Megasource is a CMake-buildable collection of all LÖVE dependencies.
It is currently only officially supported on Windows, but may also work on macOS. It could certainly also work on Linux, but good package managers makes megasource less relevant there.
This repository uses git tags for the library dependencies of a specific released version of LÖVE.
For in-development versions of LÖVE, there may be a branch in this repository corresponding to a similar branch in the love repository.
- Windows.
- LOVE 12+: Visual Studio 2019 or newer.
- LOVE 11 and older: Visual Studio 2013 or newer. Official builds of LOVE 11 and older use Visual Studio 2013.
- CMake 3.1 or greater.
- NSIS if you want to build the LÖVE installer.
To build just the dependencies for 64 bit x86 using Visual Studio 2022:
$ git clone megasource
$ cd megasource
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build --target megatest --config Release
... or you can open the solution file in Visual Studio and build from there instead of invoking cmake --build.
To build for a different version of Visual Studio (or a different build tool), replace "Visual Studio 17 2022"
with one of the other build system generators. For example Visual Studio 2019 is "Visual Studio 16 2019"
Similarly, to build for a different architecture than 64 bit x86, use a different architecture name for the -A
If you want to build LÖVE, clone LÖVE into the libs folder. Megasource will automatically look for it there. E.g.:
$ git clone megasource
$ cd megasource
$ git clone libs/love
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build --target love/love --config Release
The binaries can be found in build/love/Release.
If you want to build the installer, replace the previous build command with:
$ cmake --build build --target PACKAGE --config Release
A zip with the binaries and the installer will appear in build.