INDEX /campgrounds
NEW /campgrounds/new
CREATE /campgrounds
SHOW /campgrounds/:id
NEW /campgrounds/:id/comments/new GET
CREATE /campgrounds/:id/comments POST
add landing page
add campgrounds page
each campground has
- header footer
- add in bootstrap
- setup cg route
- add body-parser
- setup form
- add basic unstyled form
- add better header
- make cg display in grid
- add navbar
- style new cg form
- make show page
- use module.exports
- requre everthing correctly
- add seeds file
- run seeds file everytime server starts
- make error go away
- display comments
- discuss nested routes
- add comment new and create routes
- add new comment form
- add sidebar to show page
- display comments nicely
- install all packages needed for auth
- define user model
- configure passport
- add register route
- register template
- add login routes
- login template
- add logout route
- prevent user from adding comment if not signed in
- add links to navbar
- show/hide auth links correctly
- show/hide auth links in navbar correctly
- use express router to reorganize all routes
- Associate Users and Comments
- Save Author's name to a comment Automatically
- prevent unauth from creating cg
- save uname+id to new cg
- add methd override
- add edit route for cg
- link to edit page
- add update route
- fix $set prob
- add destroy
- add delete
- user cn only edit his/her cg
- user can only del his/her cg
- hide/show edit n del btn
- add edit route
- add edit button
- add update route
- add destroy route
- add delete button
- user edit his comments
- user can only del his/her comments
- hide/show edit and del button
- refactor middleware
- demo working version
- install and configure connect-flash
- add bootstrap alerts to header