what's on now command line tool (using the event.db machinery)
- home :: github.com/rubycocos/events
- bugs :: github.com/rubycocos/events/issues
- gem :: rubygems.org/gems/whatson
- rdoc :: rubydoc.info/gems/whatson
The whatson package includes command line tools to list upcoming events (ruby conferences, python conferences, football tournaments, beer festivals. etc.).
$ rubyconf
to list upcoming Ruby (un)conferences from around the world. Will print in 2023:
Upcoming Ruby Conferences:
in 33d RubyConf Australia, Mon+Tue Feb/20+21 (2d) @ Melbourne, Australia
in 96d RailsConf (United States), Mon-Wed Apr/24-26 (3d) @ Atlanta, Georgia, United States
in 113d RubyKaigi, Thu-Sat May/11-13 (3d) @ Nagano, Japan
in 162d Punk's Not Dead Conf - Ruby (Pixel) Art Programming, Thu+Fri Jun/29+30 (2d) @ Vienna, Austria
and back in 2020:
Upcoming Ruby Conferences:
in 62d Rubyfuza, Thu-Sat Feb/6-8 (3d) @ Cape Town, South Africa
in 74d ParisRB Conf, Tue+Wed Feb/18+19 (2d) @ Paris, France
in 76d RubyConf Australia, Thu+Fri Feb/20+21 (2d) @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
in 105d Wrocław <3 Ruby (wroclove.rb), Fri-Sun Mar/20-22 (3d) @ Wrocław, Poland
in 118d RubyDay Italy, Thu Apr/2 (1d) @ Verona, Veneto, Italy
in 125d RubyKaigi, Thu-Sat Apr/9-11 (3d) @ Nagano, Japan
in 141d RubyConf India, Sat+Sun Apr/25+26 (2d) @ Goa, India
in 151d RailsConf (United States), Tue-Thu May/5-7 (3d) @ Portland, Oregon, United States
in 161d Balkan Ruby, Fri+Sat May/15+16 (2d) @ Sofia, Bulgaria
in 183d Ruby Unconf Hamburg, Sat+Sun Jun/6+7 (2d) @ Hamburg, Germany
in 210d Brighton RubyConf, Fri Jul/3 (1d) @ Brighton, Sussex, England, United Kingdom
in 230d RubyConf Kenya, Thu-Sat Jul/23-25 (3d) @ Nairobi, Kenya
in 259d European Ruby Konference (EuRuKo), Fri+Sat Aug/21+22 (2d) @ Helsinki, Finnland
in 347d RubyConf (United States), Tue-Thu Nov/17-19 (3d) @ Houston, Texas, United States
and back in 2015
Upcoming Ruby Conferences:
NOW ON 2d RubyMotion Conference - #inspect, Wed+Thu Jul/1+2 (2d) @ Paris, France
in 18d Brighton Ruby Conference, Mon Jul/20 (1d) @ Brighton, East Sussex, England
in 27d European Ruby Camp - eurucamp, Fri-Sun Jul/31-Aug/2 (3d) @ Berlin (Potsdam), Germany
in 27d JRuby Conference Europe - JRubyConf EU, Fri Jul/31 (1d) @ Berlin (Potsdam), Germany
in 28d Burlington Ruby Conference, Sat+Sun Aug/1+2 (2d) @ Burlington, Vermont, New England, United States
in 50d Madison+ Ruby, Fri+Sat Aug/21+22 (2d) @ Madison, Wisconsin, Great Lakes, United States
in 71d RubyConf Taiwan, Fri+Sat Sep/11+12 (2d) @ Taipei, Taiwan
in 72d RubyConf Portugal, Mon+Tue Sep/14+15 (2d) @ Braga, Portugal
in 78d RubyConf Brasil, Fri+Sat Sep/18+19 (2d) @ São Paulo, Brazil
in 83d Rocky Mountain RubyConf, Wed-Fri Sep/23-25 (3d) @ Boulder, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, United States
in 85d Ruby Open Source Software (ROSS) Conference - ROSSConf, Sat Sep/26 (1d) @ Berlin, Germany
in 93d ArrrCamp, Thu+Fri Oct/1+2 (2d) @ Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
in 105d RubyConf Colombia, Thu+Fri Oct/15+16 (2d) @ Medellin, Colombia
in 107d European Ruby Konference - EuRuKo, Sat+Sun Oct/17+18 (2d) @ Salzburg, Austria
in 132d RubyWorld Conference, Wed+Thu Nov/11+12 (2d) @ Matsue, Japan
$ pycon
to list upcoming Python (un)conferences from around the world. Will print in 2020:
Upcoming Python Conferences:
in 62d PyCascades, Sat+Sun Feb/8+9 (2d) @ Portland, Oregon, United States
in 72d PyCon Namibia, Tue-Thu Feb/18-20 (3d) @ Windhoek, Namibia
in 90d PyTennessee, Sat+Sun Mar/7+8 (2d) @ Nashville, Tennessee, United States
in 110d Moscow Python Conf, Fri Mar/27 (1d) @ Moscow, Russia
in 116d PyCon Italy, Thu-Sun Apr/2-5 (4d) @ Florence, Italy
in 129d PyCon US, Wed-Thu Apr/15-23 (9d) @ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
in 160d PyTexas, Sat+Sun May/16+17 (2d) @ Austin, Texas, United States
in 225d EuroPython, Mon-Sun Jul/20-26 (7d) @ Dublin, Ireland
in 230d PyOhio, Sat+Sun Jul/25+26 (2d) @ Columbus, Ohio, United States
in 232d EuroSciPy, Mon-Fri Jul/27-31 (5d) @ Bilbao, Spain
in 232d GeoPython, Mon-Fri Jul/27-31 (5d) @ Bilbao, Spain
in 311d PyConDE & PyData Berlin, Wed-Fri Oct/14-16 (3d) @ Berlin, Germany
$ kickoff
to list upcoming football tournaments from around the world. Will print:
Upcoming Football Tournaments:
NOW ON 18d Women's World Cup 2015, Sat-Sun Jun/6-Jul/5 (30d) @ Canada › World (FIFA)
NOW ON 13d Copa América 2015, Thu-Sat Jun/11-Jul/4 (24d) @ Chile › South America (CONMEBOL)
in 14d Gold Cup / Copa de Oro 2015, Tue-Sun Jul/7-26 (20d) @ United States+Canada › North America (CONCACAF)
in 346d Copa América 2016, Fri-Sun Jun/3-26 (24d) @ United States › South America (CONMEBOL)
in 353d European Championship (Euro) 2016, Fri-Sun Jun/10-Jul/10 (31d) @ France › Europe (UEFA)
in 1087d World Cup 2018, Thu-Sun Jun/14-Jul/15 (32d) @ Russia › World (FIFA)
$ beerfest
to list upcoming beer festivals from around the world. Will print:
Upcoming Beerfests:
in 9d Ottakringer Braukultur Wochen (9 Brauereien in 9 Wochen), Thu-Wed Jul/2-Sep/2 (63d) @ 16., Ottakring › Vienna / Wien › Austria / Österreich (at) › Central Europe › Europe
in 31d Annafest ("Auf den Kellern"), Fri-Mon Jul/24-Aug/3 (11d) @ Forchheim › Upper Franconia / Oberfranken › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
in 32d Kulmbacher Bierwoche, Sat-Sun Jul/25-Aug/2 (9d) @ Kulmbach › Upper Franconia / Oberfranken › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
in 58d Sandwerka (Sandkirchweih), Thu-Mon Aug/20-24 (5d) @ Bamberg › Upper Franconia / Oberfranken › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
in 88d Oktoberfest ("Die Wiesn"), Sat-Sun Sep/19-Oct/4 (16d) @ Munich / München › Upper Bavaria / Oberbayern › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
in 123d Biermesse Ried (Festival der Biervielfalt), Sat+Sun Oct/24+25 (2d) @ Ried i. Innkreis › Upper Austria / Oberösterreich › Austria / Österreich (at) › Central Europe › Europe
Note: You can pass in local or remote datafiles in the markdown, yaml or csv formats instead of using the built-in / pre-configured datafiles. Example:
$ rubyconf https://github.com/planetruby/calendar/raw/master/_data/conferences2023.yml
# - or -
$ rubyconf conferences2023.yml # note: assumes a saved (local) copy in the working dir (./)
$ pycon https://github.com/python-organizers/conferences/raw/master/2023.csv
# - or
$ pycon 2023.csv # note: assumes a saved (local) copy in the working dir (./)
$ kickoff https://github.com/footballbook/calendar/raw/master/README.md
# - or -
$ kickoff README.md # note: assumes a saved (local) copy in the working dir (./)
Use the whatson
command line tool as a "generic catch-all" to print any type of event.
$ whatson https://github.com/planetruby/calendar/raw/master/_data/conferences2023.yml \
Note: whatson
is pre-configured (that is, if you do not pass along any datafiles)
to print ongoing and upcoming ruby and python conferences.
For easy (re)use you can write all datafiles in a text file and pass along the
text file. Example - conf.txt
# conf.txt - What's On Datafiles
And pass along to whatson
. Example:
$ whatson conf.txt
Resulting back in 2020:
reading >conf.txt<...
reading >https://github.com/planetruby/calendar/raw/master/_data/conferences2020.yml<...
reading >https://github.com/python-organizers/conferences/raw/master/2020.csv<...
Upcoming Events:
in 60d Rubyfuza, Thu-Sat Feb/6-8 (3d) @ Cape Town, South Africa
in 62d PyCascades, Sat+Sun Feb/8+9 (2d) @ Portland, Oregon, United States
in 72d ParisRB Conf, Tue+Wed Feb/18+19 (2d) @ Paris, France
in 72d PyCon Namibia, Tue-Thu Feb/18-20 (3d) @ Windhoek, Namibia
- Calendar @ Planet Ruby - a collection of awesome Ruby events (meetups, conferences, camps, etc.) from around the world
- Calendar @ World Football Book - a collection of awesome football tournaments, cups, etc. from around the world
- Calendar @ World Beer Book - a collection of awesome beer events (oktoberfest, starkbierfest, etc.) from around the world
Just install the gem:
$ gem install whatson
The whatson
scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the ruby-talk mailing list. Thanks!