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Savi Website

The website for Savi. It is built with Jekyll, hosted on GitHub Pages, and managed with Siteleaf.


  1. Install Ruby, preferably in the v2.3.x series
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Install the dependencies - bundle install
  4. Start up the Jekyll server and show drafts - jekyll serve -w -i -D
  5. Make changes
  6. View the site at http://localhost:4000/

Hosting & Deploying

The site is hosted and served via GitHub Pages. New changes get deployed by pushing to master branch. Siteleaf also automatically pushes new content.


The site makes use of plugins that GitHub Pages supports with Jekyll. See the gems: section in _config.yml for the full list.

  • jekyll-seo-tag - easy SEO-goodness in the site
  • jemoji - allows for use of emojis in the content 🌞
  • jekyll-sitemap - generates sitemap
  • jekyll-feed - generates an Atom feed


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