Current Status:
- BLAS LVL1 : 90% complete, only rotmg missing.
- BLAS LVL2 : Only two sample routines
- BLAS LVL3 : Only three variants of the Matrix Multiplication
- Examples :
- Interface tests for all implemented API entries
- CG example with multiple variants of the algorithm using kernel fusion.
Short Term QX 2017:
- Have a common class for the implementation of the different view classes
- Obtain and analyse performance bottlenecks
- Work on the Blas 2 interface
Medium Term:
- Complete the Blas 2 interface
- Work on the Blas 3 interface
- Move evaluation methods out of the expression tree into the execution tree
Long Term:
- Complete the Blas 3 interface
- Test the Parallel and Sequential Executors
- Add continuous integration testing