A checklist app created using React and Firebase to help with packing for camping trips.
As a camping lover, I wanted to create an app which my camping crew can use to to view, edit, and check off items as we prepare for camping. I learned and utilized Firebase to store the data which everyone can access together. It was also a great opportunity to follow best practices in organizing React components to keep the codes clean and reuseable.
- CSS3
- Sass
- ES6
- React
- Firebase
- Modern, minimalist, and responsive design
- Fully accessible using only keyboards
- Semantic elements used with appropriate aria-hidden, and sr-only styling to accomodate a wide range of users
- Accessing and modiyfing database stored in Firebase
- Utilizing useEffect and useState hooks to efficiently store states and update DOM based on their updates
- React components organized following best practices
- Sass used to keep styling files organized and separated into generic styling, partials, and component-specific styling
- Automatically sort the retrieved items by their categories and names in an alphabetical order.
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Run Test Suite:
npm test
To Start Server:
npm start
To Visit App: