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Maven dependencies

Jaromir Vanek edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

The project Euphoria consists of multiple Maven artifacts. If you want to use it you will definitely need to include at least euphoria-core. But you may consider to include some additional artifacts depending on what features from Euphoria project you want to use.


The main module consisting of the API and all classes needed to implement the business logic of your application.



You need this module in case you want to run your application on Apache Spark runtime.



You need this module in case you want to run your application on Apache Flink runtime.



This module brings compatibility with Hadoop. Adds support of reading/writing data using Hadoop I/O Formats (e. g. SequenceFileInputFormat).



This module adds connector to Apache Kafka. Note that it supports only for the latest version 0.10 of Kafka. Thus it's not backward compatible at the moment.

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