(React?: Object) => Stamp
Returns a stamp.
(...desc?: Stamp|ReactDesc|SpecDesc[]) => Stamp
Creates a new stamp using the current stamp as a base, composed with a list of stamps/descriptors passed as arguments.
The properties that define a React component/mixin.
interface ReactDesc {
displayName?: String,
init?: Function,
state?: Object,
statics?: Object,
contextTypes?: Object,
childContextTypes?: Object,
propTypes?: Object,
defaultProps?: Object,
...methods?: Function
- A string used in React debugging messages.init
- A method that gets called when a stamp is invoked.state
- An object for defining component state.statics
- An object for defining component statics.contextTypes
- A convenience property for the static property of the same name.childContextTypes
- A convenience property for the static property of the same name.propTypes
- A convenience property for the static property of the same name.defaultProps
- A convenience property for the static property of the same name.