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Erased Definitions |
is a modifier that expresses that some definition or expression is erased by the compiler instead of being represented in the compiled output. It is not yet part of the Scala language standard. To enable erased
, turn on the language feature
. This can be done with a language import
import scala.language.experimental.erasedDefinitions
or by setting the command line option -language:experimental.erasedDefinitions
Erased definitions must be in an experimental scope (see Experimental definitions).
Let's describe the motivation behind erased terms with an example. In the
following we show a simple state machine which can be in a state On
or Off
The machine can change state from Off
to On
with turnedOn
only if it is
currently Off
. This last constraint is captured with the IsOff[S]
evidence which only exists for IsOff[Off]
. For example, not allowing calling
on in an On
state as we would require an evidence of type
that will not be found.
sealed trait State
final class On extends State
final class Off extends State
@implicitNotFound("State must be Off")
class IsOff[S <: State]
object IsOff:
given isOff: IsOff[Off] = new IsOff[Off]
class Machine[S <: State]:
def turnedOn(using IsOff[S]): Machine[On] = new Machine[On]
val m = new Machine[Off]
m.turnedOn.turnedOn // ERROR
// ^
// State must be Off
Note that in the code above the actual context arguments for IsOff
are never
used at runtime; they serve only to establish the right constraints at compile
time. As these terms are never used at runtime there is not real need to have
them around, but they still need to be present in some form in the generated
code to be able to do separate compilation and retain binary compatibility. We
introduce erased terms to overcome this limitation: we are able to enforce the
right constrains on terms at compile time. These terms have no run time
semantics and they are completely erased.
Parameters of methods and functions can be declared as erased, placing erased
in front of each erased parameter (like inline
def methodWithErasedEv(erased ev: Ev, x: Int): Int = x + 2
val lambdaWithErasedEv: (erased Ev, Int) => Int =
(erased ev, x) => x + 2
parameters will not be usable for computations, though they can be used
as arguments to other erased
def methodWithErasedInt1(erased i: Int): Int =
i + 42 // ERROR: can not use i
def methodWithErasedInt2(erased i: Int): Int =
methodWithErasedInt1(i) // OK
Not only parameters can be marked as erased, val
and def
can also be marked
with erased
. These will also only be usable as arguments to erased
erased val erasedEvidence: Ev = ...
methodWithErasedEv(erasedEvidence, 40) // 42
As erased
are guaranteed not to be used in computations, they can and will be
// becomes def methodWithErasedEv(x: Int): Int at runtime
def methodWithErasedEv(x: Int, erased ev: Ev): Int = ...
def evidence1: Ev = ...
erased def erasedEvidence2: Ev = ... // does not exist at runtime
erased val erasedEvidence3: Ev = ... // does not exist at runtime
// evidence1 is not evaluated and only `x` is passed to methodWithErasedEv
methodWithErasedEv(x, evidence1)
The following example is an extended implementation of a simple state machine
which can be in a state On
or Off
. The machine can change state from Off
to On
with turnedOn
only if it is currently Off
, conversely from On
with turnedOff
only if it is currently On
. These last constraint are
captured with the IsOff[S]
and IsOn[S]
given evidence only exist for
and IsOn[On]
. For example, not allowing calling turnedOff
on in
an Off
state as we would require an evidence IsOn[Off]
that will not be
As the given evidences of turnedOn
and turnedOff
are not used in the
bodies of those functions we can mark them as erased
. This will remove the
evidence parameters at runtime, but we would still evaluate the isOn
givens that were found as arguments. As isOn
and isOff
are not
used except as erased
arguments, we can mark them as erased
, hence removing
the evaluation of the isOn
and isOff
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
sealed trait State
final class On extends State
final class Off extends State
@implicitNotFound("State must be Off")
class IsOff[S <: State]
object IsOff:
// will not be called at runtime for turnedOn, the
// compiler will only require that this evidence exists
given IsOff[Off] = new IsOff[Off]
@implicitNotFound("State must be On")
class IsOn[S <: State]
object IsOn:
// will not exist at runtime, the compiler will only
// require that this evidence exists at compile time
erased given IsOn[On] = new IsOn[On]
class Machine[S <: State] private ():
// ev will disappear from both functions
def turnedOn(using erased ev: IsOff[S]): Machine[On] = new Machine[On]
def turnedOff(using erased ev: IsOn[S]): Machine[Off] = new Machine[Off]
object Machine:
def newMachine(): Machine[Off] = new Machine[Off]
@main def test =
val m = Machine.newMachine()
// m.turnedOff
// ^
// State must be On
// m.turnedOn.turnedOn
// ^
// State must be Off
Note that in Compile-time operations we discussed erasedValue
and inline
matches. erasedValue
is internally implemented with erased
(and is not experimental), so the state machine above
can be encoded as follows:
import scala.compiletime.*
sealed trait State
final class On extends State
final class Off extends State
class Machine[S <: State]:
transparent inline def turnOn(): Machine[On] =
inline erasedValue[S] match
case _: Off => new Machine[On]
case _: On => error("Turning on an already turned on machine")
transparent inline def turnOff(): Machine[Off] =
inline erasedValue[S] match
case _: On => new Machine[Off]
case _: Off => error("Turning off an already turned off machine")
object Machine:
def newMachine(): Machine[Off] =
new Machine[Off]
end Machine
@main def test =
val m = Machine.newMachine()
m.turnOn().turnOn() // error: Turning on an already turned on machine
can also be used as a modifier for a class. An erased class is intended to be used only in erased definitions. If the type of a val definition or parameter is
a (possibly aliased, refined, or instantiated) erased class, the definition is assumed to be erased
itself. Likewise, a method with an erased class return type is assumed to be erased
itself. Since given instances expand to vals and defs, they are also assumed to be erased if the type they produce is an erased class. Finally
function types with erased classes as arguments turn into erased function types.
erased class CanRead
val x: CanRead = ... // `x` is turned into an erased val
val y: CanRead => Int = ... // the function is turned into an erased function
def f(x: CanRead) = ... // `f` takes an erased parameter
def g(): CanRead = ... // `g` is turned into an erased def
given CanRead = ... // the anonymous given is assumed to be erased
The code above expands to
erased class CanRead
erased val x: CanRead = ...
val y: (erased CanRead) => Int = ...
def f(erased x: CanRead) = ...
erased def g(): CanRead = ...
erased given CanRead = ...
After erasure, it is checked that no references to values of erased classes remain and that no instances of erased classes are created. So the following would be an error:
val err: Any = CanRead() // error: illegal reference to erased class CanRead
Here, the type of err
is Any
, so err
is not considered erased. Yet its initializing value is a reference to the erased class CanRead