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Collections is a Go package that provides an extensive collection of utility functions and a thread-safe map for working with collections. It includes a variety of functions such as filtering, mapping, sorting, and merging, as well as methods for accessing and modifying a map concurrently. Install the package with a simple go get command and import it into your project. Get started with the list of functions provided and streamline your collection-based workloads today!


To install this package, run the following command:

go get


import ""


Documentation is hosted at


Slice transformations

package main

import (


type User struct {
	id   uint
	name string

func (u User) ID() uint {

func (u User) Name() string {

func main() {
	var users = []User{{0, "Rob"}, {1, "Ken"}}

	var names = collection.TransformBy(users, User.Name)
	// Output: [Rob Ken]

	var usersByID = collection.SliceToMap(users, User.ID)
	// Output: map[0:{0 Rob} 1:{1 Ken}]

Channels aggregation

package main

import (


type Worker interface {
	Done() <-chan struct{}

func NewWorker() Worker {
	return &worker{
		done: make(chan struct{}),

type worker struct {
	done chan struct{}

func (w *worker) Done() <-chan struct{} {
	return w.done

func (w *worker) Run(ctx context.Context) {
	defer close(w.done)


func main() {
	var ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	var worker1 = NewWorker()
	go worker1.Run(ctx)

	var worker2 = NewWorker()
	go worker2.Run(ctx)

	var allWorkersDone = collection.ChannelsMerge(worker1.Done(), worker2.Done())

	fmt.Println("all workers finished")

Collection Functions

This package provides several functions for working with collections:

  • Aggregate[T, K any](source []T, aggregator func(K, T) K) K
  • All[T any](source []T, predicate func(T) bool) bool
  • Any[T any](source []T, predicate func(T) bool) bool
  • AsyncTransformBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) K) []K
  • AsyncTryTransformBy[T, K any](parent context.Context, source []T, transform func(context.Context, T) (K, error)) ([]K, error)
  • ChannelsMerge[T any](args ...<-chan T) <-chan T
  • ChannelsReadonly[T any](args ...chan T) []<-chan T
  • Contains[T comparable](source []T, item T) bool
  • Copy[T any](source []T) []T
  • Difference[T comparable](a []T, b []T) []T
  • Distinct[T comparable](source []T) []T
  • DistinctBy[T any](source []T, equals func(left T, right T) bool) []T
  • Duplicates[T comparable](source []T) []T
  • Each[T any](source []T, do func(T))
  • Equal[T ~[]E, E comparable](s1, s2 T) bool
  • FilterBy[T any](source []T, filter Filter[T]) []T
  • Filter[T any] func(T) bool
  • Flatten[T any](source [][]T) []T
  • GroupBy[T any, K comparable](source []T, keyFunc func(T) K) map[K][]T
  • InFilter[T comparable](source []T, present bool) Filter[T]
  • Intersection[T comparable](a []T, b []T) []T
  • MapContains[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T, item K) bool
  • MapEach[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T, do func(key K, value T))
  • MapEqual[M1, M2 ~map[K]V, K, V comparable](m1 M1, m2 M2) bool
  • MapFilterBy[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T, filter func(key K, value T) bool) map[K]T
  • MapKeys[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T) []K
  • MapToSlice[K comparable, T1 any, T2 any](source map[K]T1, transform func(key K, value T1) T2) []T2
  • MapTransformBy[K comparable, T1, T2 any](source map[K]T1, transform func(T1) T2) map[K]T2
  • MapValues[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T) []T
  • MaxOf[T constraints.Ordered](elements ...T) T
  • Max[T constraints.Ordered](l T, r T) T
  • ChannelsMerge[T any](args ...<-chan T) <-chan T
  • ChannelsReadonly[T any](args ...chan T) []<-chan T
  • MinOf[T constraints.Ordered](elements ...T) T
  • Min[T constraints.Ordered](l T, r T) T
  • Reverse[T any](source []T)
  • SliceToMap[K comparable, T any](source []T, keyFunc func(T) K) map[K]T
  • SortBy[T any](source []T, less func(l T, r T) bool)
  • Sort[T constraints.Ordered](source []T)
  • TransformBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) K) []K
  • TransformManyBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) []K) []K
  • TryTransformBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) (K, error)) ([]K, error)
  • TryMapTransformBy[K comparable, T1, T2 any](source map[K]T1, transform func(T1) (T2, error)) (map[K]T2, error)


The SyncMap type is a thread-safe map that can be accessed concurrently. It provides the following methods:

  • CompareAndDelete(key K, old V) (deleted bool)
  • CompareAndSwap(key K, old V, new V) bool
  • Delete(key K)
  • Load(key K) (value V, ok bool)
  • LoadAndDelete(key K) (value V, loaded bool)
  • LoadOrStore(key K, value V) (actual V, loaded bool)
  • Range(f func(key K, value V) bool)
  • Store(key K, value V)
  • Swap(key K, value V) (previous V, loaded bool)