are available:
type = "string"
type = "boolean"
type = "number"
type = "integer"
type = "list",
subtype = {
type = "string"
delimiter = ",",
type = "enum",
choices = {"ONE", "TWO", "THREE"},
-- This is used when the value is too complex to be represented or edited by the user in the task editor.
-- It should generally only be used by components (which are usually configured programmatically)
-- and not templates (which usually prompt the user for their parameters)
type = "opaque"
Templates can define params to be a function, to dynamically generate the params.
name = "Git checkout",
params = function()
local stdout = vim.system({ "git", "branch", "--format=%(refname:short)" }):wait().stdout
local branches = vim.split(stdout, "\n", { trimempty = true })
return {
branch = {
desc = "Branch to checkout",
type = "enum",
choices = branches,
builder = function(params)
return {
cmd = { "git", "checkout", params.branch },