Minimal HTML5 Canvas/JavaScript 2D data plotting library.
I am too lazy to explain hows and whys, just take a look at the example files:
- plot.html - basic data plotting;
- gridAutoLinear.html - automatic grid for linear maps;
- gridAutoSemiLogX.html - automatic grid for semilogx maps;
- resample.html - linear resample;
- spectrum.html - spectrum analyzer:
- scope.html - oscilloscope.
The experimental folder contains stuff that I just didn't want to throw away.
- grid ticks, axis labels, etc.;
- higher-order interpolators and resamplers;
- idiotic APIs for the laziest;
- serious API review;
- serious documentation;
- the HTML/CSS is probably somewhat broken;
- minified version;
- releases/stable APIs?
- Node.js package?
- split scope/spectrum analyser in a separate project?
- time persistence of scope signals?
- analysis of continuous audio streams (ScriptProcessorNode, AudioWorker, Transferable Objects, etc.)?
- measuring?
- different line drawers (points, areas, etc.)?
- 3D (WebGL)?
- optimizations?