has model data and ER is like below.
|- /core
| |- /calendar
| |- /story
| |- /resource
| |- /event
TODO: inplement in CI and automatically save this doc in /doc dir
# Build dot file
$ yarn graph:dot
# Build svg file from dot file
$ brwe install graphviz # prerequirements
$ yarn graph:svg
Plangoab is following Atomic Design at /src/components/*
On Model Layer, Plangoab is implemented without using Class at /src/core/*
There is no class but only plain JavaScript objects and functions. On the otherhands, we need a strictly implicit rule about how to handle a model. We must not handle a model without function of this model layer. If not, I assume the code would become easily getting chaos because data would be changed everywhere.
Plangoab is using Redux for global state at /src/redux/*
Redux is a global state management library. Plangoab handles a complicated structure of data because of having calendar features. Additionally, there is no back-end so we need handle data in only front-end somehow. That is why Plangoab is choosing Redux instead of Context API.
Context API can easily handle a global state but trade-off is that logic become getting complicated easily as well. On this trade-off and background, Plangoab has to need Redux and We choose NOT to use Context API.
Plangoab is using local storage with redux-persist
That's why we have to pay attention when to change a shape of redux data.
Now that redux-persist
has version
config so we care it when to upgrade a shape.
Hosting = Netlify + Github Pages
- Name Server is
- Web Server is
GitHub Pages
Config Files
: File which Netlify will read in order to force config to redirect http to https./public/CNAME
: File that which GitHub Pages will read in order to configure a custom domain.
Use JavaScript Plain Date object and handling with it by date-fns
The date-fns
is functional approach for JavaScript Plain Date object.
In Plangoab, we need to use mainly year
and month
so every day
must be 1 and rest of params(sec, milli sec) must be 0.
If we use 31/30/29/38 for end of day, manupulating process is so hard.
- First ready range
- (start: Jan 01) ~ (end: Mar 31)
- Change end of month by going back 1 month.
- (start: Jan 01) ~ (end: Feb 31)
- But Feb 31 is invalid day.
That's why Plangoab use only 1st date.
- JSON:API schema
- using serializer:SeyZ/jsonapi-serializer#170