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Recognized Environment Variables

The following environment variables are currently accepted by the local web application. You can overwrite the default values for these environment variables by adding them to the web/app/app/.env file. All of the environment variables used by this application conform to the django-environ documentation.

Initial Overrides

Variable Description Type Default
CACHE_URL The django-environ compatible uri to your cache. str dbcache://my_cache_table
DATABASE_URL The django-environ compatible uri to your database. str psql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres
DEBUG Whether or not to run the environment in Debug mode. bool True
SECRET_KEY The secret key to use for your Django environment. str TODO

Project / Entry Specific

Variable Description Type Default
FORCE_PROVISION Whether or not to force provisioning even if the container has been previously provisioned bool False
FORCE_GET_PRICES Whether or not to force pulling fresh conversion rate data from etherdelta and poloniex bool False
DISABLE_INITIAL_CACHETABLE Whether or not to disable the initial createcachetable bool False
DISABLE_INITIAL_COLLECTSTATIC Whether or not to disable the initial collectstatic bool False
DISABLE_INITIAL_MIGRATE Whether or not to disable the initial data migration bool False
DISABLE_INITIAL_LOADDATA Whether or not to disable the initial loaddata fixture import bool False

Amazon Web Services

Variable Description Type Default
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your AWS access key ID. str ''
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Your AWS secret access key str ''
S3_REPORT_BUCKET The S3 bucket to be used to store reports. str TODO
S3_REPORT_PREFIX The S3 path prefix to be used when storing reports. str TODO

Colorado Coin

Variable Description Type Default
COLO_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS The coin distribution address. str ''
COLO_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY The coin distribution private key. str ''


Variable Description Type Default
INSTALLED_APPS A list of additional apps to be recognized by Django. list []


Variable Description Type Default
FORTMATIC_LIVE_KEY The Formatic live (production) API key str ''
FORTMATIC_TEST_KEY The Formatic test API key str ''

Github Authentication

Variable Description Type Default
GITHUB_AUTH_BASE_URL The Github OAuth authorization URL. str
GITHUB_TOKEN_URL The Github OAuth access token URL. str
GITHUB_SCOPE The Github application scope. str read:user,user:email,read:org
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID The client ID of the Github OAuth app. str TODO
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret of the Github OAuth app. str TODO
GITHUB_API_USER The username of the Github account. str TODO
GITHUB_API_TOKEN The token of the Github account. str TODO
GITHUB_APP_NAME The name of your Github OAuth application. str gitcoin-local

Gitcoin Bot

For further information, please check out the Gitcoin Bot Documentation.

Variable Description Type Default
GITCOINBOT_APP_ID The Gitcoin Bot App ID provided by Github. str ''
GITCOIN_BOT_CERT_PATH The relative path to the Gitcoin Bot pem certificate. str ''
GITHUB_EVENT_HOOK_URL The Github event hook payload URL for Gitcoin Bot. str github/payload/
IGNORE_COMMENTS_FROM A list of Github handles to ignore comments from. list ['gitcoinbot', ]


Variable Description Type Default
SENTRY_DSN The Sentry DSN. str ''
SENTRY_JS_DSN The DSN for Javascript Sentry reporting (defaults to SENTRY_DSN). str ''


Variable Description Type Default
SENDGRID_EVENT_HOOK_URL The SendGrid event hook URL. str sg_event_process
SENDGRID_API_KEY The SendGrid API Key, required for sending emails. str None


Variable Description Type Default
SLACK_TOKEN The API token to be used for interacting with Slack. str TODO


The below environment variables are useful for overwriting Django Silk settings.

Variable Description Type Default
ENABLE_SILK Whether or not to enable the Django Silk profiling and inspection tool. bool False
SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER Whether or not to enable the function profiler. bool True
SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_BINARY Whether or not to enable the generation of .prof files. bool False
SILKY_AUTHENTICATION Whether or not to require user authentication to access Silk. bool False
SILKY_AUTHORISATION Whether or not to require is_staff to access Silk. bool False
SILKY_META Whether or not to enable meta profiling. bool True
SILKY_INTERCEPT_PERCENT Limit the number of request/responses stored by Silk. int 100
SILKY_MAX_RECORDED_REQUESTS Limit the number of request/response rows stored by Silk. int 10000
SILKY_MAX_RECORDED_REQUESTS_CHECK_PERCENT The percent of recorded data to perform gargbase collection on. int 10


Variable Description Type Default
WEB3_HTTP_PROVIDER The Web3 HTTP provider URI to be used. str
INFURA_USE_V3 Use new API bool False
INFURA_V3_PROJECT_ID Infura Project ID str 1e0a90928efe4bb78bb1eeceb8aacc27

VSCode Remote Debugging

If you opt to modify the port or listener interface, you must update your launch.json configuration accordingly.

Variable Description Type Default
VSCODE_DEBUGGER_ENABLED Whether or not to enable the ptvsd remote debugging service. bool False
VSCODE_DEBUGGER_PORT The ptvsd port to be used for debugging. str 3030
VSCODE_DEBUGGER_INTERFACE The ptvsd network interface to be used for debugging. str


Variable Description Type Default
FAUCET_AMOUNT The amount of ETH to be distributed for approved faucet requests. float .0005
GITTER_TOKEN The Gitter chat API token. str False


Variable Description Type Default
KUDOS_NETWORK The kudos network you will use rinkeby for local str mainnet
KUDOS_OWNER_ACCOUNT Wallet address to own the kudos. str 0xD386793F1DB5F21609571C0164841E5eA2D33aD8
KUDOS_LOCAL_SYNC Turns The kudos listener on/off on or off None